Assignment Idea


1. Find a video (music, newscast, etc.) in a language other than English.
2. Caption it in English.
3. ?????
4. Profit.

Just look at the example, for crying out loud.

Fat Cats make Art Better

Using this site: as a platform for ideas, and using Photoshop (or something like it) as your tool, place a fat cat into a photo of a classic art piece. The goal is to make it convincing: make the art become on with the cat.

Most of all, enjoy! :0) And remember, fat cats make art better.

Pop Culture .GIF

Make an animated .gif of something pop-culture centric. This could be animating a celebrity, part of a music video, or a TV show/movie. It doesn’t even have to be from today… head back into the annals of history and pull out something that used to be pop culture back in its day.

For best effect, I suggest using at least 4 frames to create the animation.

Sandy Brown Jensen’s Illustrate your Original Poem

On your blog, use at least three images from your original art or photography to illustrate a poem you have written.

Remembrances of Things Past

Recall an important childhood location or scenario. Build a representative replica out of small, available materials such as a sandbox or Legos, or even a drawn map. Make a short, narrated video that tells the story of that world and its features and what happened there. Be passionate, be specific. Don’t be afraid to express the honorable emotions of nostalgia, anger, bewilderment, wonder… (example)

If Movie Posters Told The Truth

Improve movie posters to make them more accurately reflect the content of the film. Inspired entirely by

Police Beat

Essentially, identify an innocent seeming song that advocates some odd/criminal behavior and reformat it as a police report style article. My example based on “Ain’t Too Proud To Beg” is below.

Eddie Kendricks, 46, was arrested at his former residence, 12 Jones street, at 4:37AM. Kendricks is accused of stalking and violating an order of protection filed by his former wife, Angela Berry, after their recent divorce.

Kendricks is accused of sleeping on the doorstep of the residence they previously shared. Kendricks is also accused of actively preventing Ms. Berry from leaving her home. Witnesses report that Kendricks often appeared incoherent, at times sobbing and begging at the door of Ms. Berry’s residence for hours at a time.

“At first, it was funny,” reported Berry’s neighbor, Ron Paxton. “We’d laugh at him, a grown man, behaving like that. But then he just wouldn’t stop. Poor Angie couldn’t even leave the house. Something had to be done.”

Prosecutors say more charges may be pending for Kendricks who has defied previous restraining orders and was out on bail at the time of his latest arrest.

Mission: Defamiliarize

Make a set of ten photos which take something familiar to you–a town, building, object, etc.–and defamiliarize it, make it seem foreign. Use a mix of extreme closeups, weird lighting, foreground/background focusing and odd angles and other effects to make something that you know very well seem like something you’ve never seen before, something spooky and/or luminous and/or magical.

See an example at

Gateways to Geekery

Make a “Gateway to Geekery” post (in the style of The Onion AV Club’s posts) about a favorite director, actor, band, musician, writer, etc. Give an overview of his/her/their career(s), including sections on “Why It’s Daunting,” “Possible Gateway,” “Next Steps,” and “Where Not to Start.”

Feel free to include Creative Commons photos, screenshots, embedded YouTube videos, etc. to liven up the text. Have fun!

Brian Metcalfe’s Image with a Message

Demonstrate that “a picture is worth a thousand words” by superimposing a famous quotation over a “Creative Commons” licensed image.

Make certain to include the author’s name and the licensed image web address in your visual remix to provide proper credit and acknowledgement.

Detailed lesson steps, together with supporting web sites, samples, and activity handouts are available on my blog at:

Take care & keep smiling :-)