Assignment Idea

Day in the Life of a Superhero

Using this Superhero Name Generator website to generate a superhero name as well as your powers, write a short story about the day in the life of YOU but as a superhero. What do you do when you wake up? How do you know when duty calls? Who will you save today? You don’t even have to save anyone. Maybe you’re a super chill superhero who saves themselves by being content (self care is ALSO important!). Or maybe you have a disguise and work a 9 to 5 but by night you battle the villains who cause destruction in your hometown. Who knows! The possibilities are endless, so get creative!

SuperStory Generator

You are a superhero. Develop the details surrounding your story (i.e. your background, personality, and superpowers) using the results from online word/phrase generators.

Some great places to start:

This assignment was inspired by Changing Fortunes (

Disney Lyric Mashup

For this assignment, you should create a story using the lyrics from various Disney songs. For example, if you start with “did they send me daughters when I asked for…,” from Mulan, you could follow it up with “happy snowmen!” from Frozen. In no way does your story have to make logical sense. Be creative!

Tattoos that Describe you

Create a tattoo that can represent your personality type. Tell us about your tattooo, and what does it means to you. If there is any thing supersticious about your tattoo, share it with us. You can hand design your own unique tattoo on a plane paper, or you can use any photo editing software to design your tattoo. Once you design your own unique tattoo, make mutiple copies of that, and add different color effects to each copy. Each Color is unique, and can depict different mood. Use different effects and colors to represent the mood of your tattoo. Finally, make a collage of all the copies of tattoo you edit, and save it as jpg or png.

Please Note: if you are not good at photoshop or other photo tools but you really wana do this then use this site, it is a good and fast way to create tattoos. Use your imagination – create some thing Beyond Imagination

Up-Goer Five Your Writing

Pick a topic that you can write about. It can be anythign: a short bio, a description of a job you do, a short story about something that happened to you. Then go to and use the editor to write/re-write your text only using the top most common 1000 words. The editor will tell you when you violate the rules. 

The challenge (and editor) are based upon this xkcd comic

A Mailchimped Message

A short audio advertisement on a podcast for the email service Mailchimp went viral; it uses simple audio technique of one message being read by people with different voices, and editing it together.  See if you can replicate it with 2-5 sentence message for something you care about. Write out the message, get 3-5 people to record the whole message, and edit to have it be seamless with different voices. Good luck going viral!

Who Inspires You

Everyone has someone who they admire or who inspires them. For this assignment, write about that person and why you admire them.

Contradiction Creation

Create some sort of graphic. Design the overall graphic to convey some sort of feeling or theme, but then have text saying something completely contradictory to the theme or feeling. Sort of like one of those old anti-motivational posters, but with more design than a black box with a white frame.

Make Your Own Mixtape

Mixtapes can come in different forms–sometimes a mixtape is just a collection of one’s favorite tracks, sometimes it is a collection of tracks put out by a sinlge artist. Sometimes they have small edits made to them, like a DJ saying their catchphrase.

Try creating a mixtape of your own. Mixtape is broadly defined in this case. It can just be a collection of songs with some theme (genre, etc.), or you can mess with the tracks. You can add a small touch here and there or edit the tracks to your heart’s content, adding outside sounds using tools from your favorite audio editing software.

I’ve been playing around with Audacity, which is free, so that cold be a good place to start.

Shadow of a Doubt

Take a photograph incorporating shadows as the subject. You don’t have to be a professional photographer, just observe how light and shadow appear in unique and interesting ways. Look at the shadows cast by window blinds on skin or by leaves on a sidewalk or by people. Shadows change in length and darkness depending on the time of day. Shadows can tell you a lot about the actual object being photographed or nothing at all. Tell a story with your picture.