Pricked by the Arrow

I try and tell a story using GIFs, and you try and guess what the story is!

And The Tail Began

My Process

First, I had to decide on a myth to tell a story using gifs for this assignment. Once I had figured out the story I was going to tell, I looked it up online to make sure I did not forget anything. I then used Giphy to look up the different gifs to use. Can you guess the story? Need any hints?

Guess what Folktale!

Use at least five GIFs to tell a myth, folklore, or legend. Add a few hints about what story you are depicting to help people guess. Be creative with the GIFs you find and try to find a lesser-known story to tell. It can also make fun of the story. Post the GIF story on your blog and let people guess what the story is.

Assignment Bank- Web Assignments

The story begins . . .

Two fat children stumbled upon a sweet house in the middle of the woods.

The house belonged to an old woman.

She let the children eat all of the candy they wanted.

The old woman let them rest in her hot tub.

After the hot tub, the now even fatter children fell asleep at the woman’s house.

The old woman was actually a witch, and she cooked the children.

The End.

What is this story?

If you guessed a really simple, probably not 100% version of Hansel and Gretel, then you would be correct! Those children should have known that it is never a good idea to eat a witch’s house without facing any consequences.

I chose this story because I thought it would be shocking and funny when you just take its bare bones. The gifs do not reveal the story, except for the very last one, but I thought it was the perfect gif.

When first doing this assignment, I did not know which story to choose. I was originally going to do Goldilocks and the three bears, but I liked Hansel and Gretel better. I remembered that story a little more, so I just went with that one. The story is not very accurate, but you can still get the idea that it is about Hansel and Gretel AKA the two fat children.

A GIF Story

The instructions for the “Guess the Story” assignment were to “Use at least five GIFs to tell a myth, folklore, or legend. Add a few hints about what story you are depicting to help people guess. Be creative with the GIFs you find and try to find a lesser known story to tell. It can also make fun the of story. Post the GIF story on your blog and let people guess what the story is.”

I decided on a story the both ties in with the theme for the class and is related to the radio show that I helped create last week. Do you think you can guess what it is? I’ll give you a hint… it’s the story of a secret agent! I’ll give the answer at the bottom of my post.

Could you guess what it was? It’s the story of Kingsman: The Secret Service! The first gif represents where Eggsy’s life is heading at the beginning of the movie. The second gif is Harry Hart, always watching him. The third gif is after Eggsy is recruited by Hart and begins training. The Fourth gif represents Richmond Valentine’s evil plot. And the fifth gif is Eggsy at the end of the movie after he saves the day.

It took me a little while to figure out what story I wanted to tell with this assignment, and even longer to find gifs that I wanted to use. I’m not sure if people will be able to guess it, but I’m proud of the gifs I used and how I was able to tie both the theme and my radio show into my assignment.

A Myth! With a twist

For 3 stars I told a myth with 5 gifs. However, I wanted to change the ending a tad to make it a happy and not sad ending. Here’s the gifs!

In this story depicted. Big foot is sighted by someone, that person in scared, but Bigfoot wants to say that he’s not scary so he dances and then walks up to the person and hugs them so he can tell them he’s nice and not mean!!

Guess The Gif Story!

I thought it would be fun to try my hand at this assignment, where we have to make a story out of gifs that we found!

I decided to try out my favorite story of all time. I used this gif website in order to find a large database of gifs to use. It was funny seeing how it pieced all together and trying to figure out which gif to use to get the general idea of how that part in the story went.

Heres the story! Hope you’re able to guess it ?

We’re you able to guess it?!?! I hope so, its a pretty well known legend turned-disney movie. I love that Disney adapted it into a great, happily ever after, even though the actual story is pretty morbid. XD

Overall it was pretty fun piecing it all together and flashing back to the movie to see in which order the events went. I love classic tales!


Guess That Story!!

For my second web assignment this week I decided to do a three star assignment called guess the story. This assignment asks that individuals attempt to tell a particular story using gifs and providing some simple hints. These stories can be anything and the harder they are to tell the harder it is to guess.

So with that I mainly put together five gifs that display the premise of a popular television series. Being a tv show it’s hard to put together a story with gifs of one particular episode so I thought it’d be cool to put together a couple gifs that are consistent with the theme of the show instead. That being said I found my gifs on the website giphy which is a site that contains thousands of gifs and has been something that I have used numerous times throughout this semester in this course. I love this site and rely on it of most of gifs. Once I found the five gifs I wanted to use I just copied the embed code and pasted it below.

See if you can guess what show I’m hinting at by looking at the gifs below!

Clue: In her free time you can catch her at the football field working on her cheerleading.

Clue: Or munching on some delicious tacos and burritos with her friends at the best Mexican place in town.

