That Bucket List Though!

This writing assignment will be challenging me to create a bucket list of at least 5 things I’d like to do in my life! To relate this to our course theme of the 80s, however, I will be revising this assignment slightly. Instead of a bucket list for things I would like to do in the future, this will be a bucket list of things I would like to do if I were able to go back to the 80s!


#1: Go see Star Wars in theaters!

I think this would be my first stop during my time travel visit to the 80s. I’ve always enjoyed Star Wars, and there’s something exciting about the fun of watching it with people who would be watching it for the first time!

. This poster shows a montage of scenes from the movie. Dominating the background is the dark visage of Darth Vader; in the foreground, Luke Skywalker sits astride a tauntaun; Han Solo and Princess Leia gaze at each other while in a romantic embrace; Chewbacca, R2-D2, and C-3PO round out the montage.

#2: Try McDonald’s Pizza

Okay, I don’t know how I feel about it either… But I’m always willing to try something at least once! Apparently, in 1986, McDonald’s decided to launch a new campaign… for pizza!

mcdonalds pizza 80s nostalgia

#3: Watched the “Miracle on Ice” in person

I remember watching the movie, “Miracle,” with my dad several years ago. It seemed like such a magical moment, and more so, an incredibly important moment in world events! For those who don’t know, it was when a group of amateur U.S. hockey players beat veteran Soviet Union hockey players in the 1980 Winter Olympics.

The 1980s facts

#4: Go to the arcade

Cliché, yes, but I’m always up for fun. Growing up, my dad bought an Atari for my siblings and me. So I was exposed to a lot of super fun games like Pong! I would love the experience of exploring the arcade with a pocketful of quarters and playing games I know and others that I don’t.

Image result for arcade

#5: Drive a DMC Delorean, AKA Back to the Future Car

If I can travel back in time, I can also have enough hypothetical money to buy myself a car! My purchase would be the DMC Delorean, the same model car that was used as a time machine in the Back to the Future movies! Who knows, maybe it would be my ride back to present day!

Image result for dmc delorean

Bucket List?

Most people can come up with a bunch of things they want to do before they die. I am grateful and feel lucky that I have already accomplished some of the items that would be on my bucket list. With that being said, I am going to make a bucket list and strike through the ones I already did but at other points as well.

Image result for bucket list
  1. Go to Italy and see Rome, Florence, and Venice -I wanted to go because that’s where my family is from and I though it would be beautiful
  2. Swim with dolphins- I think they are gorgeous creatures that have their own language
  3. Go to Greece and visit or Italian countryside- the countryside I think is just breathtaking and romantic
  4. Get a piece of land to live on with horses- It has always been a dream to have horses that I could ride whenever I wanted to
  5. I would like to go on vacation and jot have to worry about money so as my dad says live like I’m a millionaire for a while- I would like this because I have always been cautious about money and being careful How I choose to spend it.
  6. I want to be able to get a Kate Spade purse- while I do have the money I can’t bring myself to buy it but I think they are a dream purse I would want
  7. I want to ride on a yacht- While this one is very odd I think it could be so cool to pretend to be rich for a day
  8. Get married- that’s a dream of mine to marry someone I want to spend the rest of my life with

For this assignment I needed to think of things I would want to do and make a bucket list based off this assignment worth 2 stars. The few things I thought of growing up I have been able to accomplish so now I feel like its more of a thing list because I have everything else. I am happy, I have a good family, and I have been able to do some traveling. With this list I really had to think about what else I would want that I have not done yet. The inspiration for this assignment comes from my life, what I have wanted since I was a child and what I think I could practically reach now.

This assignment was relatively easy for me though, it just time and thought to come up with ideas for a bucket list. It was fun and creative to sit and think about what I would want to do or get if I had money and things I just want to be part of. This assignment was different from ones I would normally pick because it was basically open ended but I thought it could be interesting to try it and see how I can be.

