Cooking up Kittens

Storytelling Within the Web

 you will be intervening in the code and design of a website of your choice to tell a story. You are not to photoshop the design of the site, but rather intervene in the actual html and CSS of the site—though you can photoshop particular images on the site. Essentially you alter the content of a web page (content, images) to make it tell a new story.”

For this assignment I made a google search about cooking up kittens. Before you think I’m totally crazy.. there is a story. I got a kitten this summer, 8 weeks old and all of 2 lbs on a fat day. I’m sure you’ve seen him in my pictures and previous posts. He is adorable, but definitely a bit of a menace, so all summer while I was home my dad would joke that he was only still around because he was too small to eat yet (strange sense of humor in my family I know). Hence the idea of kitten recipes.

I made this site my google searching chicken recipes and then changing the word chicken to kittens throughout the page with the X-Ray Goggles program. Then I copied the raw HTML code for the site, went to my UMW domain site, created a sub-domain, went to files and edited the index file inside the new sub-domain to create the site. I don’t know if this was the way I was supposed to do it, but it worked!

Here is my site:

and some screen shots:

Hacking Away…

I thought this assignment was going to be very difficult and decided to take it on at the beginning of the week. Like most things about this class, I was wrong. Hackasaurus makes it so simple to do!

I got the inspiration for this ad during a halloween costume search. I came across the cutest dog dressed up in a dinosaur costume and couldn’t stop laughing. It popped back in my head when I saw the website was hackaSAURUS. I decided that was the obvious thing for me to do. I found the two picture of the Boston Terriers using google images and just changed some of the information on a Craigslist ad.






Google Recipe Search

he google recipe secret ingredient is… Children!

A Dirty Cop Cleans Himself Up: Soiled Harry

Basically, I transformed Harry the tough “do you fell lucky, punk” bad-ass into a pathetic loser with B.O, who undergoes a emotion jerking process of self-discovery:

On the Fence

MSN News tells the real story of the UMW fences!

Storytelling Within the Web

From the Spring 2011 ds106 class came the idea of changing up an existing web page to tell a new story ” you will be intervening in the code and design of a website of your choice to tell a story. You are not to photoshop the design of the site, but rather intervene in the actual html and CSS of the site—though you can photoshop particular images on the site. Essentially you alter the content of a web page (content, images) to make it tell a new story.

Originally we recommended doing this using the Firebug extension in the Firefox browser, which does work, but is unfortunately easy to lose your work. We currently recommend Mozilla Hackasaurus — install the X-Ray Googles in any browser and use it to re-cast the content of any web page.

When you blog it, include both a screen capture in your post, but you will also need to upload the web files (HTML and media files) to your own site so it can exist as a stand alone URL. (see our older Firebug Tutorial)

Consider using news sites, social media profiles, product pages, movie review pages etc. The simpler the design of the page, the easer it will be (think Craig’s List).