Alright I don’t know why but I used the name Roger yet again for another assignment. I guess it’s just the name of the day. I chose this assignment because I was looking for something that would slowly introduce me into the audio assignments category. This was the perfect introduction! I started by visiting the website and browsing the content on there a little bit. Such an interesting user created website. Then I followed the instructions for creating my own broadcast which were very straightforward and easy to understand (even for a internet simpleton like myself). The story I created was entirely off of the top of my head. I chose to be an individual running from a pari of zombie twins. Why were they twins? I thought it would be funny. Was it actually funny? I thought so. Anyway so I wove the story of a post-apocolyptic survivor who was on the run from these zombie twins who are abnormally intelligent and fast. At the conclusion of the transmission the character asks for someone to come and find him, where he is, and that he has to go because he hears the zombie twins outside of the door. This story was something fun that I put together in order to push myself outside of my comfort zone.
Just Zaying..