Jim, Close(d)-Up in the Hut

"Jim, Close(d)-up in The Hostage Hut" animated GIF by @iamTalkyTina

“Jim, Close(d)-up in The Hostage Hut” animated GIF by @iamTalkyTina

Well, I guess it’s time to let Jim out. His captivity motivated the creation of 19 @jimgroom Animated GIFs yesterday (20 if you count the close-up above), and so I guess that’s a pretty good haul for sitting around on your keister in a hut. You can see them all in the comments of that post. Plus, badges!

Perhaps he will enjoy the GIF as a souvenir to remember the fun time!

You can also click on the GIF above to see a finer 1200-pixel wide version, for more enjoyment of the beauty! You can also check out the high quality still-image version on Flickr.

For full documentation of the proceeds of the day, along with a larger, full-scene view of the Hostage Hut, read Jim Groom is Still in the Hostage Hut.

Some times a GIF is just a wonderful Art to make.

Okay, Jim, you are free! Go make some Art, bub!

"Extra GIF" animated GIF badge for subsequent submissions

“Extra GIF” animated GIF badge for subsequent submissions

A Newly Improved Boo

REVISED version of "Boo" animated Anaglyph-A-GIF by @aforgrave, based on p8 from Geo. Wither's Emblemes (1635)

REVISED version of “Boo” animated Anaglyph-A-GIF by @aforgrave, based on p8 from Geo. Wither’s Emblemes (1635)


In revisiting the George Wither, page 8, ‘Boo’ GIF in order to update the misspelling in the “view with Cyan-Magenta 3D glasses” text, I have uncovered another issue and made another little improvement.

I had originally provided a transparent background for the full image. My thinking was that a uniform, white background might telegraph to the viewer the actual size of the image — and thus raise a question of “why the empty white space?” before the larger skeleton makes his appearance there. With a transparent background, the natural background colour of the page would border the smaller art image, and folks would assume that edge to be the boundary within which to expect motion.  I think that remains the case.

However, in the intervening day, I’ve noticed two things.

  1. As originally published, there appears an unintended black “shadow” extending upwards from the top edge of the page scan, appearing behind the skeleton when he emerges to his “boo” size. It’s somehow an artifact of the transparency that only appears when viewed with the anaglyph glasses.
  2. When viewed on Mariana’s Jux page, the black page behind emphasizes all kinds of jaggies around the large skeleton, and also around the “view with Cyan-Magenta 3D glasses” text.

In both instances, it’s noisier than I had intended.  And noise (aural or visual) can be a distraction to the art.

Experimenting with a white background layer in Photoshop seems to do away with the “shadow” behind the skeleton.  It also decreases the emphasis of the jaggies around the skeleton’s head and hands — allowing for a fuller appreciation of the scariness!

FIXED "Boo" on White Background, previous jaggie "Boo" on Lux site.

FIXED “Boo” on White Background, previous jaggie “Boo” on Lux site.

I’ve also selected and inserted the finalized Anaglyph-A-GIF badge. I replaced the Propaganda font from the draft badges with the cleaner Arial Black. It’s still a bit blurry for smaller resolutions, but not as much as with the stylized font. So the GIF at the top of the page has those two changes — a white background, and the updated badge.

And now, I’m off to finish the next George Wither piece …


ds106zone: Banners and Badges

“The ds106zone Banner” by aforgrave, on Flickr

The font is called Ringbearer (free on dafont.com). An alternative you might like is called twylite-zone (free on fontspace.com). I used a screen capture of the star field from the opening of The Twilight Zone television program as the background, and fiddled with a combination of upper and lower case (you get caps regardless, but varying sizes) as well as layering some letters individually and scaling them based solely on what I thought looked good.

This is a square version, mimicking the original layout of The Twilight Zone title.

“TheDS106zone Badge” by aforgrave, on Flickr

I’m going to tag this for the Visual Assignment 169: We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Badges Badge” assignment.

And, just because Flickr has decided to fiddle around with its aesthetic today and is taking some serious flak for not consulting with its long-standing users in advance, …

“TheFlickrWeirdZone” by aforgrave, on Flickr

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Samsons Blog: Webdate: 11100.3

Are you on a Web Trek? Then join me on Samson-says Web Trek with ds106… To the center of the internet!


The Samson-says member BADGE!