Bad Body Style – feat. Carley and Bieber

Saved the best for last!! (Actually, maybe not the best, but definitely the hardest!) I’ve been sitting here working on “The Contest Nobody Could Win” Assignment for about 2 hours…and sadly, I am not a winner.

BUT that’s okay, because I had fun and got to mess with audio! (This makes me want to remix songs…but for some reason I know that won’t go well :P ) This Assignment asked to take 6 very short fragments of songs, and put them into a single piece…Well, I definitely breached my 6 second limit and ended up with about 30 extra seconds! Audio Assignment – 1 Rob – 0 But truly, I think this assignment is better named, “The Impossible Contest”. Otherwise this would just be a 6 second shriek of crazy audio/voices. I hand it to those who put the effort into creating something really good in 6 seconds…But, I think with 6 longer pieces of songs, I created a nifty little story! Especially since a lot of music nowadays is sexual, I think this is super-perfect! And when some of the song changes happen, they happen a lot smoother than I had anticipated, so that made my life easier!

Anyways, enjoy and tell me what you think!




Do you know the songs?

Song 1 – Music from my roommate freshman year
Song 2 – Music from my roommate freshman year
Song 3 –
Song 4 – Music from my brother
Song 5 –
Song 6 –

Boy Band Mashup

I actually came across this assignment when pushing the random assignment button in the assignment bank. I only need two more stars to complete my 10 for the week and was looking for something simple and fun to do. I came across The Contest Nobody Could Win. The title didn’t really make sense to me for an audio assignment so I decided to pursue it further. It ended up being basically a six song mashup. I hear my roommate doing mashups all the time for the dance team and thought it would be interesting to do. I decided to take boy bands from the 90′s (I honestly have no idea why I came up with this theme). I actually already had all of the songs on my ipod which was very convenient. I just uploaded them to Audacity, and then cut them. I zoomed in to get a good cut on them, then moved them to the order I wanted. It was quite simple (which is exactly what I needed this week) but I had a lot of fun doing it! The songs brought back memories of the good ol’ days.

Boy Band Mashup


For some reason, I couldn’t get the file to upload to soundcloud to post it, so I went ahead and just uploaded it using Word Press. The link is above.

Six Seconds Mashup

Take six very short fragments from six different songs and ensemble them into a single piece.


To start off in Audio, I decided on the “Contest that nobody could win.” I love guessing games and especially musical guessing games. I clipped sections out of six songs and mashed them together in Audacity, which, is quickly becoming my favorite program on my computer.

Saying nobody could win seemed harsh to me, but I was so lost in which six seconds and which six songs to choose. Eventually, I scrolled through iTunes and saw a clump of songs by the same artist. I loved each song individually and decided, why not? So, guessing will be easy and there really isn’t a specific phrase it spells out. The only theme in this mashup, other than the artist, is the sections of song all (sort of) have a pronoun.

In my family, writing well is very important. Any piece of paper, text, email, or dialogue should be grammatically correct or else… I always liked pronouns. They are very social parts of speech. Pronouns remind us of someone or a group. He, She, We, They, even It all evoke an image in our heads. Pronouns are important and should not be ignored, but they are often taken for granted.

Name that Tune – Music Mashup

The Assignment: I found this assignment, and always appreciate a chance to share good music with others, so I did it. :D The instructions were as follows:

For this assignment, I got short pieces from 6 different songs and put them into once piece. I tried creating the effect of tuning through the radio for this one by getting a sound of a radio tuning off of youtube and inserting it in between each song piece. Can you identify all 6 songs?

The Process/Story: I started by simply opening up iTunes and browsing through my music library. I knew I wanted to start off with a song by SCANDAL, since they are my favorite female group since I first saw them at Sakura Con 2008 in Seattle back when they were still an indies group. I also knew I wanted to include a B’z song, since they my favorite male group, (and definitely the most awesome, since every single one of their singles for the past 20 years has made #1 on the charts.)

Other than that, I picked songs with a similar harder rock style from some of my other favorite artists, asking for help from some members of my fansub group in IRC for YUI and ZARD since they know their songs by memory way better than I do.

