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Create A Movie Poster

Prompt: Create a “movie poster” for your picture. #ds106 #DesignAssignments #DesignAssignment110

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About two years ago, I bought my first ferret. Her name was Bandit. I’ve always wanted a pet ferret after reading Rikki Tikki Tavi in school. It’s not legal to have a mongoose, so I went for the next best thing: a ferret. From the beginning, Bandit was difficult. That’s why I named her Bandit. She constantly tried to escape her play areas. If I gave her toys, she would hide them away. If I accidentally dropped anything near her, she immediately ran to grab it and steal it away into a hiding hole somewhere.

Becoming a ferrent (ferret parent) was difficult. Bandit was smart, opinionated, and self-sufficient. It took me about six months to realize that part of the challenge is that she is deaf. She couldn’t hear me calling her by name, disciplining her, or saying kind things to her. I had to learn a completely new way to reward her good behaviors. After I adjusted my ferrenting style, Bandit and I bonded quickly.

Contrary to common belief, not all ferrets like to be cuddled. Bandit hates for us to touch her. Like a cat, she will rub against me, climb on me, lick me. But if I try to rub her, she immediately grabs my hands and pushes them away. Or she backs away from me. It’s odd having a pet with hands. Bandit can hold things. She can open things. She can show displeasure. She does all this just with her hands. It’s quite amazing to me.

After watching a lot of ferret videos and talking with other ferret owners, I realized that people have some practices which endanger their ferrets. It is important to monitor what they eat, ferret-proof their play and sleep areas, and care for their sensitive skin. Too many owners just let their ferrets run free, risking their lives on a daily basis. Too often, this undisciplined behavior leads to a ferret’s demise. For this assignment, I thought it would be good to create a cover for a self-help video to teach people how to take care of their ferrets.

Create A Movie Poster

Prompt: Create a “movie poster” for your picture. #ds106 #DesignAssignments #DesignAssignment110

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About two years ago, I bought my first ferret. Her name was Bandit. I’ve always wanted a pet ferret after reading Rikki Tikki Tavi in school. It’s not legal to have a mongoose, so I went for the next best thing: a ferret. From the beginning, Bandit was difficult. That’s why I named her Bandit. She constantly tried to escape her play areas. If I gave her toys, she would hide them away. If I accidentally dropped anything near her, she immediately ran to grab it and steal it away into a hiding hole somewhere.

Becoming a ferrent (ferret parent) was difficult. Bandit was smart, opinionated, and self-sufficient. It took me about six months to realize that part of the challenge is that she is deaf. She couldn’t hear me calling her by name, disciplining her, or saying kind things to her. I had to learn a completely new way to reward her good behaviors. After I adjusted my ferrenting style, Bandit and I bonded quickly.

Contrary to common belief, not all ferrets like to be cuddled. Bandit hates for us to touch her. Like a cat, she will rub against me, climb on me, lick me. But if I try to rub her, she immediately grabs my hands and pushes them away. Or she backs away from me. It’s odd having a pet with hands. Bandit can hold things. She can open things. She can show displeasure. She does all this just with her hands. It’s quite amazing to me.

After watching a lot of ferret videos and talking with other ferret owners, I realized that people have some practices which endanger their ferrets. It is important to monitor what they eat, ferret-proof their play and sleep areas, and care for their sensitive skin. Too many owners just let their ferrets run free, risking their lives on a daily basis. Too often, this undisciplined behavior leads to a ferret’s demise. For this assignment, I thought it would be good to create a cover for a self-help video to teach people how to take care of their ferrets.

ds 106: Minimalist TV/Movie Poster (3.5 stars)

This image started out as a rough idea for a tattoo I wanted to get in the future, and while browsing some minimalist poster designs I got inspired to add some flair to this old idea. Many different medias feature blood moons in different ways, and this one was inspired by cheesy horror movies and the game Terraria. It actually started as a Japanese red sun, and I was going to draw a bridge in which fish would leap over to become dragons in the sky. This idea comes from the legend of the Dragon Gate, an old Chinese tale that describes fish that leap over a waterfall to obtain dragonhood. As I was coloring it in however, I realized it held a more eerie, almost vintage aesthetic to it that really reminded me of old horror posters. I decided to stick with it and altered the palette to be a bit dimmer and more of a flat red gradient rather than the previously red and orange gradient.

Browsing through a wide variety of minimalist art and posters gave me a broad yet somewhat inconclusive idea of what I wanted my end product to look like. Some pieces were plain text with a single shape, others were surprisingly detailed with shading and lots of colors. I wanted my end result to be minimalistic yet interesting to look at, and really bring focus to it. Limited colors that were close to each other in hue, clean lines and shapes, and making sure I didn’t add too many details where they weren’t needed. I considered adding buildings or trees in the background and realized that the more I added the less minimalistic it’d be.

