bcodelson 2014-05-04 22:22:31

This week I chose to do the video assignment called the Music-less Music video.  The goal: to remove the music in a music video and replace it with other sounds.  I’m totally obsessed with the movie Pitch Perfect so I decided to take the finale scene from the film as my music video.  Here’s the original clip:


This is where the Barden Bellas totally crush it to win the Aca-pella (sp?) finals.  If you haven’t seen the movie, it’s pretty awesome.  That’s besides the point.

I downloaded the clip to my machine and loaded it to iMovie.  I trimmed the clip to end at the part where Anna Kendrick’s character raises her arm in the air.  It was a nearly four minute clip so I thought I’d spare my audience a little time.  I then spent about 30 min. playing around with the sounds that are pre-loaded into iMovie.  They have a lot of sounds you can add to projects; songs, booms, foley sounds, digital ‘noises’ — all kinds of things. And, as I’ve mentioned before, iMovie is easy to use, just drag and drop and slide.  I found some sounds that match well with the video, and I found others that had more of a funny effect.  For example, at about 31 sec. I added some digital sounds to the part where one of the girls is beat boxing.  Another example is at about 1:21 I added footsteps to the section where the girls are all stepping in motion.  It was kind of funny here to add foley sounds where foley sounds shouldn’t be.  In the film you’re supposed to be focused on the singing, so any ordinary sounds are completely cancelled out.  Adding those sounds back in felt really wrong.  There are a few other places where I had some fun but I’ll leave it to you to figure out the rest! (Oh and sorry – I couldn’t help myself.  I had to add some music.)

Here’s a screen shot of my work:

Screen shot 2014-05-04 at 10.16.42 PM

And here’s the finished product:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4j-RwiBP6H8&feature=youtu.be (YouTube uploader isn’t working properly – I will update to embed the video later.)

Musicless Music Video

Turns out a music video without the music is just a bunch of weirdly dressed people hanging out! Share your favorite weirdos with the rest of us.

Pick a music video. Strip the audio track. Put in sound effects.