Assignment Idea

¡Sounds of your city!

Record glimpses of different sounds you hear throughout the day, at university, your job, or your city. Compile as many sounds as you would like (ideally in 10 second burst), this makes it easier for editing, chopping, and creating. Then, lay the sounds on some background music you borrow or create yourself, if you borrow the music make sure to give credit. Use audio editing software like Audacity or Logic and share the assignment through Sound Cloud or other medium. Lastly, have patience and have fun with this. If you choose this assignment, please share!

Tongue Twister

Say any tongue twister as fast as you can and include a background sound to layer it. 

Create a Place

For this assignment create a place by just using sound. For example, make the listener know where they are if outside use birds, cars, etc. You can get sounds from 

Super tattoo

This is based on the “Tattoos that Describe you” assignment ( Create a tattoo design that represents your superpower or explains what you would do as a superhero.

From screen to page

Take a movie scene and make it into a comic book page – not just stringing six screenshots together, but designing it so there is emphasis and flow, and a use of the page layout to create meaning and dramatically tell the story. This may require editing dialogue, editing and cropping images, and visualizing sound effects. 

Averaged Portrait

Take multiple photos of a friend or of yourself, then compile and average all of the photos in Photoshop to create an unconventional portrait. Have fun with the poses and setting of your pictures! Learn how to average layers in Photoshop with this YouTube video.

This assignment was inspired by Averaging Concepts Using Flickr.

Places of Peace

Create a collage of photos with all of your favorite spots where you feel relaxed or at peace. This should include at least four photos and can be places on-campus, at home, or maybe a spot you found while traveling. Then post the college to twitter.

The life of a Superhero

What do they do when they’re not superhero-ing? Probably laundry, or getting the oil changed, or any of the other myriad mundane chores we all have to do. Make an image of a superhero in an everyday life situation.

Favourite movie clip

Pick your favorite movie and mashup the best scenes from it which explain the story of that movie. 

It’s a bird, it’s a plane

Have you ever seen that picture that *might* be the loch ness monster, but it’s probably just a floating log? Well now it’s your turn to perpetuate a myth – the myth of superheroes. Go out and take a picture of something that you know isn’t a superhero, but could be. Is that Superman, or just a bird? Is that Antman, or do I you need to do abetter job cleaning the kitchen? Who’s to say?