

Kai stands outside hearing the thrum of the music. It’s the middle of the day but the party doesn’t stop for the Blue’s. The sun beats down on Kai and despite what he’s about to do he feels his foot tap a little bit in rhythm with the thrumming sound.



For my last audio assignment for the week I did, Audio Assignment 2227. I had always wondered, when listening to EDM, how they got the “from another room” effect and I always really liked how it sounded in songs. To learn how to recreate it was exciting for me. I began the process by going on and searched for “EDM beat”. I clicked on the first option that was the length of a normal song, and ended up liking the beat which was convenient. I downloaded the beat and imported it into Audacity. I then used the “Low pass filter” to get the “from another room effect. It took me a little bit to get the settings for frequency and decibels, right where I wanted them. I settled on 1500.00 frequency and 24dB.

Following forming the beat (which I was very happy with) I then wrote a description on Soundcloud (which you can see above). I knew I needed to incorporate my character, Kai, so I set it in the background of his world. My thoughts behind this description is that Kai is about to go in and put the beatdown on some fools in the club. The last sentence I wanted to put a little bit of a funny spin, showing that despite the menacing nature of what he was fixin’ to do, he could still appreciate a good beat. In review the Blue are the big local gang that Kai deals with, and they are his nemesis in the story. This song and description tell the story of a hero right before a climax of a larger story, preparing to go into battle with the antagonist.


Just Zaying…

Song in Another Room

You’re trying to do your homework when your brother’s band starts playing in the garage again. You can’t count how many times you’ve heard this song in a row. Your brother’s friend Cameron’s voice is just so grating this many listens in a row. Your mom calls you to help do the dishes but you only hear on the third call.

This assignment was pretty nifty to come across given my audio engineering experience. I threw a low pass filter on it and added a little bit of distortion but dragged the tone down to about 200hz. Makes the sound in another room effect pretty well!

(Original song: The Ghost of Maiden’s Peak by Cole Masaitis (I play bass on this song!))

We All Lift Together: Next Door Edition

“You just got off of your night shift in the scrapyard. It’s been a long day, you’re ready to go home. You get in your car but before you can drive away, song starts, the morning shift has arrived. You sit in your car, wondering why you always have the boring night shift. You cry a bit before heading home.”

This is my post for the Played From Another Room assignment. For this assignment I used the song “We All Lift Together” by Keith Power. In order to figure out how to muffle the audio I went to one of my favorite places in the world, YouTube. I found this video explaining how to change the audio around and it worked out pretty well! I ended up making a few other tweaks, I lowered the treble and raised the bass a bit, but other than that it was pretty simple.

Frozen: Metal Through the Walls

You realize that the chick from frozen would’ve sounded better if she’d only been able to shred on a B.C. Rich Warlock Guitar. So you gather your friends together in an orgy of electric metal death and redo the song, only to find out that… well… frozen sucks.

Played From Another Room

This media assignment has two parts. First, edit a song to sound like it is playing from another room. The audio should sound muffled and the bass should be prominent. Here is an example of this effect and here is a tutorial on how to do this. The second part of this assignment is to write a weirdly specific description of your song. Here is an example of a description.