Dear Mom….

Dear Mom,

I wanted to say thank you. Words cannot even begin to explain how grateful I am to have you as my mom. However, I will try my best to put just a fraction of what I’m grateful for into words. Thank you for everything that you have done for me thus far in my life. From the sleepless nights you went through when I was a baby to the long, long days of being a horse show mom. I’m sorry for all the times I disrespected you and made you mad. I really don’t know what I would do without you. I appreciate all the times you stuck up for me, pushed me to pursue my dreams, was by my side through every great success and every heartbreak. You have always been my number one supporter and biggest fan. I appreciate all the lessons you have taught me and have tried to teach me but I just wouldn’t listen. I later would find out that you were right…again. You are my rock above anything, anyone else. I love you so much and thank you again, for everything you have done for me to everything you will do for me in the future.

Love your daughter,



Dear Mom,


I just wanted to take the time to let you know how much I appreciate you.  Ever since I can remember, you were there always looking out for my best interest.  I understood it less as a child and more so now, but nevertheless, I want to say THANK YOU.

As I look back and realize the struggle that you went through in order for us to have the best life, I’m grateful.  Thank you for doing just that.  For showing us what hard work looks like; for showing me that there’s more to life; for showing me that humility is always a great way to go.  I know there were times when I was upset because i did not get what I wanted to go where I wanted, buy now I understand.  I guess, if I had to say that I wanted to you know one more thing outside of my being grateful, it would be “now I understand”.  I say this because now I understand what it is you were trying to show and teach us during the times where I couldn’t understand why.

You may not think you are at times – but I KNOW you are an amazing woman and I love you for all that you are and all you continue to do for me and my family!  Thanks mom!


Dearest Mother

How does one express their sentiments to their mother. Yes you can talk to them, but sometimes you want something a little more extra just so that they can see how you truly feel about hem. To express my love and appreciation to my mother I could call her and tell her but I want to do it in a way that she wouldn’t expect. This time i’m going to write her a letter as follows:

Dear Mommy,

I want to take this time to tell you how much I appreciate you and I love you. From the beginning, you were always there for me. Whenever I was sad, hurt, or sick, you were there to help me feel better. Sometimes when I am down, your words of encouragement and warm hugs help to lift me up. Thank you for being a listening ear and a shoulder me to cry on. When I’m having a rough day or just need someone to talk to, 9 times out of 10 I can come to you and you put your troubles to the side listen to me. When I’m angry or want to be petty, you generally encourage me to be the bigger person and do the right thing. When telling me how to handle a certain situation, you encourage me to do what’s right but you also make sure that I speak up don’t let others take advantage of me. You have a great sense of judgement. There were times growing up where I had trouble with friends and was upset when I felt as though they didn’t treat me or care for me the way I did for them.  While letting me express how I was feeling, you listened to me and then told me “these girls are not your true friends and they won’t matter in the future”. You told me “it’s ok to be cool with other people but while being cool with them I don’t have to change who I am and I shouldn’t confide in everyone”. You were absolutely right and even though I didn’t always want to listen to you and I wanted to do my own thing, I realized that you knew what you were talking about. I look back and laugh at all those times when me and Tarone’ would ask you a simple question or make a statement and you would turn it into a long lecture and somehow bring it back to the bible. From time to time you still do this and it can be annoying at some points but I wouldn’t change it for anything. I can be going about my day and one of your little “lectures” or sermons will replay in my head and I will understand what you were saying and see how I can apply it my what I’m experiencing. Thank you for your many prayers over me, our family, and my friends. I love you very much and hope that when I have a daughter, she and I will have a close bound like you and I have. There is so much more that I can continue to thank you for but that would make this a never ending letter. I appreciate everything that you have done for me and all that you will continue to do for me.

Love always and forever more,

-Tyra B.

Dear Mom,

Dear Mom,

I don’t even know where to start. They say you never truly appreciate your mom until you become a mom yourself… man is that true. This mom gig is hard. I feel like I never know what I’m doing or what’s coming.