Once I had the six songs picked, I loaded them in Audacity and used the selection tool and the shifted delete function to trim and shift the songs to parts where they would all fit together nicely.

After getting the song mix to sound the way I liked it, I went to the File>Export option, and choose to save the mix as a WAV so it wouldn’t lose any quality transcoding the music from the open source lossles FLAC I painstakingly ripped from my own CDs with Exact Audio Copy before moving to Japan.

Unfortunately, it seems Soundcloud transcodes the WAV to mp3 upon uploading, so it still loses some audio quality there, but at least the damage was minimized on my end.

Were you able to guess all the songs? Here’s the tracklist:

Stereopony – Hitohira no Hanabira (A Single Flower Petal)
ZARD – Ai wa Kurayami no Naka de (Love is Within the Darkness)
B’z – BURN
YUI – My Generation

The Contest Nobody Could Win

Can you guess the six songs in the clip? Doubt it. I used Ableton Live 8 to create the clip and just split each track to a little less than a second and compressed them together. Good Luck!

Audio Assignment: The Contest Nobody Could Win

I didn’t see this assignment until later after I finished the 4 stars, but I still wanted to try it.  The assignment was to t”ake six very short fragments (less than one second each) from six different songs and ensemble them into a single piece. Expect others to guess which six songs you have used. Basic rules: 1) do not repeat songs 2) do not use covers (unless the cover is much better than the original, sh*t happens) 3) John Cage’s 4’33” is not a song!!! See it played out on WKRP

EDIT – I tried this again, making the clip shorter, so watch them in order!

I would tell you the songs, but you have to guess.

Assignment worth 2 stars.

Are you up to the challenge?

For this audio assignment,, I decided to randomly pick 6 songs from my computer’s music library.  I did however stick to one genre, country  To me I don’t think it’s difficult to tell what the songs are but for other people, y’all with have to let me know. This assignment was fairly simple. All i [...]

Songs Mixup

For this assignment, I got short pieces from 6 different songs and put them into once piece. I tried creating the effect of tuning through the radio for this one by getting a sound of a radio tuning off of youtube and inserting it in between each song piece. Can you identify all 6 songs?

The contest somebody could win

I saw the assignment name, the contest nobody could win, and took it as a challenge. Could I find bits that are reasonably recognizable? I don’t think I was quite up to it though – the D and S are so short that they’re barely intelligible, let alone identifiable. The last bit is from a palindromically titled song off of Young and Rich. That part might be obscure even for those who know the group. See if you can pick out the pieces:

Then I thought, why not make it a radio thingy? and borrowed an idea from the PE:

All but one of the parts are from songs I own on one substrate or another. But it seems the CD/DVD drive in my laptop doesn’t want to work anymore. So I found everything on Youtube, and used an online YT to mp3 converter to download the audio. It was a little tedious isolating the parts in Audacity. I used the View – Zoom In function to get a closer look at the soundwaves, then deleted everything before and after the parts I wanted. I used Effect – Amplify on the 1 because it was quieter than the rest. Then I copied each part in order and pasted them in a string. Exported to mp3, and uploaded to Soundcloud.

Contest nobody could win…

Although I feel like I may have made this too easy.

This is my first dip into the unknown waters of audio editing. For my first assignment I chose to do The Contest Nobody Could Win, because it seemed simple enough for a newbie like me. The assignment was to choose six songs, take a snippet of less than a second from each, and put them together. Now you have to guess which six songs I chose! I was worried that the first two or three segments were too easy so I tried to make it a little harder…anybody want to guess?


This project proved simple enough thankfully, and I was able to learn some of the basics of Audacity at the same time. I uploaded six songs and, by zooming in, selected less than a second from each one, then pasted them together in a new file window. For some reason, sometimes when I tried to copy a selection, it didn’t always erase what I had last had copied on the clipboard, so I had to wrestle with that a bit. Still not sure what I was doing wrong there. But exporting the file was simple enough. Another problem I have had is setting up the library that was recommended that we download for saving files from Audacity. I have downloaded it twice but still can’t find it on my computer. Any suggestions for that?