Multipersonality- 2.5 stars

This was fun. This assignment was to make it seem like you were having a conversation with yourself in different personalities. I like doing different accents when reading books to my daughter. I used those to make up the different personalities for the sound wav.


Another assignment I completed for this week’s audio assignments was multipersonality. The task was to, “pretend that you are three to four persons having a regular conversation.” Being that my group chose a Twilight Zone theme for our radio broadcast, I chose to re-enact a scene from a Twilight Zone episode. The episode I chose was Mr. Garrity and The Graves , which involves a man (Mr. Garrity) arriving in a small town proclaiming he can revive the dead.

As I was recording, I realized this assignment was harder than I initially anticipated. I needed to rewrite the script of the episode a little bit in order to make it work for the assignment. In the original script, Mr. Garrity convinces the men he can actually revive the dead by resurrecting a dog that was hit by a car. However, it would have been very difficult to create the scene of several townspeople surrounding Mr. Garrity in the street using just audio. I planned on doing the whole scene over one recording, however it was difficult to record 4 minutes of audio without lots of mistakes. So, I recited lines in clips, and it certainly shows, as there is varying noise levels and choppy transitions between parts. I worked several hours to create what I have here, however I am still a little disappointed with the result.

Here is the Audacity file. Unfortunately, I didn’t take a screenshot until after I mixed and rendered all the clips into one. Earlier in the process there was a variety of different audio split into several clips, however I combined them into one to simplify the editing process.

Screen Shot 2013-03-17 at 12.14.42 AM



The Family Dinner (Multipersonality Assignment ****)

Hooooo boy, this was a fun one!! I’ve heard of arguing with yourself, but this is ridiculous. This was made for the Multipersonality audio assignment. I made this by using multiple tracks in Garageband and by coming up with voices that suited the sort of “average family” trope where the snobby child refuses to eat his veggies, the mom gets upset, and the father could care less what’s going on. I’ve seriously been watching waaayy too many cartoons. Anyone else think I sound like Louis Griffon from Family Guy?

This scenario reminded me of what my family went through when I was younger; my little brother was the stubborn one who wouldnt eat his greens, and me and him would cause mischief at the table. We’d end up getting sent to our rooms afterward…Good times!

multi personalities

this was extremely fun creating….. evening tho i can still tell all the characters were myself tell me what you think!!! FAMILY FILES


The last Audio Assignment that I decided to complete for this week was the assignment asking for Multi personalities. I initially didn’t plan on doing this assignment, but after hearing a lot of other people works I changed my mind and decided that I would try to do it as well. The idea that I used was simple….. I had a mom ask her 4 children how their day at school was. Each child responded as they wished….. there was a variety of personalities and they were all things that I know I would find myself saying if my mom asked me how my day of school was. For this assignment I used my own voice a fair amount… trying to sound like a boy or even the bratty daughter, but I also changed some of the pitch using the effects of Audacity. I thought this was a fun assignment and I didn’t realize it would be this fun in the beginning. I tried to tell a story, but having multi-personalities in a story isn’t as easy as having four people speaking as a story. After I finished my recordings … I listened to it a few times, laughed at myself, then uploaded it onto my SoundCloud. ENJOYY!


2 votes, average: 4.00 out of 52 votes, average: 4.00 out of 52 votes, average: 4.00 out of 52 votes, average: 4.00 out of 52 votes, average: 4.00 out of 5
Total= 11/10 Stars!

Country Girl, Dazed Father, and a Cranky Mother.

WOW! I had a lot of fun with anagahama’s audio assignment called Multipersonality! [4/10]

For this audio assignment,you had to pretend that you are three to four persons having a regular conversation. I picked a dinner time scenario because that is what is most familar to me, because I try to be home for most family dinners. For my assignment I used a country gal, her dazed father, and her uptight cranky mother. I had a lot of fun with this. I had to edit a lot out because of laughter but other than that I was able to cut enough to make it work. I hope you enjoy the end product of my multipersonality. (:

Talking over dinner time

This 4 star assignment made me nervous but at the same time, I wanted to try it out. We had to act as 3-4 different people and have a conversation together. I decided to act as a sister, brother, and Asian mother. I tried at first recording myself onto Audacity but I kept messing up. So then I wrote down a script for myself. Once I did this, it was much easier. I tried to make the sister sound like a little girl, and the brother to sound like a typical brother with fast answers and questions. The Asian mother I tried with an accent and using a typical seen where moms just want to hang out with their kids, but they always want to leave and hangout with friends. After I recorded myself I uploaded the mp3 file into SoundCloud.

Conversing With Myself

Multiple Personality Disorder, often misclassified as Schizophrenia, is a mental disorder in which a person has multiple persons living inside of them, each with their own individuality, thoughts and behaviors. In this assignment we were to make a sort of skit where we pretended to be be different people. I wondered for a good while, as I was completing other homework for the week, what I would say in this conversation with myself. I came up with the idea to take a post on facebook where a conversation was being held (I always hated when people would start having conversations on my facebook status) and acted it out, it’s a scene where one of my friends trice to decide what to dress her baby as for her first Halloween . I didn’t want to just record me in different voices, I thought I’d try editing it too. I recorded the voices as I would think the would talk, meter, phrasing, inflections etc. but in my voice. I recorded the conversation with breaks in between speech so as to easily identify when the voice needed to chance then in Audition I edited pitch applied some general filters and mastering to each, and removed the gaps. I was involved in this conversation so I was able to leave one voice untouched! For those of you wondering I don’t think she decided on a costume. If you have any suggestions I’ll give them to her.

OMG white after labor day.

Another AudioAssignment I chose to do this week was called, Multipersonality, worth 4 stars. I chose this because I thought it would be a fun assignment.  I opened up audacity and went into the File tab and clicked on new template.  I then pressed the record button and acted as if I were different high schoolers in the hallway talking about what a person was wearing.  After each individual I stopped recording and then started a new recording, so each “individual” in the clip had their own section.  I then played around with the pitch and depth to give each individual their own voice/sound to make them distinct.  After I finished editing I went into the File tab and clicked on export, saving the creation as Multipersonality White after Labor Day.  I then opened up and uploaded the sound clip and added the tags: ds106, laborday, white, AudioAssignments, AudioAssignments91 and multipersonality.

I then had soundcloud make a tweet for the creation…


#ds106 #audacity White after Labor Day … on#SoundCloud


Assignment Details:

Multipersonality (

For this audio assignment, pretend that you are three to four persons having a regular conversation. Pick any scenario that you are comfortable with but make it convincing that there are different people within the conversation. ie: at the dinner table you have a little girl, a hick father, with an Asian mother talking to each other: create those voices. and HAVE FUN with it!

If you complete this assignment, share it! If you are signed up with a blog that feeds the main DS106 site just use the following tags when writing the post on your own blog to have your example added below. (You must use BOTH tags!): AudioAssignments, AudioAssignments91

If your blog is not connected to ds106, you can add your example directly.


For this audio Multipersonality assignment, pretend that you are three to four persons having a regular conversation. Pick any scenario that you are comfortable with but make it convincing that there are different people within the conversation. ie: at the dinner table you have a little girl, a hick father, with an Asian mother talking to each other: create those voices. I pretend that a bratty sister was telling her mother that she has found her sister kissing a boy, her mother in Spanish steps in ans could not believe what she was hearing. the big sister calmly denies is and then the bratty sister keeps pushing her buttons. The father step in and calms them all down.

4 Voices by Valerie Mercado 1