Bucket List

  1. Live to be 100- Okay, I tell this story whenever I can, so congratulations, you get to hear it too. I want to live to be 100 so Smuckers will wish me a happy birthday on the Today show. When I was a little kid I used to watch the Today show with my mom and I couldn’t believe anyone lived to be 100, and I was super impressed that they received a birthday shout out from Smuckers, my favorite brand for strawberry jelly. So, my goal in life is to live to be 100 so I can be one of those lucky few.
  2. Visit every continent- I love traveling. I want to be able to say I have been to every continent. I think everyone should travel if the opportunity presents itself, so I am hoping I can continue to travel to this capacity in the future.
  3. See the Mona Lisa- I feel this is something I have to do, because it is quite literally the most famous and recognizable artwork in the world. I need to see her in person!
  4. Go Skydiving- So my mom went skydiving while we lived in Hawaii. I was probably two years old when this occurred. None of you have ever met my mom, but believe me, she doesn’t look like the kind of person that would ever even consider skydiving. I feel like I need to try it once because if she can do it… I definitely can do it too.
  5. Get a master’s degree- Education has always been super important to me. I want to be able to continue my education after undergrad, and as a graduating senior, grad school is definitely an option, but not financially. I need to work and gain experience, but I also hope that work and life don’t get in the way of me pursuing my next degree.

Writing assignment 1738

My top 5 things on my bucket list is

  1. Get my Dream Job
  2. Own a car that I am proud of
  3. Get Married
  4. Have a house of my own
  5. Start a business

1)Get my dream Job

My dream job is to become a police officer. I;ve wanted to be one for about 5 years now. Their responsibilities have always intrigued me. The amount of stress they have to deal with on a daily basis is immense and i have a great deal of respect for them. They put their lives first in order to protect us and they dont deserve enough credit. I have been in contact with my local sheriffs office and have spent around 150 hours shadowing deputies on ride alongs. MY plan is to apply my senior year while at UMW

2) Own a car that im proud of

I really enjoy working on cars and driving them fast. however because of finantial reasons i havent been able to do as much with this passion as i would like to. Most of my time on the internet is done researching cars. When i am finantially stable i hope to own a few cars that i fall in love with.

3) Get Married

I’ve had the idea of getting married in my ideal future for as long as i can remember. I hope to spend my future with someone with whom i love greatly

4) Have a house of my own

I cant wait until the day i am in my own place that i am paying for. I dont like relying on my parents for things. So I hope i can move out shortly after graduating.

5)Start a business

I have always had an interest in starting a busniness, whether it be a restaurant, and car detailing company, a car wash. I have lots of ideas, too many passionaes than i know what to do with. Hopefully one day i can put them to use

I chose this writing assignment because i thought itd be fun to put down a quick top five goals sort of thing to see what my priorities were.

Assignment Bank #3

I was very interested in this assignment. All the time do I say that something is on my bucket list, but never write it down. I thought this assignment would be easier than it was. I thought as soon as I was thinking of things I wanted to put on my bucket list, ideas would shoot out onto the page, but nothing came to me. I had to go to Pinterest for inspiration, and after about fifteen minutes I had my five things complete. Writing about why I wanted to do them were really simple, as I listed things I genuinely wanted to do. I wrote all of the things I wanted to do onto a sheet of paper and then went to my blog to make a post explaining everything. I plan to keep this as a part of a new bucket list that I will remember forever. I will add to it and eventually have a complete list that I will carry out through my life. I made a bucket list years ago that I thought I had stashed in my closet, but it wasn’t there. I either did everything on the list, or eventually thought it was time to part with it because I wasn’t interested in the events on it. I’m super excited to have started a new one. I hope to actually carry out the actions on it this time.

Bucket List

For this assignment I had to make a bucket list of five things:

-Buy tickets for a random flight.

Believe it or not, I have never been on an airplane. I do not even have a passport. Flying is something that I’ve always wanted to do. My father talks about how when he was working for an airport, flights were cheap. This means that after work sometimes, with his friends, he would buy random plane tickets and get on a flight. Once he landed he would just get right back on a returning flight home. I would prefer to stay and travel once I arrive at my destination. This seems to be an ULTIMATE road trip. There is nothing better than to make memories with loved ones, but being able to explore the world is incomparable.

