the music of gifs

The assignment I followed said to post a gif that suggests music or dancing in some way.

Remix: “Molly taught us all that everything is prettier in pink, so make that assignment more pink somehow, either literally or metaphorically.”

I used Giphy to complete this assignment.

Mean Girls Dancing GIF

I immediately thought of two movies: Pretty in Pink and Mean Girls (because on Wednesdays we wear pink) and went with Mean Girls because there was more dancing. I searched for this gif that worked perfectly!


For my second gif, I made a dancing ballerina. I took a ballet class last year and enjoyed it. So that was the first thing I thought of when I saw this assignment. I found a photo online of different ballet positions then cropped them individually. I wanted the same girl for each picture. This was just a generic drawing of a ballerina because I couldn’t find pictures of a person that I liked. Just like the pug gif I made, I created layers with each photo and exported it as a gif.

Make a GIF feel the music

This was my attempt at the assignment found here ( ).
I picked a scene from the opening of the second season of an anime called Konosuba that is coming out at the moment that I found funny. I just find the lazy dancing really funny for some reason and I wanted to share it to people even if they would otherwise not watch the show. Another reason I picked this is because I am terrible at dancing and so it strikes home with how bad the dancing is.

Pitch Puuurrrfect


This is my second GIF post. I chose the assignment, The Music of GIFs. This assignment asks for a GIF that suggests music or dancing in some sort of way. Luckily, I found a cat that obviously has “puuuuurrrrfect” hearing and good rhythm.

Take a look at my little furry friend. He enjoys listening to artists such as Drake and Beyonce and bobbing his head to the beat. As you can tell, he is quite the catch!




For this assignment, I used the same process as I did for the first GIF assignment. The link to that post is here. Feel free to ask me if you have any questions but I can definitely tell you the second GIF was a lot easier than the first! I do recommend the Giphy website because it makes the process very clear. I really enjoy creating these miniature videos and finding funny, interesting pieces to capture. Enjoy!

Lt. Vincent Hanna demonstrates how to feel the music

Conducting a GIF

American Beauty, the greatest film of all time, is full of noise. Music. The sounds of life. The wind. Cars. Sex. Conversations. The shower. Ethereal songs from the soundtrack. And Lester Burnham is conducting this noise. Or at least, he aggressively takes over conducting it, after sleeping though his life for years. So here is a GIF to celebrate Lester Burnham taking charge of the soundtrack of his life:


The Music of GIFs

GIFs may not have audio, but they can still be musical. Create an animated GIF that suggests music or dancing in some way, such as that of Lester Burnham conducting.