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It’s A Bird, It’s A Plane

(2.5 stars)

It’s………Wonder Woman!!!! I can not believe I saw her in the library!

Animal Planet Meets Deer, John Deer

Assignment: Use one brand’s advertisement for another brand by replacing the logo of one brand with the logo of another. Be creative and try to pick similar logos that could look correct in the advertisement if we did not already have the brand awareness!

This was one of my favorite assignments because I loved the process of finding logos with similar colors and/or designs. However with so much logos out there, it was difficult combining the right ones. Fast food restaurants were easier to make but I didn’t think it was original enough so I first decided to look for logos with similar color schemes and I happen to come across an image that helped me find the two logos. I also thought these combinations were funny because as we all know Animal Planet is a Channel about animals and John Deer has deer in the name so I knew then that I hit the jackpot!

How it works:
1.) I chose the two logos and imported them to GIMP through File>>Open as Layer>>import
2.) I then deleted the white background for both and added a separate white background layer and merged the two images
3.) I fit the layer to the image and put a dark green background by using the bucket tool to fill the whole background. I drew a smaller rectangle and colored it grayish.
3.) Finally I added the borders to the letters and John Deer logo

It’s a bird, it’s a plane

As I walked into my house, I noticed something different. Something didn’t feel right. I took out my phone, ready to call someone. I walked over to the light and turned it on. Right there in front of me was a random person sitting on my couch! I was already on my phone, so I flipped it to camera and was able to snap this photo before the person ran away. Or is it a person?

Airplanes Take Off Compilation

This assignment I did is called Compilation Video! where you must pick a theme and download videos from YouTube of items in that theme and make a compilation video of that. I chose the theme of airplanes taking off, so I found approximately 9 to 10 videos and downloaded them. Then, I added them together, removed the video audio, and added some background music using iMovie. Overall, this was a cool assignment that was fairly easy to do that I enjoyed, and I had never created a compilation video before, so that was fun as well. You can find my video below.

How to make a paper plane

I am not a huge arts and crafts girl, but I do know how to make a paper plane. I recorded this video on my lap top and decided to make it up close to the plane so the audience can see what I was doing. I then uploaded it to Youtube.  VideoAssignments, VideoAssignments1886

It’s A Bird, It’s A Plane

In order to create the images, I went straight to snapchat! There is a filter that slightly distorts images and also immediately makes the coloring black and white. I thought that this could give me the best chance creating an image that was seemingly ominous or maybe included something you couldn’t quite distinguish. I feel like that was the overall goal of this assignment, so that’s the direction I went in.

Both images were taken in my bedroom. I wanted to include them both because I think they both offer something different. I kept the camera moving in both images. I’m really intrigued as to what some of my classmates “see” in the images.

The first image, to me, is completely unidentifiable. I’m not sure what the camera was focusing on, but I’m assuming most of the black blob is actually a fan in my room! The second image has my dresser, plants, and window. I wanted to include the second image mostly because of the brighter white cloud in the bottom left corner. I have no idea where that “light” or “brightness” is coming from but definitely gave the image a cool effect.

Directions: Have you ever seen that picture that *might* be the loch ness monster, but it’s probably just a floating log? Well now it’s your turn to perpetuate a myth – the myth of superheroes. Go out and take a picture of something that you know isn’t a superhero, but could be. Is that Superman, or just a bird? Is that Antman, or do I you need to do abetter job cleaning the kitchen? Who’s to say?

It’s A Bird, It’s A Plane, It’s Keamo…?

Related image

Usually a secret agent is low key but as you can see, I got caught up with someone taking a picture of me. A young Keamo was discovered in a hoodie and a hand covering my face so I couldn’t be fully detected. Now my job is to find out who took this picture and to destroy them in the name of justice.

Visual Assignment: It’s a bird, it’s a plane

Could this be a superhero running quickly to stop a crime? Or is it just my cat, Ozzy, running to get a treat?

This assignment required me to take a picture of something that could be ‘confused’ as a superhero but is really just an everyday object. I thought this picture of my cat would work because he is literally running in the picture.

It’s not a Bird, I don’t think it’s a plane…

Today while attempting to work on homework, Deidra got distracted and decided that she wanted to take some photos outside since the weather was nice. in the midst of trying to get up and go outside, Deidra snapped this photo:

It’s very blurry and it took her a while to figure out what the object was. Once she figured it out, she decided to turn it into a guessing game to see if anyone else can figure it out. After what seems like forever, I finally figured it out but now I want to know if you can guess what it is. Would you like to take on the challenge? Comment below if you think you know what this is a picture of.

It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s a…..Cat?

While patrolling my neighborhood looking for mythical beasts I discovered what I think to be the terrifying Bigfoot. I was able to get a close up of the beast before it aggressively ran towards me, I just barley survived the encounter. If anyone is around the Spotsylvania VA area please be alert as there could possibly be a Bigfoot roaming in the area.

This assignment I had a lot of fun with. I wasn’t initially sure what I was trying to capture and how I would go about capturing it. I finally had the idea to incorporate my animals, mostly because they kept begging for attention. I decided to go with a close up of the eyes as cats eyes are somewhat odd, or who knows maybe I really ran into a Bigfoot.