
For this assignment which is 2 stars, I created an amber alert poster for A1 Dr. Oblivion on adobe photoshop. Everybody needs to help search for him! He is such an asset to the DS106 crew, and it’s been a rough few weeks without him taking care of us!

Missing person; Help us find him!

Here is my missing person poster for Dr. Oblivion (this is the correct link.)

Missing person; Help us find him!

Here is my missing person poster for Dr. Oblivion.

Lost: Dr. Oblivion

Original assignment (2 Stars)


I’m not sure who Dr. Oblivion is. However, this assignment was simple. Create a poster for the lost doctor.

I used the programs FotoFlexer, Microsoft Word, and SnippIt to create this poster.

I obtained a photo of Dr. Oblivion and uploaded it to the website fotoflexer.com like I did with Hanging With Ryan design I created. Following the same procedure, click on the Geek tab. Click Smart Cutout. Now shade the area you want to keep in green. The areas you want to get rid of red out. If you follow the tutorial that pops up it explains it step by step.

When I finished Smart Cutout I save what I had as a .png file. After i pulled the photo up on Microsoft Word. This is where I added the text “Lost”and “Dr. Oblivion”.

Now using the program SnipIt I took a screenshot of the project and saved it as a .jpg file. I then uploaded it to Flickr.

As mentioned it was an easy assignment. The only trouble I had was finding a picture of someone I don’t even know.



Missing Persons Poster

I did a little deviating from the original assignment, which can be found here.

This could be like a deleted scene of when the H-BOMB hits and Henry is search for his wife but retracts his search because he remembers how miserable she made him.


Worth: 2 stars.

Design: Missing Persons Poster for Dr. Oblivious, 2 Stars

Here’s a nice little poster in regards to finding Dr. Oblivious! Oh no! He’s gone missing, what will we do?!?! I found the assignment at  http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/missing-persons-poster-for-dr-oblivion/ .

dr. oblivious

First off here, I opened up a blank canvas and entered different pixel values to enlarge the canvas until I was pleased. I decided on a size that was far longer than it was wide. I then chose the Brush Tool in Photoshop and decided on a color that I liked for the background, which was Gray. After doing this I decided to take the picture of the lost looking guy I had found from Google. I decided to post him up in the top left corner of my poster, and I used the blur tool to make the edges of the photo blurred and less distinct. I thought that this allowed the picture of him to blend into the poster well and not distract people. Basically the rest of the assignment I played around with fonts, text orientation, and celever wording for my Design Poster. At the bottom left corner, I put in very tiny text, a design hashtag, so to make my art distinct and unique. Anyways that was pretty much the process.

My inspiration for doing this assignment came from a desire to have some fun with an assignment. I took it as an opportunity to take something that was really a joke in all of its elements, but at the same time, create a serious undertone to it, which I thought that I accomplished in a humorous kind of way. I found another person’s work on the same assignment through the assignment page and really enjoyed their take on it. It can be seen here–> http://wynncissp12.wordpress.com/2012/01/28/missing-the-lock-for-the-key-the-lockman-monster-lost-lockman/

Anyways, that’s all I have for now. Hope you enjoyed!

The Most Wanted

First I got a picture of Dr.Oblivion off of google images, then I used paint to create this poster. I thought this was a cool quick assignment I used red because I think it makes the poster seem more urgent.

Missing Poster

The lost person

Screen shot 2012-03-04 at 10.08.35 PMTHE MISSING SHOES LOL IN this pic i change the setting in a comic way.


This entry is for the missing persons poster assignment.http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/missing-persons-poster-for-dr-oblivion/. Found an image of Dr. Oblivion online and just added some text with roflbot.http://wigflip.com/roflbot/

Missing Persons Poster

This is for the assignment Missing Persons Poster


I used Photoshop again for this assignment just trying to milk this trial for photoshop for all it is worth. but seriously ppl need to do this assignment this one was def a lot of fun and i had a blast trying to come up with something creative and it was alot of fun seeing other people’s work and how creative they got.