DS106: it just makes sense

DS106 makes sense.  Running with bulls does not.  But running with bulls is exactly what’s going to be happening near Richmond August 24th.  Fools.

DS106 makes sense.  Bull running does not.

DS106 makes sense. Bull running does not.

I found some archival footage from the bull runs in Pamplona, Spain at Archive.org.  I downloaded that clip and then went to Photoshop, where I went to file >> import >> video frames to layers.  I then selected the file I wanted to import (I changed the file extension to .mov per Alan’s suggestion here).  The video is a few minutes long, and I only needed a couple of seconds so I checked the “selected range only” option and selected the couple of seconds that I needed.

Screen Shot  I grabbed the DS106 logo from ds106.us and made that a layer.  I made it the head layer and then made it visible on all 39 layers that made up the animated GIF.

Photoshop screen shot

Photoshop screen shot

Next, I created two layers of text: one for the “It just makes sense” and another for “Headless #DS106 . August 26, 2013.”  Initially I had both text boxes at the bottom of the image like this:

But when I went to preview the GIF, “It just makes sense” moved to the top of the frame and nestled itself under DS106.  I have no idea why.

Photoshop screen shot

Photoshop screen shot

I liked it like that, so I left it.

I made the text layers visible in all 39 layers that made up the animated GIF.

But here’s another Photoshop conundrum: If you look at the two pictures above, you’ll notice that layer 38 has the “It just makes sense” snug under “DS106.”  However, layer 39 had the “It just makes sense” text at the bottom of the image like I had originally planned.  I’m not sure why the positioning of “It just makes sense” text changed in 38 layers, but not layer 39.  If anyone has suggestions, I’d love to hear them.  I had to manually move the “It just makes sense” text box in layer 39 so that it matched the other 38 layers.

There we go.  I’m ready for the next challenge.





Slide on in to DS106

How do you go about promoting an open-online course in digital storytelling that anyone can join at anytime from anywhere?  With an animated GIF promo poster!

As my contribution to August 2013 GIF Challenge #3  from @IamTalkyTina I wanted my poster to promote DS106 with a creative example of digital storytelling in action.  There is explicit information relayed with the text, such as a link to the DS106 website, but each of the design elements also tell a little more about the story.

  • DaddyDJSlide_GIF_Poster_2The GIF used here is the first one I ever created, “Go Daddy… Wheeeee!!”,  of my grandson DJ & his Daddy playing at the park.  No need to clarify this design element.  The story is clear, and it is a real world example of what has been created in the course.
  • The Calvin & Hobbes font at the top of the poster was chosen for its ability to convey childhood, creativity & imagination in action.
  • Finally the Chalkduster font at the bottom of the poster continues the childhood theme, but also signifies a class and learning.


I deliberately chose not to include specific information for the Headless DS106 starting on August 26th, 2013 so that the promo poster could be easily used in the future.  To see other examples of telling the world about DS106 go to Animated GIF Assignment 1183: Tell the World About DS106 GIF

What Kind of DS106 Learner Are You?

The bar was set rather high for August 2013 GIF Challenge #3: DS106 Promo Poster by Talky Tina. I ended up making a few attempts, here are two:

I am not happy with the choice of gif or design but I though the idea of poking a we bit of fun at Learner Styles was ok.


A few more ideas crossed my mind, one was to make a triple troll quote, but I didn’t attribute the quote.

The Body is mine, the fireball from an old Blade Runner Gif I made and the quote is from Van Morrison


Tell the World About DS106 GIF

Those of us who have experienced DS106 and understand the #4lifeness of it have a responsibiity to inform the world of the benefits of participating in the DS106 learning community. Pick one of your favourite aspects of DS106 and create an Animated GIF poster to promote DS106 to the world. Bonus points for including mention of the start date of the next DS106 session. Be sure to include the DS106 URL so folks can follow up! 

August 2013 GIF Challenge #3: DS106 Promo Poster

Well, Friends.

The DS106 Community stepped up for the August 2013 Animated GIF Challenge #2 and got UNCLE @jimgroom animated in John Johnston’s Dancing Jim All Over the World assignment, with SEVEN new entries showing now as being syndicated through to the assignment page and at least two others seen in the wild and perhaps waiting in some queue to get indexed. (Be sure to tag your assignments with both the AnimatedGIFAssignments tag and the AnimatedGIFAssignmentsXXXX numbered tag so that it gets onto the assignment page.)

It was so fun to see Jim dancing here and there, and I just had to have another go at making him dance before I went to sleep. Both @dogtrax and @Rockylou22 had Jim dancing on top of the world, and I was inspired by their work to riff-a-GIF and show all the different Jims dancing on the world at the same time like a UNICEF logo.

In the end, my little enthusiasm pushed me through the sleepiness (and ds106rad.io is great middle-of-the-night company!) and I wound up with a DS106 Promotion Poster, and a new Animated GIF Assignment 1183: Tell the World About DS106 GIF

Since we are in the GIFfing weeks leading up to the next session (Fall 2013 #headless13, starting August 26th), it seems appropriate to have everyone make a DS106 Promo Poster GIF to get the word out to the great uninformed masses. Perhaps we can draw in some newcomers who need to see the DS106 light. There must still be a few out there. LOL.

NOTE: Click on the GIF to hear the music that all the Jim Grooms are dancing to. (Thanks, John!)

"All These Jim Grooms Can't Be Wrong" animated GIF DS106 Promo Poster by @iamTalkyTina

“All These Jim Grooms Can’t Be Wrong” animated GIF DS106 Promo Poster by @iamTalkyTina

The MIDI version of “It’s a Small World” was found at Willie Wonkas Free MIDI Music Factory Downloads. The site is glorious in its application of old-style GIF animation and hand-built HTML, and is worth a click through for the sake of nostalgia.

Since this GIF also made use of yesterday’s Dancing Jim Groom theme, I also tagged it for the Animated GIF Assignment 1001. So it’s a two-fer.

Okay — get out and promote your favourite aspect of DS106 to the world with a special GIF!