Sophisticate Your Own, Personal “Under Construction” GIF

Our loveable animated GIF has come a long way, baby, since the obnoxious “under construction” signs so prevalent on web pages back in the 1990. They were SO last century. But let’s bring the idea forward!

Make yourself your own, sophisticated personal animated GIF to show whenever you might be messing around with the gears, or the innards, or the unicorns, or with whatever you’ve got on the treadmill to keep your blog humming behind the scenes. And give yourself an extra bonus point if you find and use someone else’s CC-licenced image. You need to do the attribution and all that good stuff to claim the point.  Model appropriate blog maintenance, great design aesthetics, and a conscientious web-citizenship sharing ethic all at once.

Got it? Are you up for it? Are you ready? Go!  Be sure to share your result. We aren’t likely to actually see it in use — ’cause we all keep our blogs up and running most of the time, and only poke around in the inner workings in the middle of the night ;-) — so make sure to show it to us when you’ve got it done.