Our Weekend Bar Fight

This is the sound project that Steph, Jess and I worked on in class on Thursday. It took forever for me to get this up because of business sorry. But I am getting this up before the deadline. We tweaked it a bit because it was deemed to calm/quiet to be a bar fight and because people thought it was an engagement dinner with ninjas/kung fu people or something.

Bar Fight

Click the link twice to play it.

When we sat down to figure out what to do for this mini project we were at first at a loss. How were we supposed to tell a story using only sounds? Eventually we came up with the idea of a bar fight and we set about trying to find the sounds for it. Our initial plan was much more detailed than what we ended up with in class but we had to simplify it as time was running out and the internet was being terribly slow at downloading the sounds from freesound.org. After the first run-thorugh and some critiques from the class this is our final cut.

Sounds used:


Door Opening-http://www.freesound.org/samplesViewSingle.php?id=52375

Bar Atmosphere-http://www.freesound.org/samplesViewSingle.php?id=98945

Drinks Sloshing-http://www.freesound.org/samplesViewSingle.php?id=23502

Glass Breaking- http://www.freesound.org/samplesViewSingle.php?id=93964





My Short Sound Effects Story

hey everybody, since a picture is supposedly worth 1000 words i didn’t find it too hard to create a story using photographs. however, how many words is a sound worth? i would assume not as many because i had a lot more difficulty trying to create a story using strictly sound effects. check it out though and let me know what ya think!

Making Myself at Home

A Daily Routine

So I didn’t really know what kind of story I wanted to make when I first started, but I saw the post on MG79MKIV‘s blog page and got pointed in the right direction. From that post I saw the link to this website. Once I was there, I just started playing some sounds until I heard one about the shower, then I got my idea to do a sound effects story for a morning routine. I also used this site and this site for other sound effects.

Working with audacity wasn’t too difficult at all. I would say it’s pretty user friendly. I’m really please with the way my sound effects story came out. morning routine

Running Shoes Redux (Sound Effect Story)

For my sound effect story, I decided to do a retelling of my Flickr Five Card Story “Running Shoes.” I actually changed the story a little bit since I was able to create a more detailed story with over a minute of audio than with five photos. Basically it’s still a story about a bunch of shoes trying to escape from a dog that wants to chew them up.

Listen to it here.

Thankfully I’ve already been using Audacity for a while, so making this was pretty easy. I’m looking forward to working with it more over the next few weeks.

The Fugitive – sound story

To make this Audio Assignments, I needed to create one account in thefreesoundproject, to download the sounds.
After remix all in Audacity and export to mp3
Before creating the post, I installed the audio player plugin in my blog

Here the sound story: the fugitive

Audio tracks from thefreesoundproject.org

  • Boom – DJ Chronos

Audio Assignmnet

This assignment was awesome!  I found all my sound bites from http://www.mediacollege.com/downloads/sound-effects/ and http://www.pacdv.com/sounds/. Both of these sites had hundreds of free sounds to download.

I save all the sounds I wanted into a folder on my desktop, then opened Audacity and Imported them. It took me about 20 mins or so to get everything synced and set up how I wanted, and then another 10 mins or so of playing with the volume dampers.

This is What I came up with, first try: Sound Effects Story.mp3.

If anybody is/was feeling a lil weary of this assignment, DON’T.  It just takes a lil time to play around with.  That’s it.  It’s fun, and really cool when you get done and get to listen to the finished product.

Texas Chainsaw Massacre

“Hide your kids, hide your wife, and hide your husband”

A Sound Story by Jabomba (Aliyah and Me)

Audio tracks from Freesounds.org

The Creation Process*:

Aliyah came over Thursday night (so handy we are friends/ live in the same building ;) to discuss what we had to do for the assignment since she had been at UVA performing with the UMW Bhangra team during class. (“So much better than going to DS106…Just Kidding….maybe… (: ” -Aliyah)

We brainstormed what our sound story should be and thought it would be funny if we did a ripoff of “the Texas Chainsaw Massacre” movie. Aliyah’s words: “Oh my lord… this is going to get scary! D: ”

Then today we sat outside enjoying the beautiful weather all the while listening to screams, bone crunching, slurping, chainsaws, and evil laughter. We also listened to the guys on the first floor whose living room window was open; they were singing songs like “A Whole New World” from Aladdin and “I want it that way” by the Backstreet Boys. Very entertaining!