This piece was made completely with Grafx2, a free pixel art program. I made the moon with a circle tool and shaded it in by hand. The bridge, outlines, and water reflections were all done by hand with the help of a copy, flip and paste. The text was made by the program as well, it features hundreds of fonts and allows for various colors, effects and sizes! I wrote out “BLOOD” and MOON” separately so that I could stack the words on top of each other. I considered having both words stretch out across the image but thought the text wouldn’t stand out enough and would feel forced.

Movie Poster, Meet Book Cover

For this assignment, I chose to turn Jacob’s Ladder (1990) into a book cover. It’s one of my favorite movies, and I would have been interested to see a book version of it. Well, there is technically a book version but its more of a script than anything….

I took an existing poster, and replaced the center of the poster with a slightly ripped depiction of Jacob’s Ladder, as referenced in the Bible.

Famous Movie Poster

The Breakup-anator!!!

Right person, wrong time – ANATOR!

I saw this assignment and it really caught my eye. For this assignment I chose La La Land and wanted to make it silly by incorporating some famous Phinneas and Ferb icons. Cleary I had to put Dr. Doofenschmirtz and Doofenschmirtz Evil Inc. I had the movie poster and then I edidted in the images of the building, blimp, and Doof himself by removing their backgrounds and layering them on top of the base (movie poster). Once I had them layered the way I wanted them, I went back and edited the brightness of the building. I struggled a little with this because it didn’t quite match the background poster but I did what I could. Overall I think this assignment was really fun and I learned how to become better with layering different objects. I could definitely have done better to make it fit more by changing the lightening of the objects and trying to make it look like it belonged there originally. This poster is really funny and also could be used to tell a story maybe for future assignments! I would give this assignment a 9/10 highly recommend!!!!!

Fairy Movie Poster

This assignments instructions were: Create a poster or ad for an upcoming movie. Let the ad’s theme and movie contradict themselves. For instance, you can have your movie be about kids playing on a Summer day , but your ad shows a spooky side to the plot. A good “everything is not what it seems”… Continue reading Fairy Movie Poster

Minimal Movie Poster

For my third Design Assignment Bank Project of the week I decided to complete the Minimalist Movie/TV Poster project, as suggested to us.

I wanted to keep to the 80’s theme, but try to chose a movie I haven’t featured yet. So, I selected E.T. which was released in 1982. Not going to lie I’ve watched this movie numerous time growing up, but when I was a little kid this movie was not my favorite. Freaked me out a lot little.

Anyways, I when was looking up ideas for E.T. I was reminded how simple the movie poster designs were to begin with. This created a little bit of a challenge, but I decided to stick with it and focus on the two main symbols from the movie: E.T.’s finger and the image of Elliot and him on the bike. I sided with the bike and the logo.

Shoutout to Rachel for the recommendation to use Canva. I actually never heard of the sight before. I read her blog post and Allison’s comment and decided to give it a shot. (Check out Rachel’s post here). Canva is easy to use and have a lot of fun designs featured on the sight. I used their website for the background. I imported the logo and bike image which were isolated and made white using Photoshop.

Minimalist TV/Movie Poster – Braveheart

One of my favorite movies is Braveheart, so I wanted to make my minimalist poster of it. A main symbol in the movie is a sword, it is the tool that is used to fight, but in the movie it also represents a tool to gain freedom. I was planning on adding more than just one sword, But when I found this minimalist picture of a sword, I knew that this is what I was going to have to use. Finding the correct font for the title and the director/main actor was tricky, but once I found it I felt like I had the best possible minimalist movie poster for one of my favorite movies.

Truthful Movie Poster:

For the truthful movie poster I decided to incorporate our course theme of the 80’s and use one of my favorite 80’s movies The Breakfast Club. The assignment asked me to edit the title of the movie to a more truthful title or more explained title. I changed this one to Detention with Friends because the entire premise for the movie is these students who all got detention and didn’t know/like each other but get closer due to their time together. I used photoshop to edit this picture. I started with the clone stamp tool to cover up the old title, and the text tool to type the new one.

Movie Poster Assignment

It was suggested that we complete this Design Assignment this week and I saw a great opportunity to work in the 80’s theme. I quickly Googled “80’s movies” to get the creative juices flowing before deciding on “Sixteen Candles” which is also one of my most favorite movies. I then went to Canva and began browsing templates and originally looked at movie poster templates but they were too busy. Then I saw the one I decided on, under school poster and it was so perfectly 80’s I knew it was the one. I then added the simplest image I could think of: a birthday cake.
Enjoy, and if you have never watch Sixteen Candles please, please, please do so.