Rolling Rick St. Nick

This contribution for GIFestivus2012 belongs in the category of Animated GIF Assignment 859: Riff A GIF.Rolling Rick St Nick

This one truly did fall into place quickly — the idea came as soon as I saw Giulia‘s recent post, “Never Gonna GIF You Up,” for HB. This is the seasonal Riff on her GIF to accompany her original.

I quickly chased down some found Santa hats on the net, did a bit of work with the Magic Wand Tool and the eraser to remove the background around the hats and then scaled them to suit each image.


The shadow Rick in the lower left took the longest, as I had to make four different hat shadows — I just took a clipping of the head area and used the Clone Stamp Tool to extend the shadow texture into a hat shape. The eraser made it easy to edit, and I wound up removing most of the non-shadow part of the replacement so that it would just sit over the original head and leave room for the hands to do their thing.


I guess it goes without saying that Giulia’s post Rick-rolled my brain, as I had that song circulating as an ear-worm while I was working on this.  Hopefully the next GIF will let me give up the tune and move on to another one.

The three Santa Hat GIFs above may come in handy to you. Please feel free to use them — they have a transparent background, so you just need to resize and apply as needed.

Train to Anywhere

I am getting on The GIF Train and Riffing a GIF working off Alan’s The Faultless Feed (GIF) Train.

going for the quick and dirty rather than any precision train engineering. Taking the CogDog Express across Scotland,


Over Glasgow:

And over the moon:


Here is a greenscreen train, if anyone wants to take the train a bit further.





The Muppets Are On to You, ds106!

Allright, one more GIF (this morning) and then off to do something else. Maybe.


This one can fit into two of the categories- RIFF a GIF and GIF the #ds106 (this is a test if I can slip one example into two assignments).

Muppets + ds106 #4life

Open as in “for business”

Featured Image “open for business” cc licensed ( BY ) flickr photo by @cogdog

Whether you are outraged,  amused, or overwhelmed with ennui by the flurry of Instagram ToS sentiments, I agree with Gina Tripani:

I saw a few of these appear in my instagram feed:

Dear Users:
You are not our customers, you are the cattle we drive to market and auction off to the highest bidder. Enjoy your feed and keep producing the milk!

I thought it would be better to see a bit of e-motion with all those words; in honour of #GIFest, here is what I think Angry ToS panda would post to instagram:

screenshot of instgram with animated gif cows

Cows nodding, “Isn’t this great? We get all the food we want! For FREE!”

Okay, I know the metaphor is getting over used and there are already many analyses at what Instagram’s terms of service really means, from I’m Not The Product, But I Play One On The Internet to Instagram isn’t a Public Utility.

Already, the outrage has prompted Instagram to pipe their new ToS through a newspeak social media filter so it is basically the same but doesn’t sound so gross. Just like Facebook’s, of course.

Truth be told, I really just wanted to make a cool animated #GIFest based on this hilarious video @cogdog shared.


I contemplated using it to deride MOOCs, as is (apparently) my #DS106radio duty. Alas, I had originally started a post in response to the supreme abject harbinger’s inquiry: “why does anyone use instagram?”

So, why do I use Instagram? Initially, the short answer (for me) is that the app was fast and easy to use. There are elements of community that were unexpected and pleasant, but mostly it was the fastest way to go from seeing a cool thing, to getting a shot, cropping and posting to multiple locations.

The main decision boiled down to whether I wanted any kind of reuse (for myself or anyone else). If yes, I post to Flickr. If I don’t care then I use instagram. Usually, if starting in instagram, I would post to both. I would never, ever post my DSLR pics to instagram because if I have to go to all that trouble, I sure as hell am going to putting my photos somewhere useful, like Flickr.

On a rare occasion, I’ve wanted to use someone else’s instagram photo in a blog post. Even if they wanted to give me permission, sharing and reusing is  really difficult. It may even be ToS violating, though IANAL so I’m not sure. When in doubt, I do what I think I should be able to do.

Using the app “share” button, it only links to a page, not the image itself. Using the web interface, right clicks on the image are disabled. There are workarounds. What you have to do, from your instagram profile page, is find the individual picture page, then Inspect Element (chrome), find the crazy url that ends with .jpg.

screenshot of View Source on instagram web page
How to embed a picture from Instagram


Compare that to how simple it is to just use Alan Levine‘s simply awesome cc attribution helper

Screenshot of Chrome  cc attribution extension by Alan Levine

How to embed an image from Flickr

I already used Flickr’s old mobile app every day before they updated it so I’m not going to go on about how killer  the new one is, except to say, it’s efficient and does what I want.

If you need more thoughtful analyses, I suggest you read Ma’ayan Plaut’s rationale for quitting instagram from yesterday and now today, why she stands by her decision.  Now if you’re really feeling riled up,  go sign the petition to make the Flickr API a National Historic Landmark.

Very Busy at Work or “Ooops, I Arted”

This was in response to @cogdog and his wish for making art. So I arted.

Dexter Jumps the Noiseprofessor: Riff a GIF!


This is my own riff on the eminent Photoshop RiffMaster, the Noiseprofessor, himself riffing with his own photoshopping of Brian Lamb’s super dog Dexter.

I upped the Fonzie with Zack’s face, and even twiddled his thumb a bit ;-)

Can ds106 be any more fun when people just play like that, rapid fire? On the surface it looks silly, but there’s something more at play. I’d wax on this, but would rather make more GIFs today. But it did get me thinking about a new assignment to be rolled into what will be (look for details tomorrow) a ds106 GIF Festival, this one known as Riff a GIF:

Some of the best parts of ds106 happens when people spontaneously build off of the whacky things others share. Rapid fire style.

Your assignment is to riff on someone eles’s ds106 work and make it new in a GIF form. It can be revising an existing GIF, or taking a graphic and turning it into a GIF.

Riff the GIF, say it three times fast.

For which this post shall be properly tagged to get included.

The same thing happened already, when Martin Weller tweeted about his plans to do some #ds106 radio:

And that got me thinking of maybe putting Martin’s face into a disco themed image, a bit of quick photoshoppery got this:


And within not too long, Martin Hawksy had RIfFed a GIF:

That’s the spirit.

Now even if Martin’s blog is not connected to ds106, he could add his example directly to the assignment

Hey, are there enough UK Martins around here? Now that would be something to riff with…

Riff a GIF

Some of the best parts of ds106 happens when people spontaneously build off of the whacky things others share. Rapid fire style.

Your assignment is to riff on someone eles’s ds106 work and make it new in a GIF form. It can be revising an existing GIF, or taking a graphic and turning it into a GIF.

Riff the GIF, say it three times fast.