my first submitted assignment post!

For a sketchbook assignment in high school I had to come up with something to do for a free day, and what I made then inspired me to create this assignment! My goal was to practice graphic design without using a computer and putting it in a page of my sketchbook. I was inspired by you-tuber Karen Kavett and her series of graphic design videos. I took out elements from a russian magazine my teacher let me use and laid them out to my own design. I liked using the russian one because it forced me to not care what the words said and focus on the layout. In retrospect I think I could have used more negative space, but I’m still pleased with mine.


The left image is mine and the right is an example by Karen Kavett.

magazine layout without a computer

The goal of this assignment is to focus on layout and hierarchy of a page. You take a magizine and cut out elements of it and crop and paste them down onto a new page to create your own layout. The example images of the assignment are for single pages, but for this assignment you shoud do a whole spread. Here’s a guide to layout of a magazine spread