Assignment Bank 11 #DS106 (4 Star)

I did “Row Row Polyphony” Audio assignment.

All my music came from YouTube. I just edited a song that sounded good to me. I took out specific parts to shorten it and lowered the sound a lot, so it wasn’t blasting, however it’s still loud so be careful.

If you want to try it yourself and do way better than I did, you can find it here,

Row Row Polyphony

This was based on the assignment found here (

A polyphony is when a subsequent chorus of the same verse chimes in during a song. So with this assignment it was a matter of not only recording the base song, in this case row row row your boat, but having subsequent verses of row row row your boat join in. It was fairly simple to make although really odd to listen to, especially with my inability to sing.


Row Row Polyphony (AKA I revisit middle school)

I haven’t sung this round in an actual choir since about middle school– 8th grade, to be precise. It was fun singing it again, although I wish I’d been a little more consistent with my timing. Eh.

I used the Smart Voice Recorder on my phone, then transferred the four tracks I recorded to Audacity on my laptop. It was… frustrating? Somehow I managed to turn off the voice on the first version I put together. It wasn’t the mute button, and when I tried to copy/paste the paste didn’t have any audio on it. I figured this out after I uploaded to SoundCloud then tried to figure out why it didn’t have any sound. Yikes.

I chose to sing Mountains because it’s a fairly simple round that I knew I could sing (relatively) consistently (or not, as it turned out) and wouldn’t force me to sing with a great deal of skill. I haven’t taken a voice class in a while, guys. I did try to sing Ghost of John, since it’s almost October, but a) it’s kinda high pitched and slightly outside of my comfort zone and b) it would have been hell to get the timing down. Mountains was hard enough.

Now that I think about it, I could have sung Soldier Boy. Nah. I don’t feel like making people sad tonight. (Go listen to it, it’s depressing.)

Another reason for Mountains? No death or sadness, which is actually fairly common in the rounds I know. Swan Song, Ghost of John, this one which is a translation from German about how after all is ended, music will live on… Glass Houses maybe not so much, but still not happy.

Shit. I should have done Oreos. ARGGGG.

This assignment was Row Row Polyphony for 3 1/2 stars.

Doobie Polyphony

So, for this assignment, I decided to relive a bit of my own past in a way. Back when I worked as a line cook at Applebee’s, the other cooks and I would sing the end of Doobie Brothers’ Black Water in a polyphony pretty frequently. So, when I saw this audio assignment, I knew that was what I had to do. But, with just me, it takes a little more to round it all out. So, I recorded myself singing 3-4 tracks of each of the two sections. Then I layered the section to start 1.5 second off each other for the first part and 3 seconds off for the second part. I noticed that the noise was a little intense at times and that it was detracting from the effect, I had the tracks alternate left and right channel so that people listening in stereo will hear a sort of fade back and forth.  Here is the final product.

Row Row Polyphony: The Mouse Ran Up the Clock!

Row Row Polyphony: “An imitative polyphony can best be described as when you were younger in music class and the teacher would have one side of the class start singing “row row row your boat” and then part way through the song have the other half of the class start singing from the beginning. It is basically two similar melodies sung at the same time, but at different points.” (2.5 stars).

For this assignment, I took a trip back to pre-school and started using some nursery rhymes! A polyphony is a repeated song or rhyme. I wanted to use a different song rather than choosing the used “Row Row Row”, so I used “Hickory Dickory Dock”. First, I recorded myself singing the nursery rhyme in Audacity. I then copied it twice and pasted it onto another line. Then I used the Time Shift tool (It is a double sided arrow), and moved the second one to the right, and the third one a little further. I then downloaded the instrumental “Hickory Dickory Dock” and added that to the background. I turned down the sound of the actual song itself so you would hear my polyphony in action.

It was a fun assignment. These songs are always cool to hear so I thought it would be interesting to create my own one! I did travel down memory lane because while looking at songs to choose, it all reminded me of a book I had when I was younger that had all nursery rhymes in it. I know I sang them all!


@`Singing With Myself… Again`@

For this Audio Assignment Bank project called “Row Row Polyphony” worth 2.5 stars, I had to sing a round of Row Row Row Your Boat. It was pretty straightforward. :)

I say again because I sang Adele’s Rolling In The Deep with myself in another post found here!

It’s Quite Sandy

For my final audio assignment for the week I chose to create a Polyphony (worth 2.5 stars).  The assignment included recording yourself singing a polyphony, which is a song that has the same melody going on at different times (also called a round).  Ex: row row row your boat.  I chose a song that I learned while in Middle School choir that I have loved as a round ever since.  It’s called Grey Sand and White Sand.

To create this round all I had to do was record myself singing it once in audacity then copy and paste the track two other times.  After doing so, I just had to time shift the other two copies to make them line up so it would sound like a round.  This assignment was easy and fun (especially because I like doing anything that has to do with singing!)  Here is the result!

Polyphony: Itsy Bitsy Spider

For one of my chosen audio assignments, I picked “Row Row Polyphony“: (2.5 stars) An imitative polyphony can best be described as when you were younger in music class and the teacher would have one side of the class start singing “row row row your boat” and then part way through the song have the other half of the class start singing from the beginning.  It is basically two similar melodies sung at the same time, but at different points.

I wanted to do this with a currently popular song, but as I had trouble with my iTunes (couldn’t remember the password :O), I decided to limit myself to simple, childhood tunes. The one I sang most over summer to the little boy I babysat was “Itsy Bitsy Spider” so I chose that one. I couldn’t find one I liked all that much online and figured it might be unique if I sang it. I had a lot of fun recording this, however listening back to it was pretty cringe-worthy. The way I hear myself sing and the way I actually sing are two very different things. However, I decided to keep the recording because it gave the song a more child-like sound. I also added a little bit of piano to maybe distract people from my horrible voice. And I edited and recored all of this on GarageBand, and I used “Delicate Piano 01″ for the piano sound.



Hope you enjoy! Let me know what you think.

Incy Wincy Spider Polyphony

The Row Row Polyphony assignment was an interesting assignment. It took me a while to find a song that sounded half way decent with the polyphony effect. I ended up choosing the Incy Wincy Spider. I had the song start at 3 different times. Using audacity I was easily able to move the different tracks to the time I needed them to start. Also, the version of the song I chose had a area that how some sound effect type of thing going on and it didn’t sound good when all the tracks were playing. I removed that part from one of the tracks so it sounded a little cleaner. Once again soundcloud does not like how I get my music. I think it turned out ok but its not something I would put on for a little kid but the little girl singing it has a pretty cool accent.



2.5 stars

“Everywhere I Go They Just Copy And Paste Us”

For my third audio assignment I decided to do the Row Row Polyphony (2.5 stars). I really love doing this. I  have been in choirs all of my life and most the team we warm up with rounds. Usually we do it with Solfege but there are so many songs you could do it with. Even in my music class last semester we did the Row Row Row Your Boat round in class. It’s always so much fun.

I didn’t really know what song to do my round with so I just stuck with “Row Your Boat.” I thought to myself if I was going to do that song then I would have to be original so I took to Audacity. First I recorded myself singing the song. That was probably the easiest part. Like I said I wanted to be original. I wanted to harmonize so I changed the pitches of my voices through Audacity. That took the longest amount of time then any other part of any audio assignment that I did this week. Trying to line the tracks up so they hit on time was also a bit hard. I enjoyed the outcome so listen and tell me what you think.