dear diary

so the goal of this assignment was to be Super Open about your past & share a diary entry from when you were an angsty teen. However! in light of our current radio show project! i decided to dramatically read snippets of Winston (from 1984)’s diary! And honestly? the end result is really really good, if i do say so myself!

So what i did was open up a free online pdf of the book (interested?) & use the “find” feature on google to look for whenever the word “wrote” appears. This led me to all of the times in which Winston wrote in his diary. I copied them all into a word document with the intention of reading all of them for the upload. However, upon attempting a dramatic reading of some of the longer entries, I realized that it was a little bit boring and irrelevant. Thus, I decided to pick and choose the entries that i thought showed Winston’s progression through the novel, from a man full of rage with nowhere to put it, to a critically reflecting outcast, then to an ideal member of the party machine. Once I decided on the diary bits i wanted included, I took a couple takes in the vocal recording booth & spliced and edited into a final product that i’m happy with.

Overall I think this turned out really well, and I liked trying to show Winston character development through just tone of voice and words. I did struggle with figuring out what to cut, however. For example, the very first entry in Winston’s diary is a monologue of a war movie he saw, and I think it encapsulates how, at the beginning of the novel, he was A Little Different from everybody else, but still pretty heavily conditioned/under Big Brother’s thumb. I realized I had to cut it, however, because it was a very lengthy entry that just didn’t contribute enough to the progression to be worth keeping.

reflect critically on authority, -liz

Week 5 Assignments – Teenage Angst

A Day of 16 Year Old Bri

For this assignment, Teenage Angst, you were supposed to read an old diary or journal entry you wrote when you were a teenager. I mean I still am a teenager…but I did one from when I was 16 years old. In this assignment you were also supposedly supposed to read an entry when you were angsty. But since I wasn’t really an angsty teenager I just did a different one that is also important. Once again Soundcloud has let me down. They should lower me into the ground at my funeral so they can let me down one last time. Again I was unable to embed the track into this blog post, so you can view the track here. Here is even a picture of the original journal!


Ok so there are things you need to know about this entry. I talk about girls swimming which is my high school swim team and SAC is the Salina Aquatics Club which was a Salina swim team. Also, Nolan is my only sibling and is my older brother. The reason why I chose this entry was because this entry has my first impression of my brother’s now fiance! They are getting married October 2017!

To record this I used Garageband and just a pair of old earbuds. I felt like it didn’t need anything in the background because I change topics so fast they really wouldn’t make sense.

Don’t cry me a river

Teenage Angst (1 1/2 Stars)

Record yourself reading from a diary/journal/letter you wrote when you were a teenager. Try to capture the emotion and angst of the moment. Add music and sound effects, as appropriate. (Check out one of the TAL segements in the example for an idea of how this might sound.)

Story Behind the Story

For this assignment, I decided to use it towards my character Stella. As much as I wanted to read my own angsty teenage letters, I was not able to access them at school (I know, it’s strange that I don’t carry those with me wherever I go. what is wrong with me?).

I also wanted to touch on her childhood and when she first started realizing that emotions and feelings were not part of her personality. I wanted to show the disconnect she felt between herself and everyone else. Normal teenage angst journal entries are going to be about the new boy she likes or how this one friend was such a jerk to her. They are whiny and childish. This was all about contrasting Stella with the stereotypical teenage dilemmas. I have never focused on how Stella became who she is or what she was like as a child, so I had a lot of fun delving into the mind of her 15-year-old self.

This is a fun assignment to do for a movie character or your favorite character in a book. It forces you to think like them and really understand who they are as a person. There is a connection that has to be made in order to fully grasp the personality you are representing. Stella is a complex individual, and I think portraying her through a journal entry shows more of her mind and really elaborates on her adult self.

Work Itself

Narrate the Process

I basically thought back to everything I ever wrote about as a 15 year old and completely disregarded it. I wrote about the polar opposites. I wanted to make her sound nonchalant about her personality characteristics, so I practiced adding a couple small laughs into it.

Once again I recorded myself on audacity and added some wind into the background to make it have a more ominous feeling while listening.


So for this assignment we were supposed to record a journal entry we wrote as a teenager (I was 19)  and really capture the mood of it through effects.

I recorded my entry on Garage Band, I’m and audio noob so I didn’t do anythign too fancy but I added an effect that made it sound echoey which I thought made it sound like thoughts in my head and then I made my voice really high to make it sound like I was being super whiney, which I was.

Looking back on this now I laugh, I changed the name in the entry but if you see this “Amy” I’m sorry and I love you!

