If Emma Watson Says it then it Must be True

Take a song and some speech and remix both. Make it meaningful and give it a message.


I think every woman I know has fallen victim to gender inequality, whether that be a cat-call, unequal pay or respect in the work place, or much worse. It is time that everyone comes together to better our world for women and for us all. There is literally no downside when women are equal to men. Now for some personal anecdotes that may allow others who have not experienced these inequalities to see it through my eyes.

Once I was walking through town with my friends on summer vacation. We were on a road trip after we had just graduated high school. While we were crossing the street (it was evening but still light out and there were plenty of other pedestrians) we passed by a U-Haul moving van with two men inside. Their windows were open and as we passed by the driver said to us “Hey, wanna get in the back?” What a disgusting and inappropriate comment to say to anyone, let alone 17 and 18 year old girls. My mom’s boss told her she was overreacting because she used an exclamation point in an urgent email. I have listened to my male friends make jokes about and judge women’s bodies, and then was told to “not be so sensitive” when I told them to stop. I asked my boyfriend the other day if he was ever taught to hold his car keys in his fist, pointing out through his fingers so if anyone were to try and harm him he would be able to defend himself. He looked at me very confused and said no. Of course he wouldn’t have been taught that. Boys aren’t taught things like that. But it was one of the first things I was taught when I got my license.

I chose this 4.5 star assignment because it was similar to the last assignment I had done and I wanted to further my practice with editing audio together. I was hoping that my mistakes in the previous assignment would lend me some guidance in attempting this one. I was Googling around for short speeches, and nothing was really resonating with me. Then I stumbled across Emma Watson’s UN speech. I had seen it when it first came out and while watching it I was quickly reminded how important her speech is for everyone to hear. I knew I would choose this speech, as feminism is something I loudly and proudly support.

Next I had to choose a song. I didn’t want to choose a song without lyrics, because that would 1) make the assignment too easy, and 2) not give as much depth and meaning to the final product. I chose Imagine by John Lennon because it is a slow song with a really similar message to Watson’s speech. I was originally going to cut out the lyrics as Watson was speaking and only play lyrics in pauses, but I liked how the whole song sounded layered underneath her speech. I think it adds hopefulness to her speech. I chose Imagine because to me it has the same message as Watson’s speech: imagine the world as a better place, where everyone lives in harmony and equality.

To create this in Garageband, I first downloaded the songs using a youtube to mp3 site . Just copy and paste the URL of the Youtube video into the website, click start then download.  I save the mp3 files to my desktop so they’re easier to import into Garageband later.

Next, open Garageband and choose voice. (I use voice for everything, it is the least cluttered interface and gets the job done)

Click and drag the two audio files from the desktop into Garageband. Then trim the audio to where you want the speech and song to begin and end. To do this, select the file you want to cut by clicking on it. Move the vertical white line to the spot you want to cut, then click edit > split regions at playhead. This will split the audio box that is selected at the line. You can then select the parts of the file you don’t want and just hit delete on the keyboard.

Now we have to adjust the volume. I wanted the background music to be quieter than the speech. To do this click show/hide animation, which are the two connected dots highlighted blue in the picture below.

Once show/hide animation is selected, when you click on a track a yellow line will appear. This represents the level of volume.

Click and drag the line to move it up or down. To fade out the end of the song, scroll over to where the track ends. Then click a few seconds before and right where the track ends (basically where you want the start and end of the fade to be). This will create two little yellow dots. Click and drag the last dot all the way down. This diagonal line represents the volume gradually being turned down.

Then, save by going to file > save as and upload the song to Soundcloud by going to share > song to Soundcloud.

To export the .band file to an mp3, go to share > export song to disk and choose the mp3 option.

Remix a Song with Some Speech Tutorial

How to do Remix a Song with Some Speech (you can see mine here):

  1. Decide on what song you want to use.
    1. Consider what ideas or themes are present in the song and how you could incorporate some speech relating to it? Are there any political undertones? Is there a video where the musician talks about the meaning of or the creation of the song?
    2. Once you have decided on the song, find the speech clips you want to incorporate. I found both the song and the speech clips on YouTube and then used YouTube to mp3 Converter to download the files as mp3s.
  2. Import the mp3 files into Audacity.
    1. Organize, trim, and arrange the tracks and audio segments as you’d like them to be.
    2. Once you have assembled your remixed song, give it one more listen through to make sure that it is exactly as you’d like it to be.
    3. Export as a mp3.
  3. Upload mp3 file to SoundCloud and then imbed into your blog post write-up.

A Remix Remix

I am sure you have already listen to a remix where you can hear a song interrupted by someone saying something. This is exactly what the tutorial is about.

I will create this kind of remix and by that telling you about the foundations of Audacity which is a sound editing software and which you can download for free. But first listen to the example.

I have used a song I created for a different tutorial and I will record me saying one of the many definitions on remix.

The following 8 but short tutorial videos will tell you about all. Just before watching them download and install Audacity. Note that I am a PC user, Shortcuts I mention may be different with a Mac.

The Audacity interface, loading an audio file and previewing it:

Select, copy and paste to a new track, remove clipping noises:

Generating new audio parts and moving them.

Recording and noise removal.

Taking parts of the speech and remixing it with the song. 

More parts of the speech will be remixed with the song.

Exporting as mp3.

Remix a Song with some Speech

Take a song and some speech and remix both. Make it meaningful and give it a message. For example this is often used to cite politicians and underline the importance of a statement. (For me coming from Berlin these could be JFK’s words “Ich bin ein Berliner!” – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Pjn5E6yOKo)