Tattoo For Me!

2.5 Stars… Original Assignment:

I used Font-Generator.Com to create this tattoo. First I would like to start off my saying I would never get a tattoo because my parents would not like it and second they really scare me. I chose this tattoo because sometimes I really overthink things and think people hate me even when they don’t.

This would be my daily reminder when I looked down. That I am loved by many and I am worthy. I would but this on my inner forearm. So I would see it a lot and always remember. I chose this font because it is bolded and its noticeable for all to see. I also really like black because that would match with everything!

A Tattoo that represents me

Directions: ” Create a tattoo that can represent your personality type. Tell us about your tattooo, and what does it means to you. If there is any thing supersticious about your tattoo, share it with us. You can hand design your own unique tattoo on a plane paper, or you can use any photo editing software to design your tattoo. Once you design your own unique tattoo, make mutiple copies of that, and add different color effects to each copy. Each Color is unique, and can depict different mood. Use different effects and colors to represent the mood of your tattoo. Finally, make a collage of all the copies of tattoo you edit, and save it as jpg or png. “

Behind the Story:

Narrating the Process:

Tattoo that describes ME:

For this assignment, for 2.5 stars, I did the “Tattoos that Describes Me” project. I went on the site “” and used their tools to create a similar representation of the tattoo that would describe me. This assignment was very easy for me because there is already a tattoo that I have been really wanting and am looking to save for it/get it soon. The tattoo is of an Album cover of my favorite album of all time. It’s the “Divine Femine” by Mac Miller. Ever since his death I have been wanting to get a tattoo of my favorite album by him (and it looks pretty). On the website, I made a collage of different formats of the tattoo by changing the color scheme of it and therefore changing the entire tattoo. I took screenshots of all of them that I will include below. Although it was fun to play around with the colors for it, I still wouldn’t want to get it in ink of an other colors than the original, as to make it more realistic. I did the original cover, one in yellow tint, purple tint, and a way pinker tint. The mood that the original copy emits is a peaceful and mystical one; something that I want to be able to get on me soon.

Tattoos That Describe You

I love tattoos! If I had more money I would be covered in tattoos! For the process, I found a drawing of a sunflower then added a few more details. I then played around with photoshop, changing colors and styles. I am not experienced with photoshop, so it was a huge learning experience for me! I am not sure why, but for some reason I really struggled getting the green shade that I wanted. But I am still happy with the way they turned out! Do you guys have a favorite? Which variation should I get?


Week 6 Assignments!

 DesignAssignments2115 was my first assignment I did. I was able to create my super hero Super Nova by using .This was 4 stars. 

My next design assignment was DesignAssignments2101. I  used an online font creator. This was 2 and 1 half stars. 

My next design was DesignAssignments2099 this was 2 and 1 half stars.  I went online and used a tattoo generator. This a song lyric from my favorite hymn. 

My final design was DesignAssignments2112. I created through an online tattoo generator. This was worth 2 and 1 half stars.


May the bridges I burn…

Derived from one of my favorite quotes, “May the bridges I burn light the way”, from Nikki Sixx of Motley Crue. The first version is all in black, and what I would assume embodies the quote itself. The second is in orange, which along with the yellow and red versions, exemplify the guiding light of fire, and the individual drive that is like fire. The blue represents the inherent sadness that will come from ‘burning bridges’ but it is all worth it when ‘white’, representing the burnt out embers of a successful fire, remains in the end.

As I am not that talented, the bridge icon was from here, and the fire icon was from here.


This assignment really peaked my interest. I’ve always lived by a motto that is very special to me: “Day By Day”. Most of my personality is really centered around this idea. When I wake up every day, I have until midnight to worry about. I deal with the things that I can in that amount of time. I need not stress about something happening days or months from now. If you are stressing out, start with what you can do now until the end of the day. Then start it up again tomorrow. So for this assignment, I chose to use that as my tattoo. I went online and looked for a font that I like. I picked the one called Absolute. I liked the flowing nature of it while at the same time being bold with the lines. This is what I would get if it was a tattoo.

Next I added another layer in Photoshop and tried out some different colored backgrounds and the result is pretty interesting. The red one adds a edge to it. It makes it rather dark and mysterious. The blue makes it very calming and peaceful. The green is bright and cheerful. And finally the black has almost an adverse effect to the original image. It is overwhelmingly dark and really isn’t very upbringing.

Overall, this was a very fun assignment. And who knows, maybe I’ll have to head downtown to Sorry Mom and get this one done!

Butterfly In The Sky

For my first design assignment of the week I chose to create my own tattoo. I am a terrible artist therefore I used google images, and
Adobe Photoshop. This is a tattoo design I have been wanting for a long time but I am to chicken to get it done. I am terrified of needles. Obviously the background for the tattoo is not very realistic but the idea that I am wanting is a butterfly to be flying into the sky, clouds, Heaven. The colors of the wings on the butterfly each stand for something different. The blue part of the wing symbolizes my brother that passed away eight years ago, my step mom was only about 3 or 4 months along when she had a miscarriage and we found out it was a boy. The Pink wing symbolizes my Aunt Missy who passed away 10 years ago from Breast Cancer, and pink is the color of the breast cancer ribbon. The light green symbolizes my cousin Ashley who passed away in a car accident 8 years ago and her favorite color was lime green.

In order to create this design I downloaded the free trial of Adobe Photoshop and uploaded the background image. I then opened the butterfly and dragged it over top on the background and in order to make the background of the butterfly transparent I used the magic wand tool. In order to get the wings different colors I used the brush tool.

Picking Out a Tattoo that Matches Personality

While tattoos look meaningless to some, that person with the tattoo feels differently. Tattoos tell stories and can be a piece of us. If you’ve seen my earlier posts, you know I love cats. I feel I have a connection with cats and to my friends, I’m known as the “Cat Whisperer”. So it should be no surprise that I’d pick a cat tattoo. I absolutely love the simplicity of this design. While the lines aren’t connected, you can still see the sleeping cat. I think the black lines are essential to this to make in more realistic and visually appealing. Other colors would make it look artificial. Most cats enjoy sleeping and quiet do I. They are independent and usually confident, and those are qualities I strive for.

If anyone is thinking of getting a tattoo, I definitely recommend trying to merge your own design into it. It’ll be there forever, so making it unique by adding a piece of you to it will not only make it special but it’ll be something you won’t regret later.

This is for the Tattoos that Describe You assignment.


The purpose of this assignment was to design a tattoo that could represent your personality and then apply different colors to it to represent different moods.

I started with a  tattoo that said “I believe.” I gave it a simple, but elegant font because I don’t like to make a big fuss about things. I chose the words “I believe” because that represents a big part of my life. I believe things will always work out.

Once I had the basic tattoo down, I put it in three different colors. I chose blue for calmness and tranquility. Green for when I am happy because yellow would look washed out in a tattoo. And I chose purple for every mood in between since it takes a mix of color to create purple.

This assignment was worth 4 stars and the link can be found here.