Auditory Hell

There are two things I absolutely hate in this world…nails scratching and styrofoam. I literally cringe at the sound of either, styrofoam specifically makes me physically ill every time I hear it. I have to leave the room when it comes into space. In other words, this auditory was pure hell to create, I laugh cause my cover photo for this is actually how I feel.

Annoying Sounds

Check out my annoying sounds! This 1-star assignment was short but interesting. Mostly because I got to think about the most annoying sounds that bother me.

I used to gather my annoying sounds. I used a baby crying, a squeeky noise, a bunch of birds chirping and a goose honk. I then placed them into GarageBand and mashed them all together….it sounds wonderful.. Then uploaded to Soundcloud! I would have to say this is the worst soundcloud upload ever!

Auditory Hell

I took my least favorite sounds, which are insults from other people, screaming, nails on a chalkboard, and dogs barking, and put them all in one track (it was awful). I used the sounds from

I had to think through this project somewhat on what I wanted to put in it. I didn’t want to put swear words in it (lest it be taken down) so the “insulting” audio I used was just a man calling someone a “loser” and other person saying someone had an “ugly face”. Both I thought were pretty funny tracks.

Nails on a chalkboard give me goosebumps and makes me shiver so it was really hard to listen to this track whuile I was making it (I will never listen too it again). Another frightening sounds (for me) is dogs barking, I absolutely loath hearing it, it equally terrifies and annoys me and I jump every time a dog barks.

Auditory Hell

Are there any noises that grind your gears? So much so that you become instantly annoyed as soon as you hear it?

There are a few noises that annoy the crap out of me.Ā  It’s not a lot but it’s enough to get under my skin from time to time, especially if it’s super loud and ongoing. A few of these noises are put together in the sound clip below.

These sounds include other people chewing, idle diesel trucks, the sounds of someone mowing the lawn, and the faucet dripping to name a few.

What sounds annoy you?


Most Annoying Sounds

This was a very difficult assignment to do because these noises are HORRIBLE. Luckily I got 3 stars out of it!

“A” Tone at 11 KHZ

This is simply an ā€œA Toneā€ (no mashing of sounds ā€“ thatā€™s just not as effective) manipulated to run at 11 kilohertz. If you listen to this for too long, I really believe you start to go insane. Such a simple noise that can be so horribly annoying.

The Dark Side of the Moon

Scary noises, such as creaky doors and howling wind, could possibly trigger an apprehensive or uneasy emotion to the listener. Ā A conceivable conclusion is that the listener may feel threatened or simply just afraid of the unknown. Ā The audio assignment below is a compilation of undesirable sound effects, designed to create an environment of distress and panic for the unaware victim. Ā This assignment is worth three stars.


Auditory Hell


This clip combines crying babies, metal scraping metal, an alarm clock, and a dentist drill.

Try not to cringe, I dare you

All the Noises I deem Unnecessary!!!!

I chose this two star assignment from the audio assignment bank.Ā  I instantly chose this assignment because off the top of my head I could think of a few really annoying sounds.