When I was younger I thought you knew everything. Then I hit middle school… and suddenly I thought that you knew nothing & I knew everything. Thank you for putting up with me through a time when I hated everyone & everything. Once I hit Junior year of high school & started driving, got a car, and three jobs we started to get along. I craved independence and you finally gave in. But I know now how hard that must have been to let me go.

Now you still continue to give selflessly by helping watch my own kiddo while I finish up classes. Between the 16 credits and homework time I’m pretty sure he sees you just as much as he sees me. And he loves it. Thank you for being the most energetic “Yaya” ever even when you’re exhausted.

There’s no way I could put it all into a letter, but just know that you are greatly appreciated and I couldn’t ask for a better mom/Yaya.

Thank you.

A Letter for My Mother

Dear Mother,

Now that I have gone away to college, I have had time to think and reflect on our relationship. I know we have had our share of problems, but I hope in the future we are able to start getting past them.

Growing up, I don’t think you realized how hard it was for me to have my mother constantly bailing on our plans and never being available. I eventually learned the reason why. You weren’t a bad mother, you didn’t not like me, but you were being called off to help someone else in need. Even with that truth, it was still very hard for me to deal with. I needed you too! But you never understood. But, how could you? You feel that this is your calling.

This is not my calling. Which is also something you will never understand. I hope you can forgive me for that, as I have forgiven you for bringing me into a world as a freak, as a super human. One day you will see, I was just not meant for this life.

I hope this letter doesn’t upset you, I just want you to know that I love you, and want to work on things. Maybe you can come visit sometime.

All my love,



(This assignment was the To Your Mom assignment worth 4 stars.)

Dear Mom…

Dear Mom,

Thank you for taking on the lifelong journey of parenting me. As I have grown older, I have realized more and more how much you wanted and want to be a mom, my mom. From the day I was born, you wanted me. I know that you want to protect me from the world, but we both know that you can’t and that it gets harder and harder to do so the older I get. But do know that you have prepared me for as many challenges as you could, and that when I encounter problems in the future, I have tools I learned and received from you to work through them.

Thank you for holding me when I am upset and you don’t know what else to do. Thank you for answering my calls as often as you can. Thank you for making me a priority in your life, even as I become more independent. Thank you for investing in me. Thank you for always trying. Every time I move to another stage, things change for you too. Being that I am the first child, every time I change or move onto a new stage, it’s you first time parenting a high schooler, a college student, and soon enough a young professional. Parenting is a hard job, and I’m sure nothing quite prepares you for it. I’m a different person that you and Dad, and I’m probably different than the person you expected me to become. I know you didn’t necessarily expect or want me to be a business professional in NYC, but thank you for supporting my dreams, even when they take me further away from you. Thank you for wanting the best for me, and starting to accept that you may not know what that is. Thank you for working on trusting me to live my life how I need and want to live it. Thank you also for giving me the tools I needed to find that.

At the end of the day, you are the person I call the most. You are the person I want to call when I get exciting news. You are the person I want to talk to when I am upset. I know I don’t call enough, I still have problems I can’t handle on my own, and that I don’t tell you that I love you enough. Thank you for loving me through all of this, and always letting me know that you (and Dad) are my biggest supporter(s). I have been able to become the independent person today because I have grown up knowing I will always have support. I have been able to take risks, fail, learn, and everything in between because of your love and support. I am finally really happy with the person I have become, and I have you to thank for a lot of that. Even as I grow older and don’t need you as much, I will continue to want to be with you and have a relationship with you.


Your Daughter


For My Mom…


Where do I even start?

You have been my best friend, even when I thought you were my worst enemy. You never stopped loving me and proving it, even when I told you I hated you. Those preteen/early teenage years were rough for me, but you were resilient, graceful and loving through it all. You held me closer, longer and harder even when I struggled to be free from your embrace. It was exactly what I needed and you knew that. I didn’t want to admit how much I needed you.

You’ve taught me how to enjoy life and live for the moment. I remember countless mornings that we ate cake for breakfast and that time you let Anastasia and I ditch school and drove us to New York City just to see Destiny’s Child in concert! It was a surprise, you had just told us the night before and we were so excited! Remember those trips to Disneyland when you told us not to forget to forget our sweatshirts and jackets in the car, that way we could buy new ones? Remember all those cheerleading competitions we went to? You cheered for the cheerleaders! You supported me in every way. From the smallest things to the life changing moments.