Clue: Sometimes… okay all the time… she’s hanging around God’s disgusting mistake, other wise known as a naked mole rat.

Clue: She’s always using her trusty phone to contact friends, family, and other important people. You’ll never see her go without it.

Clue: Oh and she sometimes saves the word!

If you guessed the television show Kim Possible, you’re correct!

This activity was super fun to do and I loved how easy it was to create. I think it helped spark a bit of a creative side in me. I decided to create the story of Kim Possible through the use of gifs because it was something that was highly discussed in my groups radio show “Girl Power”. I wanted to somehow tie this activity back to our radio show in some way. While it wasn’t anything major in terms of expanding on what we talked about I in some way managed to incorporate a specific person we discussed in our show.

Kim Possible is super awesome secret agent who strives to break borders in a male dominated genre. In our show “Girl Power” we really focused on talking about individuals like her and Mrs. Smith, etc. who try to diversify the genre of secret agents even if they are molded into some stereotypes. Our show was very successful in my opinion and I enjoyed creating it with my group members, I think thats why I wanted to incorporate it in some way to this activity.

Ultimately the hardest thing for me with this assignment was deciding on what story I wanted to tell and what gifs I wanted to use. It took me a while to realize I could relate this back to my groups show and once I did, it made the assignment so much easier. I felt Kim Possible was an easy story to hint at while also not completely blowing it. Maybe my group could do fun activities like this with other female agents stories on another show!

Guess This Story

This assignment focused on us coming up with a series of gifs to help tell a story. I really enjoyed this assignment because it allowed us to be creative and try and tell a story without words. That seems to be the common theme for the week and I think it adds a great component to the storytelling theme. I think stories don’t always need words. It’s important for people to see what is going on.

So to start off this story I decided to do based on all our lives. (Not trying to give away any hints). I wanted to make it relatable to all of us and everything that we do in our day to day lives. Pretty much to sum it up I wanted to a day in a life of a college kid and focus on an interesting day.

I decided to use gifs from the web and see what I could come up with. Overall the only difficulty I really found with this assignment was being able to come up with gifs that would make it noticeable for everybody to tell what was going on. Let me know if you guess the story right!

Image result for getting out of bed gif
Image result for go eat breakfast gif
Image result for study for a test gif
Image result for take test gif
Image result for fail test and stress gif

Guessing a ‘Grimm’ story with Gifs

They say a picture is worth a thousand words…so I wonder how many words a moving picture is worth?

I’ve had to create a story using nothing but audio for this class before, however one of this week’s assignments tasked us to tell story using nothing but GIFs.

This web assignment was titled “Guess that Story.” Using nothing but Gifs and a few clues, the task was to tweet at least 5 Gifs that perfectly depict a myth, folklore, or legend.

Think you know what Grimm Brother story I am telling using GIFs?

It’s Jack and the Bean Stalk!

Jack and the bean stalk was one of my favorite myths when I was a kid. I loved the adventurous side of Jack and one of my favorite childhood activities was climbing up trees, just like Jack (although he climbed a beanstalk). So when I saw this assignment, I immediately knew that I wanted to find Gifs that could describe this story!

The hardest part of this assignment was actually finding the GIFs to tell my story. I wanted to find GIFs that could provide great insight to my classmates about what story I was possibly telling, without being too obvious or giving too much away. However, I think I did a great job finding the perfect Gifs that told the story of Jack and the Beanstalk without being too obvious. And too help my classmates out, I included captions with each picture that contained one emphasized word that I think contributed to helping my classmates guess my story!

I had a lot of fun with this assignments. I use GIFs a lot when I text, and sometimes carry entire conversations with my friends using GIFs only, so it was really fun to have the chance to use my love of gifs for an assignment to tell a story using only GIFs!

Guess the Story

This assignment required me to tell a story using at least 5 gifs. I had a little trouble beginning the assignment because the link I was using to embed some of the gifs refused to work. I then decided to go about it via Twitter since all the gifs I found on were also on there. If you click the link to my Twitter above, you can follow the gif story!

The assignment required me to have the viewers guess the story, so if you haven’t seen my tweets yet, don’t read the next sentence yet! The overall story of my gifs is the story your parents would tell you growing up: don’t eat watermelon seeds or a watermelon will grow inside of you. My first gif is of a cat eating a slice of watermelon, then someone telling them not to do that (eat the seeds), then the cat (or man) is sick in bed, next is a gif of Amy Poehler pregnant (pretend it’s the watermelon), and the last gif is a woman with a watermelon slice as her skirt, but we’ll pretend she is now part watermelon.

This assignment was really easy, but it forced me to be a little creative. Something that isn’t exactly one of my strong suits. However, I enjoyed the idea of telling a story through the use of gifs!