Distorting a Noise to Sound Like Lasers

For this assignment I was instructed to create or manipulate an audio file in a way that would distort it, basically making it sound like something totally and completely different. I was watching Star Wars on Netflix while looking through assignments and while watching I was listening to the sound effects that really enhance the scenes. While listening I had the idea that I could create a similar style of sound using logic pro. For this I used a speech sample and then using the different tools on Logic I completely distorted it into sounding like a laser or some form of space tool. This wasn’t as difficult as I thought it would be since I already had experience with audio distortion and logic and it was basically like riding a bike, you never forget. Overall I am happy with the outcome and might even use it in the sound effect story assignment. Hope you enjoy this awesome laser noise.

Wavy Seashells


Hey all!

For this assignment (Assignment 2298) I decided to create something using a sound from freesounds.org as my basis. The name of the original sound is “Drums Trap Beat”. I downloaded this song from the website and then opened up Audacity. Audacity is very easy to use, and the more I use it the more brilliant I think it is for being a free software. I imported the beat into Audacity and then got to work on it using the editing software in Audacity. The first thing I did was changed the speed, and sped it all of the way up. Then I applied what’s called “Paulstretch” to the segment I chose to edit. I made sure to leave the first half of the beat untouched so my viewers would see where I was coming from. I didn’t know what Paulstretch was before using it but after I did a little bit of research I discovered that it is a filter that just stretches audio up to a billion times its original length. This explains why the sound after the filter sounded similar to a seashell or a wave.

I enjoyed this assignment and had fun playing around with the beat that I decided to use. I didn’t really have a plan before beginning the editing, but once I got into it I decided I would try to make it into a wave sound. This was accomplished but I think if I had to do it again I would try to figure out how to make it sound less tinny. To me it sounds like listening to a big seashell, while on the beach between high and low tide. What does this mean to me? Well who the heck wouldn’t want to be at a beach right now!
Just Zaying…

Train Horn….dIStoRTeD

One of the audio assignments that I selected was to take a normal sound and distort it.  Here is a Train Horn distorted! ?



From Laughing to Crying

As one of my assignments I completed the Make Noise From a Normal Sample assignment (4 stars). I was nervous for this one because I wasn’t sure how to turn the noise into something meaningful rather than just static. After further thought, I decided to play with the audio of children laughing. I used audacity to edit the clip and applied multiple different effects to it including change pitch, fade in, fade out, reverb, and (most importantly) invert. All of the effects before invert made the children sound goofy, but once I inverted the sound it sounded like crying. People always say they can’t tell if someone is laughing or crying & how closely related the two are… so I played with it. My clip is below. Notice that I played the children laughing first, then copied it and only edited the copied part. I wanted you to have a clear understanding of the original clip before I messed with it. Let me know if it sounds like crying to you!

Make Noise from a Normal Sample

Make Noise!! The title is pretty self explanitory. Take a recognizable song or sound, and then turn it into a completely unrecognizable sound. For example, take a dog barking and make it sound like tv static. This can be accomplished using any DAW (digital audio workspace, for those unaware) or some online audio editor.