-Go to Paris

This is somewhere where I have always wanted to go. During high school graduation, my school offered a trip across Europe. I was highly inclined to take this trip, but seeing as I would go without any of my friends through an experience I had never enacted, I opted to spend my summer at home. It was quite expensive but my parents were supportive and gifted it to me for being the first in my family to graduate with an Advanced Diploma. I am deeply saddened by the fact that the love lock bridge is now extinct, as I dreamed of going there with the love of my life and sealing our love forever.

-See a play on Broadway

A common theme with me is that I make plans and want to travel but nothing ever follows through. My friend is an avid Broadway fan. She will take a bus to New York by herself just to see Hamilton for the 17th time. We have talked about going, but we never have. New York is such an idolized city. I’m actually quite a big fan of Sex and the City and Friends, and not only would I like to see a Broadway play, but I’d also love to explore the city of so many inspirations.

-See the Northern Lights

The Northern Lights are so beautiful that they seem like they’re unreal. This is an unusual connection, but I watched a Bob Ross video where he painted and talked about the Northern Lights and one always trusts Bob Ross. I feel like pictures just don’t do it justice, and the only way to fully appreciate it would be to see it in person.

-Go on a color run

This may sound simple but it seems like such an amazing experience. The pictures during these runs are beautiful. The only downfall is I am definitely not a runner. This seems like a great idea, but it will take months of preparation. I can barely even walk from the parking deck to Jepson without almost passing out. I would not be trying to win the race whatsoever, I would just be there to make memories and have fun.

Yes, This Is My Bucket List

This is my bucket list for the current 2k18..well 5 items off of it! I was able to achieve 2 stars for this! It was very fun to do! ?

  1. Attend a least one major award show: Ever since I was little, I’ve always wanted to actually be at an awards show. No matter if its the VMA’s or the Emmys, I want to be there with all that exciting energy AND all those celebrities!
  2. Hold a monkey: Ok, I’m sure you are thinking, why would that be on a bucket list. Every since I was young, I had this fascination with monkeys. Being in Virginia and not somewhere like Florida, I’m never going to be able to walk into a pet store and see a monkey.
  3. Be in a movie: Whether as an extra or the lead, or a major motion picture or a small budget, I would LOVE to participate in a movie. The process is just so amazing and complex that I would be very happy to be an actress.
  4. Drive, write again, only say yes: This number 4 on my list wouldn’t be number 100 on others. After I got my disease, I lost many things such as writing and driving. These things will come with time. Hopefully sooner than later.
  5. Go to Australia: Australia is one of the most incredible and interesting places in the world. It is also on the other side of the world. That’s what makes it hard and expensive to get there. That’s also why I want to be there so bad.

Bucket List

The assignment I chose to do for two stars is to create a bucket list. I’ve made one years ago when I was in middle school, but I threw it away when I was about half a page into it. I think it’ll be fun to make another one, and maybe if I write it down, i’ll be more likely to actually do it!

  1. skydive: I’m afraid of heights, so I think this will be a terrifying way to hopefully get over that fear
  2. Travel the world: I just want to see different cultures, and experience everything first hand
  3. get a dog: I know I can easily do this one, but I want to be a little more financially stable and be able to have more time to devote to him or her
  4. Move out of Virginia: I believe this one will happen way sooner than I imagine because I’m applying to jobs all around the country and world
  5. Bungee jump: Just plain ol terrifying, but seems so awesome

That’s just a few things I really want to do and accomplish. There are so many more things, but that would take literally all day to type out.

Complete 12 Stars

Motivational Poster!

That Bucket List Though

I believe Robert Neville’s bucket list would contain these:

  • Find another living human
  • Beat my depression
  • See his daughter and wife once again
  • Beat Alcoholism
  • Find the cure

While Robert Neville was alive he did not find another living human. He lost his family thus made him spiral into a depression assisted by alcoholism. Eventually he wants to find a cure, goes to a library and read up books, but he is not a person capable of finding a cure.

Why So Serious?

I know I didn’t follow the purpose of the assignment, but it is comedy.

Mini Documentary

Mother Abagail’s To-do List

For two of my stars, I decided to make a to-do list for Abagail Freeman! I just used the post-it note app on my computer that I use to make lists and put down some of the things I thought she might need to do. This was really easy and definitely only worth two stars. The assignment was supposed to be a bucket list, but after living 108 years I feel like she might be more inclined to something a little more serious than a bucket list.