Well, I guess it’s time to let Jim out. His captivity motivated the creation of 19 @jimgroom Animated GIFs yesterday (20 if you count the close-up above), and so I guess that’s a pretty good haul for sitting around on your keister in a hut. You can see them all in the comments of that post. Plus, badges!
Perhaps he will enjoy the GIF as a souvenir to remember the fun time!
You can also click on the GIF above to see a finer 1200-pixel wide version, for more enjoyment of the beauty! You can also check out the high quality still-image version on Flickr.
For full documentation of the proceeds of the day, along with a larger, full-scene view of the Hostage Hut, read Jim Groom is Still in the Hostage Hut.
Some times a GIF is just a wonderful Art to make.
Okay, Jim, you are free! Go make some Art, bub!