cafe de introverti | long awaiting – mixtape audio tutorial –

AHAHAHA! I did it.

I made another mixtape for my final project, Long Awaiting. Granted this was rather easier as it didn’t require me to add plugs and drops…and every song had a fade out so I didn’t have to go through the trouble. THANKS JAZZ.

So, the song list for this mixtape is as follows:

Ghost Lead Serenade – SWING HOLIC (Touhou) | Meltdown (????) – Baguettes Ensemble (Vocaloid) | The Furthest Ends (????) – Baguettes Ensemble (Vocaloid) | Key-Word – Swing of the Dead (Touhou) | Thoughtful Zombie (???????) – Baguettes Ensemble (Vocaloid)

I guess some background on this playlist is necessary, right? So first off, why a jazz playlist over a bossa nova or modern café music? The story revolves around a girl whom I based off of myself and my apprehension to go outside because of the struggles of anxiety, so I chose songs from a personal playlist that I use to soothe my anxiety and help me remain calm. Why is it only Touhou and Vocaloid? Because dang it, I’M A NERD. The songs are actually quite representative of myself and the places I find my mind at. For example; “Thoughtful Zombie” is about someone who doesn’t know where she quite belongs and finds herself studying the world which is where I find myself at time to time as does the girl in the story. “Meltdown” is a little more on the serious side, but depicts my sleepless nights and feelings of lack of control. So, every song has a reason and a purpose.

With that said; I hope you enjoy it and find the tutorial helpful. As always, if you have any questions on what I did or how I did it…please ask!!! ?


Mixtape Master

This is a mixtape that I decided to throw together for a bus trip I had recently. It’s just a simple, fun classic rock playlist with some varied sounds and artists. A lot of these songs are what I grew up listening to on CD or on the Sirius Radio channel Classic Rewind.

I think it’s so crazy how different music in general is from this time period to now. The lyrics are especially different, they’re overall a lot more playful and creative than what’s generally heard nowadays with the major rap influence on music. Always good to have a throwback jam session now and then.

Make Your Own Mixtape

Mixtapes can come in different forms–sometimes a mixtape is just a collection of one’s favorite tracks, sometimes it is a collection of tracks put out by a sinlge artist. Sometimes they have small edits made to them, like a DJ saying their catchphrase.

Try creating a mixtape of your own. Mixtape is broadly defined in this case. It can just be a collection of songs with some theme (genre, etc.), or you can mess with the tracks. You can add a small touch here and there or edit the tracks to your heart’s content, adding outside sounds using tools from your favorite audio editing software.

I’ve been playing around with Audacity, which is free, so that cold be a good place to start.