We played around with Audacity before the assignment, but found it a little tricky to get all the bits and pieces of the story to play together right. Finally once we figured all that out, it was a bitch to have the song exported as an MP3 file. We had to download a lame file which didn’t download right at first and this created all sorts of problems/ took forever to figure out.  Once that was taken care of, we uploaded the Mp3 file using Audio Player (a handy audio plugin for wordpress! Thanks to Andrew for finding it)

From there on out it was smooth sailing! I’m looking forward to working more with Aliyah and our other partner David. For now our group name is Jabomba, which is what I thought Aliyah’s twitter name was the other day. Turns out her twitter name is Jamabay so I was totally wrong, but I think Jabomba sounds cooler.

Audio Assignment

Well, David, Brandon, and myself all worked on this first audio assignment, and I’m going to blog about what we came up with. It was a pretty difficult thing to work on, actually. Though we’d messed around with Audacity already, I for one had not done any importing. I knew how to cut, paste, delete, [...]

ds106 FO LYFE: Track 1

So earlier this evening after Jim Groom told us about this project and many of us shuddered with fear, Jordan, Andrew, and I sat down and started thinking about what we should do for the Sound Effect Story.

Andrew: So guys, what do we want to do?

*All check out freesound.org.*

Colleen: I just love the space sounds. Why don’t we do some kind of intergalactic space battle? (To JORDAN) Don’t you have a thing for space? Like your flickr is jordansinspace and you had something on your twitter about talking about space…?

Andrew: But there’s no sound in space.

Colleen: Well, what if we’re listening to it on the ship? And all the booms and crashes we hear are heard on the ship? Like something can be destroyed?

*All look up sounds of minute + mass destruction.*

? (possibly joint idea): Why don’t we look up yawns and alarm clocks? Especially since Jim Groom hates them so much.

*All proceed to check out alarm clock sounds and yawns.*

*Colleen finds annoying yawn heard. Jordan finds alarm.*

? (another possible joint idea): Why don’t we have him wake up to an alien invasion?

*Cue looking for beeps.*

Andrew: We should have him make coffee. *Starts looking for coffee pot sounds. Fails b/c they are all boring and unlistenable.*

Colleen: Maybe look for a microwave?


Colleen: I guess we should get started. *downloads sounds of yawning and horrible alarm clock* I don’t know how to work Audacity…*opens files of yawning and alarm clock*

Jordan: It should be just like Garage Band…

*After five minutes…*

Colleen: Okay, guys, if you email me the links for the clips, I’ll download them and add them to this baby.

Jordan: I think we need to add some explosions.


Andrew: We could end it with the character waking up. It can be like Inception or something, not that I’ve seen the movie…


Jordan: So how should we end this thing?

*The Internet has a meltdown.*

All: Holy crap! I don’t know what to do!

Colleen: Okay guys, I’m just going to replay the alarm at the end since I can’t download a new one. *decides at third to last minute to replay yawning*




Sound Effects Story by Call_lean
Title: Inception 2.0 (Initial Mix From Class)
Artist: Krollinghachy
Album: ds106 FO LYFE
Track #: 1
Time: 1.28

“Krollinghachy” consists of Jordan, Andrew, and Colleen.

Photo: “Chinese Kite Frame” by Thomas Smilie (Smithsonian Institute)

Audio Track: freesound.org
Alarm clock: guitarguy1985
Yawn: jackstrebor
Drone: Jovica
Running: Robinhood76