Design Assignments

Laptop Lingo

I know some of us (myself included) are a bit particular about the looks/cleanliness of our technology. But if that didn’t matter, and you had all of the resources at your fingertips, without any fear of it hurting your technology, what would you make as your laptop cover?


Make your own collage or create your unique laptop skin on My Custom Skin, and then share your work flickr. When you blog about it, explain why you chose each image! Use it as a way to share a little about yourself with your classmates.

Create your own business card

We’re reaching a time in our lives where where professionalism is key. Use photoshop to create your own business card to advertise who you are.

The best to spread cheer is making cards for all to see

Make a card for someone through an online design program. 

Promotional Flyer

Create a promotional flyer of your choose! It can be for an event, product, or anything. It can be crazy and colorful or simply and clean. 

Newspaper Design

Design a newspaper. Using word, photoshop, or whatever make a fictional newspaper, and put together the front page for today. You can use real articles or you can write your own, but the design of the newspaper should be original.

Book Artist!

Re-design your favorite book cover!

In GIMP/Photoshop/any image editor of your choosing, create a new book cover for your favorite story! Imagine that there’s a new, special edition of the tale coming out, and YOU are the special, super awesome artist who has been chosen to design the new look!

Have fun!

A Wolf in Sheeps Clothing

Imagine your favorite company whether it be food, clothing, or any other company. Now imagine their enemy or competitor in the business. Your goal for this assignment is to take your favorite company’s trademark image or logo and reinterpret it in a way that reflects the design of its enemy. Look for the elements that make the competitor’s logo what it is. What is the color scheme? Is there any methphors or hidden meanings? What is the form of the logo? How can you use its balance, porportion, or rhythm? The important thing is to still have the original company’s message and essence within the new design, but masked by the competitor’s look.

Honest Video Game Covers

Do you think some video games are a bit untruthful in what they advertise? Redesign an existing video game cover that by changing the text/image can tell the honest truth about a video game.

Create Your Own Magic Cards!

So I like to play Magic the Gathering.  I thought it would be neat to try and create my own cards based on characters from tv, movies, etc.  Come up with at least 4 cards based on characters or locations from your favorite show, movie, book, or other story.  To actually create the cards, you can use this Card Generator site.  Aditionally, if you are unfamiliar with the terminology used in magic, you can find the glossary here helpful.  Get creative and make Magic art dammit!

Let’s See Some ID

Create some form of ID for a fictional character that seems believable, knowing your character’s environment or circumstances.

Use an existing template such as a credit card or library card from a found source and modify it as needed in your favorite graphical editor.