Remember all three times I told you I was pregnant? The first time I was just 17 and we found out together. You held me as I cried in the doctor’s office and told me it would be ok. You held my hand as the doctor explained my options and gave me space and time to make my own decision. When I told you I had decided I wanted to raise my baby you were so happy and supportive. You wanted me to enjoy my pregnancy even in the difficult position I was in. Remember when I called to tell you I was pregnant with Tristan? I had spoken to you a couple times that day, but didn’t tell you yet. I was waiting for Taurean and I to tell you together and when we finally called you together you started venting about Dad for like half an hour! I finally got a chance to spill the beans and you were so happy you cried! Then there was that time I came to tell you that I was pregnant with Tatum. I was so upset and not ready to have another baby, Tristan was only 4 months old. I wasn’t even ready to accept that I was pregnant. I didn’t even have to tell you, you guessed it. And when I confirmed it you smiled, so big and got so excited. You threw your arms around me and told me how great it was to be having another baby. You held my hand each time I delivered a baby and took care of me when I took care of them.

We became even closer when I became a mom myself. I had an even deeper appreciation for everything you did and continue to do. I finally understood the love you always had for us.

I love you!

Dear Mom…

Dear Mom,

Well it’s safe to say that we’ve had a rocky road throughout my childhood. I know I wasn’t the easiest daughter to raise. We couldn’t be more opposite. In high school you were a cheerleader, Homecoming Queen three years in a row, tennis captain. On the other hand, I played basketball and lacrosse, focused on my art and liked to party. We never saw eye to eye. You always tried to dress me in Lilly Pulitzer and Ralph Lauren. I just wanted to wear ripped jeans and baggy t-shirts. You like watching chick flicks and reality TV. I prefer murder mysteries and science fiction. These are just a few of the things that set us apart. Back then it seemed impossible, if not inevitable, that we would grow more irritable towards each other as the years went on. And for awhile it did! I’ve done a lot of growing up since I started college. I’m not saying that I’m anywhere near being fully mature, but I’ve learned a lot including to appreciate all that you’ve done for me over the past 21 years. After I was born, you quit your job to stay at home and take care of me. When you had three more boys you sacrificed your career to do the same for them. Because of this you were always around to make us dinner, do our laundry, bring our lunch to school if we forgot it at home, pick us up if we were feeling sick, and many other little things that I can’t thank you enough for. Even now you still find ways to help out. You helped me get an internship with the PGA, you help edit my papers, Face time me when I’m feeling sad, and driving down to school to take me out to lunch. I’m so happy that we’re getting closer each day and can accept each others differences.

Love you more than you know.

Dear Mom,

Dear Mom,

Thank you for making all of the delicious meals for us last weekend and washing the dishes afterwards. I am grateful to you for everything in my life including daily things because they are all part of who I am and I am very thankful that you are my mom. The sweats and tears you have put into working so that we can have food on our table, have nice clothes to wear, have a warm fabulous house to live in, have a car to drive around, and basically to live a life, assures me that your time and energy were all worthwhile and I am forever grateful. Thank you also for letting me have education so that I can think, believe, dream, argue, and imagine beyond my scope of intellectual abilities. Only knowledge and experience would allow me to see from a mirror to a window, as Sydney J. Harris said, and I cannot thank you enough how much I appreciate the opportunity you have given me and my brother. Please tell dad that everything I said is also for him too and I am the luckiest person in the world because God has brought the best parents in the world to me. I love you all.

WritingAssignments, WritingAssignments1903

Agent Smith – Dear Mom

I don’t normally talk about…..feelings….but hey, uh, I am thankful to my mother for all the wonderful support she has given me over my life. She was the one who originally taught me how to drive, pushed me to get a college education, and inadvertently taught me how to infiltrate…since you know…I infiltrate things. While I’ve never been the nicest person to her when i was a young pup, as I grew older I am very respectful and hope she knows how much I care about her. Enough of these feelings though, I have an important mission to take care of….Agent smith, signing off.

-Agent Smith