Picking up Blake Lively

This assignment was very funny and one I enjoyed a lot. For this assignment the goal was to try and get a date with a famous celebrity. I decided to do it from the perspective of Austin Scarn my secret agent character. I had a tough time keeping it together and trying to get her to go out with me.

I had to try and bring out all the stops about how I save crime and how I need a wingman in my missions. I had to do a couple takes because I either didn’t have anything to say or I was to busy laughing at how funny it would be to try and do this. Overall this assignment had to be one of the funniest I have done for this class. Unfortunately I do not believe I will be getting a date with Blake Lively as I feel my game was not subpar. Oh well!

30 Second Celeb Speed Dating

I did the 30 second celeb speed dating assignment in which I pretended that I’d be going on a date with my favorite celebrity. For this case, I pretended I was going on a date with Matthew Gray Gubler from Criminal Minds because he’s my favorite actor. He’s pretty weird and just tells everyone about his passions and how he feels about certain things. So, I did the same thing when I added “I’m obsessed with my dog.”

I really enjoyed this, but I just felt like I was telling the world about myself as opposed to a celebrity because there wasn’t a celebrity in front of me. So, I definitely didn’t have the nerves that I probably would’ve had if a celebrity would’ve been in front of me. However, I enjoyed being able to talk about myself for 30 seconds.

Here’s the track of my “Speed Dating”:

Spy Dating

In this assignment. My goal was to create a clip of anything I would want to tell a person I just met. That way they could get to know me better and possibly go on a date with me. I used the spy theme in this dating audio to stick to our class theme. This assignment was not difficult. The only hard part was coming up with things about my spy self. I really enjoy the spy theme and I look forward to working on my group’s spy radio show called sexspionage.

30 Seconds Intro

For this assignment, I recorded my 30 introduction using Audacity. I talked about my likes as a list of items. I thought that 30 second introduction was going to be quite long, given an awkward situation like facing someone you have never met, but approaching it in a categorical way helped decrease the perception of time. It actually gave me a chance to rethink about what I actually like since there are so many things that I cannot list all of them! Besides, I don’t think that I would know what to say to a celebrity even if I ever met one.

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003’s Speed-Date with Thandie Newton: “Celebrity Speed-Dating”

For this 3 point audio assignment, I was instructed to record a thirty second speed-dating clip telling a celebrity enough about me to see if they were interested. To relate it to our secret agent theme for the semester, I wrote a quick script for Agent 003 (Wren Wilder) outside of his classified field of work, introducing himself to his favorite actress Thandie Newton.

Determining a celebrity whom 003 would be interested in was fairly easy for me, since Newton’s superb portrait of the looping robot Maive experiencing an ongoing existential crisis on “Westworld” directly correlating with his interest in both the practical and philosophical aspects of modern technology. I’m sure the beauties, dangers, and possibilities of artificial intelligence gaining sentience would be a naturally compelling storyline Wren would enjoy watching in his free time, making him a fan of Thandie Newton.

I found this assignment easy and quick, adding a timer effect in the background using Audacity after listening to Limetown’s clever usage of a timer effect in the season 1 podcast finale.

Celebrity Speed Dating!

I think this assignment was fun. I thought of the most attractive celebrity I could think of and pretended that he was right in front of me and went for it. This was a lot of fun!!


Celebrity Speed Dating

Original assignment can be found here (3 Stars)

The assignment tasks you with convincing a celebrity to hang out with you in 30 seconds. I used the voice recording program Audacity to create this. I hit record and talked through the microphone in my laptop. I hit stop once 30 seconds passed. I clicked on File then Export Audio. Saved the file as a WAV. Then I uploaded the file to Souncloud. It was an easy assignment.

Not too much to say on this. I liked that it was just 30 seconds and not a few minutes. I’m never sure how to explain my hobbies to anyone. I know I have hobbies but I never remember what I do with my free time. During the summer I love to go boating with my friends and family. I hope to start saving up soon and buy an old used one myself.

In a nutshell these were the things that I thought described me best


30 Second Date

Assignment: Celebrity Speed Dating

Assignment Description: “You were just introduced to your favorite celebrity. You now have 30 seconds to tell this person anything you want and at the end of the conversation they will decide if they want to hang out with you again or not. Use soundcloud to record a short 30 second clip of everything you would want this person to know. GO!”

Pearl de Vere: My character, Dr. Wisdom, has a huge crush on Pearl de vere, a beautiful brothel owner up in Denver, CO. Everyone in the area knows about Pearl, but Dr. Wisdom thinks that there’s a little more to her than simply a brothel owner. In this 30 second date, he gets to tell her more about himself as well as ask her about herself.

Put it all together: This project was a simple recording on audacity. Similarly to the other 3 audio assignments I did, I wrote out a small script for this one before I recorded. I did not layer this assignment, I just exported it as an mp3 and uploaded it to soundcloud.

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30 Seconds: All About Me

This assignment was pretty nerve racking. I felt like I was actually doing speed dating when I was talking and trying to figure out what to say in 30 seconds. I kind of winged it because if I were to try speed dating I definitely would change what I say with every person, so I thought that would be a good way to make this more realistic. As you guys can hear, it turned out a little awkward, but that’s okay because who isn’t awkward with only 30 seconds to introduce and make a good impression?


Why Medicine?

I completed celebrity speed dating.



Back in 2008 I read a book by a physician, Dr. Esselstyn. The initial reason as to why I read that book is due to my father. He’s a physician who worked at the Cleveland Clinic with Esselstyn, and he told me to read it. So I did. The books premise is if someone follows the diet outlined in the book, it’s possible to arrest and reverse heart disease rather than having to undergo invasive procedures. What makes the study unique is that it dates back to the mid 80s. It was reviewed for over twenty years. So in my little 30 second clip I kind of want to know why Dr. Esselstyn chose medicine. Why not something else? Here’s a really intelligent man who chose to confine himself to one field of study in the field of medicine rather than studying something else in which he most likely would have excelled at as well. I want to pick his brain.

The only challenge to this assignment is that I personally don’t find any traditional celebrity out there interesting. I have no interest in their lives and what they’re up to. So I chose to direct a couple questions to a man of science.