Dreamy Baseball Player

I fell asleep watching a movie and had a great dream. I met my favorite baseball player, Anthony Rizzo, who plays for the Chicago Cubs.

Once Upon a Dream


This a choice from the Writing Assignment bank. It was an easy choice for me because while I don’t dream that often, when I do dream it is often a recurring one. The one that immediately comes to mind is probably my personal version of a pretty common dream.

The whole dream takes place at the high school I went to:

I get to school, walk up to my locker, and all of I sudden I realize that I can’t remember the combination! I go to the guidance counselor to get the combination for some reason and then I head to my first class. In my mind, I know I am supposed to be in my history class but the teacher (who is the correct teacher) starts class, I realize she is actually going over some high level calculus! I start to panic but everyone around me is taking notes and acting like nothing unusual is happening. Anyways, I make it through this class and head to my next one (or at least what I thought was my next class). I get there and notice I don’t recognize the teacher or anyone else in the class. They tell me the entire school has been rearranged! I go to my vice principal  to try to figure things out but her office has moved too. I get completely anxious and overwhelmed and just start crying in a corner. Then I wake up.


Well there it is, a brief glimpse in to my strange subconscious. Most people have some version of the “can’t remember my locker combination” or “can’t remember my class schedule” but mine is particularly odd if you ask me.

ds106 Assignment: Can you vacuum a sidewalk?

ds106 Assignment: Can you vacuum a sidewalk?

I decided to attempt the Dream It… Write It assignment from the ds106 website. To complete this assignment you had to choose a dream that you have had and write about it in detail. I decided to choose this dream that  I had in 7th grade about my French Teacher. Mostly, because I can’t believe that at age 29 I still remember this dream and I really don’t understand it. I decided I was going to…

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Writing Assignment (2 1/2 Stars)

Dream It…Write It!

I keep having this dream:

I’m in my Dad’s house. I know it’s his house but somehow it’s different. I keep hearing screams. I keep running towards specific places like I am on a mission but I don’t know what that is. Then I see them. The walking dead. The zombies. I have somehow been put in the middle of the Zombie Apocalypse. But what scares me more than the zombies? My family being hurt. I run. Looking for them. Searching. Praying I can find and protect them. Each time is different, except one event. Right before I wake up my mom or dad is bitten. And I’m powerless to help them.

I think the reason I keep having this dream is because of the most wonderful show, The Walking Dead.

Thanks to the Internet,we have been graced with streaming videos. The power house? Netflix. Binge watching is the only way to watch. No longer do we have to wait a week for the next episode when you can finish a whole season in a week with Netflix.

My latest binge has been the Walking Dead and I often fall asleep during the episode… which is probably where my dreams come from.


But thank goodness I have Netflix and can watch all 3 of those episodes in a row.

Dream It…Write It

Every time I am sick, I have this dream. Everything around me is ten times bigger than it normally is. I am surrounded by objects that are humongous. I start to freak out because I am in this alternate universe where everything is growing and are closing in on me. At this point in my dream, I wake up because I am freaking out and being to have a panic attack. I start to pace around my room and sometimes my whole 15 acre property in order to soothe my mind. Then, I called my parents who were in my house with me, to explain to them that all the objects surrounding me were closing in on me. At some point, I would snap out of the dream and my parents would ask me what is wrong. I couldn’t muster up the courage to tell them what happened and to this day I have not told them.

Dream It…Write It!

Write about a dream you have had. It could be a recurring dream, a vivid dream, or even a dream that you make up. Be sure to describe every detail that you can remember from your dream.