A Stimulating Valentine…

I have a bit of an odd sense of humor which I realized would be perfect for this week’s Valentine’s Day Caption Challenge assignment. As soon as I saw this illustration, I knew what I wanted to do. I decided to make a joke out of the man’s crotch, which the woman in the photo seems to be staring at. I am also a bit of a CNN junkie and have heard the term ‘stimulus package’ thrown around quite a bit in the past few months and thought it would be perfect to use as part of the caption.

A Stimulating Valentine's Day Card

To make my valentine, I downloaded the illustration and immediately re-uploaded it to my account, tagging it and giving it a title. I then chose to edit it using the built in Aviary editor that Flickr has built into it and added the text “I hope you like my stimulus package…” to the top of the illustration using the Zeyada font that is been built in to Aviary, finding it to be stylistically appropriate.

Overall, I did not find the assignment to be all that difficult  Thinking up the caption was the hardest part for me but I really enjoyed doing this assignment.

You should be Afraid

I couldn’t resist a PMS take on this card, because I’m pretty sure this picture sums up my husband’s expression right around that time of the month. Do you think this is why some cultures isolate women at this time? Not because we’re ‘unclean” but because we’re scary?

Valentine’s Day Caption

The first visual assignment we were told to do was create a caption for a cheesy Valentine’s Day card. I thought the cards were hilarious and was excited to do it! After trying (and failing) to create the caption on GIMP I decided to resort to Photoshop since I have it. The problem I was having [...]

Valentine Challenge 2013

Where I share my twisted sense of humour with DS106 for Valentine’s Day. As always a fun DS106 challenge and I hope I’ve *ahem* risen to the occasion.

Annie Fuck LL Bean.

It’s a disappointing sweater.

That Special ds106 Valentine Moment

Just put the phone away, will ya?

cc licensed ( BY SA ) flickr photo shared by cogdogblog

This one is for the Valentine’s Day Caption Challenge a rather special one since it was former ds106 student Sara K who sent this out as a challenge last year. It’s only fitting with Valentines Day tomorrow t put it through the ds106 treatment, this assignment is required of all my students for this week in visual storytelling.

The task?

I was in Urban Outfitters the other day and stumbled across a postcard pack labeled “Unbridled Passion” by Franco Accornero. It’s a collection of 30 different postcards from an artist who has painted more than 5,000 romance novel covers (as well as westerns, thrillers and sci-fi books). The postcards are really ridiculous on their own, but I thought for this Valentine’s day I would make them even funnier but adding my own captions.

That’s where the 2012 Valentine’s Day Caption Challenge for #ds106 comes into play: I challenge you to make your own captions for these postcards! You can use any photo editor or the Aviary one built right into flickr to add the caption.

Download one blank card from my flick set and add a caption that raises the love spirit to a new level. In addition to writing it up on your blog, when you post yours to flickr include the tag ds106valentine so we can assemble them all into giant virtual card set.

I chose romance-8 because of the obvious intensity of the lovers but in a way, they looked kind of distracted, as if they were watching their mobile devices in their other hand.

Yes, we are taking all of the Hallmarkian sugar coated romance out of the day.

I have a photoshop template I have used on other assignments that has the text broken out as separate layers. I fished around twitter for an account for a sports fan and a popular tv show and wrote messages as if they were BFF with each of the lovers.

Ah, romance.

Valentine Friends are Forever, … Aren’t They??

“Friends Forever, … or just for Life?” by iamtalkytina, on Flickr

I was so happy when I read that my good and dear friend Alan (@cogdog)was encouraging us all to share our Valentine love! This little challenge by SaraK (cali4beach) is just wonderful! I am so looking forward to receiving your Valentine’s Day greetings!

I found this special picture and then searched high and low for hours, looking for just the right fonts. By searching using the terms “free fonts romantic” I was finally able to settle on two — Blessed Day font (by Billy Argel, for personal use only) and Precious (by Bolt Cutter Design , commercial-use friendly), both shared on fontspace.com. Aren’t they nice fonts? They are very friendly, and oh-so-romantic, too. Just wonderful for my special friends!!

After importing the image into Photoshop, and working to fit my title “Friends Forever” into the upper left corner, I decided I needed some extra space, and so I increased the Canvas Size (upwards and to the left, by clicking the cell in the lower right corner to fix the original image there) to gain a bit more space for a slightly larger font size and some white space for wiggle room. To fill in the left and top margins, I used primarily the Clone Stamp tool, with a bit of the Healing Brush tool, to fill and smoothen. I also gave both the girl and the boy some nice hair extensions — can you tell? I especially like the stylish skunk-streak the girl has coming out of her forehead. .

Once the background was fixed, I moved the text around, added a whole slew of fx settings to the text (bevel, emboss, inner glow, outer glow, drop shadow — the works), just to get my special fonts looking so wonderful. I stuck with pink and red — the colour of Valentine’s Day — as the primary choices. I think red has something to do with blood, and how hot it runs? Isn’t that true?

Once done, I exported my image as a 1200 pixel wide jpg — nice for looking at online — uploaded it to my new Flickr account, and then embedded a 640 pixel wide image here on my blog. I also tagged it with the proper tags, ds106, VisualAssignments, VisualAssignments931, and the assignment title, “Valentines Day Caption Challenge.” I also tagged cali4beach, Alan Levine, @cogdog, Friends Forever, card, Valentines Day, and, as always, Friends.

I hope you all like it! Happy Valentine’s Day. I will be watching my inbox and twitter account for signs of your own shared love for me.

Jeb’s Telescope

Well, it should be clear why this has happened.


Happy Prince-less Awareness Day**…

I feel as though this 2 star challenge is my calling. I love Valentine’s Day, I spend every Valentine’s weekend with two of my three sisters and we always watch John Tucker Must Die and eat pints of ice cream and just catch up (since out of the six people in my family we live in 4 different states). So while Valentine’s Day is special to me, I never have really shared it with someone special (whomppp). So here comes the best part, this assignment lets us pick a blank Valentine’s Day card and add a caption for it. First of all, these selections were just too perfect, but I ended up picking this picture because it just seemed to be one of the most awkward ones.

romance covers-4

Instantly I thought that the boy in the background was particularly creeping on the girl in the front, so I wanted to do something like that. The story I had imagined in my head was that he had a huge crush on her and finally had the guts to give the “popular girl” a note confessing his love to her. Seems realistic right? So I saved the picture and imported it into GIMP. I then used the text box editor to add text in three spots; the top of the picture, bottom of the picture, and on the note itself. In order to make the color of the text tell you who the perspective was from, I used the same color from the guy’s sweater to be text color (which I thought was a nice touch). So what did I write? Why don’t you find out right now!


Thanks for reading!
Princess Karissa

Valentine’s Day Caption Challenge

A quick and silly assignment I thought I’d do is the Valentine’s Day Challenge. I downloaded the image from flickr and in Photoshop used the text tool to type in my caption.

Valentine’s Day Caption Challenge DS106

Valentine’s Day Caption Challenge DS106