Charity Ad

Directions: Create an ad to inform people about a charity and encourage them to donate. It can be a real charity or you can make one up!

I created this poster on Canva. I found a layout that was already advertising for cancer research, and I used that as a template for my own poster. I had a hard time finding an image of a bald head, so in the end I had to use an outline of one. All in all, it took me about ten minutes to make.

I will say, I was really unsure about what to include in the poster, so that is why it is kind of minimal.

Join Us!

We all are familiar with numerous charities around the world. Charities are a great way to raise money and help those who are in need of it. While many participate in helping charities I feel there still isn’t enough of us involved. That being said for my second design assignment this week I participated in a three and a half project called charity ad. This assignment asked that individuals create an ad to inform people about a charity and encourage them to participate or donate. Furthermore this could be a real charity or a made up one.

For the sake of this class and my want to involve my character within this assignment I decided to create a made up charity that princess/secret agent Juliet Stones created and is actively involved in. It would be unfitting for a princess to not be involved in charity work, so I decided to help add to her princess stereotype (in a good way).

Similar to my last assignment I relied on canva to help create my charity ad flyer. This site like mentioned before has numerous templates for various things individuals need to send out such as cards, ads, brochures, posters, etc. So with that I decided to use the ad template to help organize my flyer. When it came to creating my ad I wanted to keep it as simplistic, yet eye catching as possible.

The front of Juliet’s ad/flyer has a bold red color outlining the paper. This element helps in that it catches the individuals eye. From there a simple logo at the top was used while the words “Juliet Stone’s 5th Annual Cancer Walk” follows. This ad is meant to advertise a walk that princess/secret agent Juliet Stones puts on yearly to help raise money to support and hopefully ultimately put a stop to childhood cancer. The front of the flyer gives information about the walk itself. It provides the location where it takes place, time, date, etc. The back of the ad then is used to share information about Juliet’s foundation itself, while still trying to be concise and simple. It gives numerous ways to get involved in the foundation or donating in general. Likewise it provides contact information at the bottom.

This ad was fun to make as well as creating the story behind it. I essentially was inspired by foundations that exist currently to help combat childhood cancer. Through the use canva I was able to create a story by using design elements I felt were important to utilize in my work. I wanted to create this story of my character being involved in a charity because while she is a princess and it is expected, it also is something in general I think we all should be involved in. Charities are really important. By having her partake in her own, even if it’s made up, it ultimately gives her depth and shows there’s more to her than just a crown and a gun.

Type 1 to Type None

One of this week’s Design Assignments tasked us to create an ad to inform them about a charity and encourage them to donate.

This assignment stuck out to me because I saw a lot of real world relevance to it, but also had the perfect charity in mind.

JDRF stands for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, and is an orgnaization that is extrememley close to my heart.

I am Type 1 Diabetic. Type 1 Diabetes is also called juvenile Diabetes because it occurs in young children. For example, I was diagnosed around the age of 9. Type 1 Diabetes often gets mistaken for Type 2. People with type 1 diabetes don’t produce insulin. You can think of it as not having a key. People with type 2 diabetes don’t respond to insulin as well as they should and later in the disease often don’t make enough insulin. You can think of this as having a broken key. People with Type 2 often get it due to improper diet or weight problems. Type 1, on the other hand, is an autoimmune disease that is no fault of the person who has it, and there is nothing they can do about. JDRF is dedicated to funding research that turns Type 1 into Type None. And when I saw that this assignment dealt with making an ad of a charity, I knew this was the one I wanted to use.

I used Canva to make my graphic. Canva has quickly become one of my favorite websites to use for graphic design. To make my design, I first used a pre-used template that someone else had used to make a campaign for AIDs research. The color template was originally red, but I switched it to blue because that is the official color for juvenile diabetes. Then, I inserted the JDRF logo and using the photo tool, I searched for images that would be related to my ad like the blood drop and the shoe.

The biggest challenge to this ad was the design aspect. Asking for money is never an easy thing, but that is why design is so important. When designing an ad, you want to design it so it is attractive enough that is attracts the viewer’s attention. To do this, I needed to make sure that my ad was consistent with its color scheme and word to image ratio. I needed an ad that had a pretty color, and wasn’t very text heavy but still got the message across.

As I said, the other reason that this assignment caught my attention was that I felt it had a lot of real-world application. This assignment reminded me a lot of the types of things I would do when I was an intern this past summer on Capitol Hill in the Press department. I used Canva a lot to create images to share on the Congressman’s Social Media accounts. My internship stressed the importance of designing images that grabbed attention but had good ratio and balance in the image with its colors and words. This assignment gave me the chance to practice some of the skills I learned while in my internship. And since this type of design is what I want to do with my life, I can never get enough practice!

Keamo’s charity campaign for the hungry and poverty!

As a secret agent you have to do your part to help the world. for this 3 and a half point design assignment I had to create an advertisement for a charity group. I chose to create an ad on a national organization working to end childhood hunger called Share our Strength. I created this ad on Canva which is a website for designers. I highly recommend this website for beginners. I enjoyed creating this design, especially when it’s a design about helping kids around the world.

You can download view or download below:

Charity Ad: Kaboom

I made this ad to support Kaboom so that they can help kids have a safe place to play.


My best friend, Jordan Steadman, lost her father, Scott, over two years ago to Lou Gehrig’s Disease (aka – ALS). To show her support, two friends and I have created a team in memory of her father and are participating in the Walk to Fight ALS in Richmond at the end of the month. I have created this flyer to help support our team and get others on board.


I wasn’t sure how I was going to go about this assignment, and then I remembered the walk. I chose to create my poster through Publisher, as that seemed easiest to me.

Charity Ad

Cancer has touched everyone in some way. That is why I chose to make a charity poster advocating for the Susan G Komen Breast Cancer foundation.


Charity Ad

Create an ad to inform people about a charity and encourage them to donate. It can be a real charity or you can make one up! 

Shaving my Head for Childhood Cancer Research

For my second design assignment, I decided to add my own assignment to the assignment bank. The assignment I made is to create an ad for a charity. I created an ad for St. Baldrick’s, which raises money and awareness for children’s cancer research. In about three weeks, I will be shaving my head at one of the organization’s events in DC. My goal is to raise $300, and what better way to raise money than by designing my own ad to raise awareness! If you are able to, I would really appreciate if you could donate! St. Baldrick’s is an amazing organization that supports an extremely important cause. If not, that is totally okay and please feel free to share this with your friends and family.

Creators Note:

To create the design, I used canva,  which is by far my favorite design application. I chose the poster format, but took creative liberty when organizing and designing it. I chose the green, orange and clover theme because St. Baldrick’s is based around St. Patrick’s Day (Its a pun and puns are the best). I am quite happy with how the poster turned out!