Difficulty: 2 stars

View the Original Assignment Here

Sound Effects Story

My internet hasn’t been working properly for a couple of days so I finally get to upload my final audio assignment called Sound Effects Story. For this assignment, we had to use sounds to tell a story without using any verbal communication. So I thought about what I do every morning.

First, I turn my alarm off. Then I head to the bathroom and pee. Then I wash my hands, and brush my teeth. After I hit the shower. I come out and look for clothes. After I get my keys and walk out the door and lock it. That is what you will be hearing. Most of the sounds that I have was found on, and YouTube. I took all the sounds and recorded them on Audacity. I had to do alot of trimming afterwards.

This makes 11 out of 10 stars.

I Found Your Diary | 2 Stars

The Assignment:

Over the span of this assignment stretch, you must complete 5 points of audio assignments from the audio category in the Assignment Bank.

Teenage Angst



I googled ‘diary’;

1. A daily record, usually private, especially of the writer’s own experiences, observations, feelings, attitudes, etc.

2. A book for keeping such a record.

3. A book or pad containing pages marked and arranged in calendar order, in which to note appointments and the like.


An excerpt from Beautifully_chaotic


I really loved this assignment.

Take an entry from your diary years ago and turn it into an audio story.  Done.

But wait!  I don’t have a diary from years ago.

I think I burned those in a bonfire at one time.

But did you know the Interwebz are FULL of people spilling their beans.  Yes, I admit I am one of them at timesWell not to the extent some folks go…but you get the idea.

If you are interested in reading deep, dark secrets try out one of these places:

I’m sure there a million more, even everyday blogs are diaries too.  These sites just happen to have places specifically for diarists.


One of my favorites that I came across was from  The author is Beautifully_chaotic

The story above is her story, not mine, I just read it out loud to you.

My guess is she is pretty young, smart, beautiful, and a bit confused, heck, who isn’t?  I’m glad she decided to share some of her stories/ diary entries with the public.


This assignment was an exercise in patience–via audio.

How do you do this you ask?

1.  Take a deep breath

2.  Close the computer, walk away, take the pups to the park.  Then let THEM relax so I can get down to business.

3. Brainstorm. Sketch, doodle, listen to Pandora er, ds106 Radio.

4. GO!

5.  I had already downloaded audacity.  (free and easy to use.) {OH! I  downloaded the converter before too, you are gonna need it.* }

6.I spent approx. 4,352 minutes on FREESOUND listening to and deciding between the wonderful/awful/crazy/head-ache inducing/lullaby singing/funny, and sometimes JUST THE RIGHT SOUNDS!

7.-352. Using audacity try, sample, listen, do-over, try again, listen more, smack-head, walk-away, return, bang the desk, smile, listen some more, watch the tutorial over again, play with dogs, laugh at your own antics, relax, SAVE.

353.  Walk away.

354. Export to convert to an MP3 file. (*This is why you need the converter)

355. Upload to SoundCloud.

356. Sit back and enjoy!

357.  Keep practicing.


Diary entry can be found here, by Beautifully_chaotic

The sounds I used from Freesound are:


The song is First Love by Adele  (Luuuurve!)





Day 95: Not a Shakespearean quality sonnet

Day 95: “Ask a stranger for a suggestion of what to do today. Explaining what you’re up to is part of the experience! Bonus: Get them involved in the actual thing you make.”

It is kind of hard to explain to a perfect stranger what am I doing. The few times I have tried I’ve gotten blank stares and then an incredulous look like “Why are you wasting your time with that.” Clearly I have not been surrounded by creative types lately. :/

Instead, I asked a friend for a suggestion; she thought I should do a ds106 assignment I haven’t done before.

The opportunity to do this day’s assignment arose yesterday when I found a poem I wrote in my English class in 10th grade. It was supposed to be in the style of a Shakespearean sonnet. I decided I would record myself reading it for Audio Assignment84: “Record yourself reading from a diary/journal/letter you wrote when you were a teenager. Try to capture the emotion and angst of the moment. Add music and sound effects, as appropriate.”


Teenage Angst

_cokwr: Record yourself reading from a diary/journal/letter you wrote when you were a teenager. Try to capture the emotion and angst of the moment. Add music and sound effects, as appropriate. (Check out one of the TAL segements in the example for an idea of how this might sound.), _cpzh4: Audio, _cre1l:, _chk2m: Martha Burtis, _ciyn3: 84, _ckd7g: , _clrrx: , _cztg3: