Charlie, You Won!

This is 4 star audio assignment,”The One-Man Play.” It is audio assignment 567.

The instructions were:

“Act out a scene from a play by yourself, using different voices for different characters. Have fun with this!”

I loved this assignment! The hardest part was choosing which scene to actually do. After lots of time looking at different scenes, I finally decided on the last scene of Willy Wonka. It begins in Wonka’s office where Mr. Wonka is testing Charlie. Charlie passes the test and wins! Not only does Charlie win the life time supply of chocolate. HE WINS THE WHOLE FACTORY. Wonka wants a child to take over the factory, not an adult who may want to change things.

I really like that part of this scene where Charlie places the gobstopper on Willy Wonka’s desk instead of giving it to sluggworth. It showed what great character Charlie had!

I googled a script for the musical. Then I used Audacity to record the final scene and export it as an Mp3. I seemed to struggle with the voices. I tried really hard to sound like a man, but I don’t think I am fooling anyone. Its funny to hear me try though! :)




Skit scatting

On of my favorite movies to quote is The Grinch . The cartoon movie isn’t as funny as the Jim Carry version. I don’t know why but I just think JIm Carry is so funny in that movie with all the clever Dr. Sues lines. The voice and mannerisms of the Grinch are just fun to imitate. I saw the audio assignment to do a skit with multiple characters by yourself.  And decided to do the Grinch! I looked up the script for the grinch and found a shortened one for a play.  After a couple fail trials I got a scene from the script down!


Remix #2 (Audio): Son, How’s Your Day? (One-Man Play/Scene)

This is more like a scene than a play. It’s from one of my favorite films, The Breakfast Club, when Bender presents his version of Brian’s supposedly ideal home life.

Here’s my remix:

And here’s the original scene, the best version I could find:

ds106 Audio Assignments

I spent a good portion of one day working on ds106 assignments, just sitting at my computer, thinking, planning, searching, recording, rejecting, and trying again. Somehow, just sitting in that way was rough on my back and by dinner I could barely walk. (I’ve had lower back problems in the past, but usually for more justified reasons.)

That evening I created a ds106 radio bumper and focused on pain, not shockingly. I opened with an odd monster sound, just because it seemed like an interesting opening and it showed up when I searched for pain. Then I used a sound that was created to simulate someone falling down the stairs. I think, in context, it sounds more like a door opening. Finally, I ended with some maniacal laughter.

Another audio assignment I attempted was the One-Man Play. This was one of the first to catch my attention and I knew immediately what part of which play I wanted to use: the opening moments of Tom Stoppard’s Arcadia. It may not be a play many folks know, but it is one I love, especially the opening. Stoppard writes brilliant dialogue. The down side to that is I am no actress so I do not do justice to the words. I did have fun trying to make myself sound like both a 13 year old girl and a 22 year old man.

I didn’t add much beyond my voice. The scene takes place in Thomasina’s home, during a lesson with her tutor. I added a bit of pages turning as the two were working and some pen writing.

I’m still working on the Suess It assignment but Audacity and I are not getting along well at the moment. I’m trying to copy and paste some sounds but when I paste, nothing seems to happen. It thinks it did, because I can ‘undo paste’ but that’s not impressive when the sound isn’t there. I haven’t given up yet but at the moment Audacity is winning.

The One-Man Play

Act out a scene from a play by yourself, using different voices for different characters. Have fun with this!