Video Assignments

Room Raiders

Ever seen the MTV show Room Raiders? Basically, a person selected one of three people to date after having a chance to carefully examine their room. Cameras followed them in as they searched the room and made guesses as to what things in the room said about the person. Make a video doing the same thing to your own room, or better yet a friend’s (make sure they’re ok with that though). To be complete, your video should include titles, credits, and several “cuts” to show things from different angles.

The Recursive Camera

You’ll need a camera. And you’ll need another frame. Hold the frame in one hand (don’t let you hand cover the side facing you), and take a picture with it in the center of the image. Then step backwards and take another photo just like it. Repeat until you are tired of making art. Nest the images in Prezi inside the frame of the next picture. Now make a zoom path. Record it with video capture software. Add some video editing (you’ll have to use multiple stacks(only so much zoom in Prezi atm) and splice the ends of them together to make it seem contiguous), and you have a trippy video.

Make sure you’re telling a story with your images and add voice-over narration where/if appropriate.

a word… a picture… a story

Chose up to 5-10 words..just randomly pick them don’t over think it just chose these words out of the blue. Then do a Google image search on these images and chose one of the first visible photos for the word..after you have chosen your words and your images put them together in video form and tell a story..include a sentence with each image to help guide your story or try and tell it without the sentences.

Trailer It

Have you ever tried to describe something to someone but you just couldn’t find the right words? What tells more about a movie than a movie trailer? Well you know what they say a picture tells a thousand words; in that case a moving picture must tell about a million words.

Create your own movie trailer for something you would likely not expect to see, e.g. for a class, a utensil, a cleaning product… Use all of the elements of trailers- the ratings, quick cuts, the deep narrated “In a World” voice- make it exciting!

Reenact A Viral Video

Take a viral video from the internet (let’s say with at least a million views) and reenact it. You can put your own twist on it or keep things simple. Either way there are thousands of videos to choose from.

Range of Emotions

Make a video showing your range of facial emotions. Showing the happiest you can be, all the way down to the saddest you can get.

But more than just recording your face, make the sequence tell a story, and add music, titles, caption or sounds to enhance the video feel.

This is my Story

Tell a short story using flashcard and record yourself. It can be something funny, sad, or just even express how your day was.

Lip Synch Your Favorite Song

Some famous artists don’t even sing at their concerts! They lip synch! Let’s see if you have what it takes to lip synch like the pros. Play your favorite song and lip synch one verse.

How does this become a story? You can try adding captions or maybe incorporate it into more context when you write it up in your blog. Anyone can lip synch, but how many can turn this into a story? You should.

Everyday Modern Marvels

Create a quick video based on the same theme as TV shows such as Modern Marvels or How Its Made. Film yourself assembling something basic (such as a sandwich) and then overlay an audio track describing each step. Make sure to hit each step, of assembly, when voicing over the film. These TV shows are very descriptive of the creation process and so should your video. Feel free to throw in a fact clip, about your item, like they do before commercials in Modern Marvels.

Sardonic Tours

Create a video taking us on a tour of somewhere you love or hate, providing commentary that points out the unusual in a tone distinct from most “tourist” videos. See our tour of Balboa Park as an example.