One Story / Four Icons

For 3 stars! For this project I initially went to the Noun Project website to get all the free icons.

I loved the variety of symbols this website had to offer so it was rather simple to choose the movie I wanted to focus on.

The four symbols I chose were two dogs, a barn, and a set of numbers. These symbols should make it very clear which classic movie I chose.

The animals chosen are also very rare to find in the fredericksburg area.

The barn was chosen to focus on one of my favorite scenes of the movie where the dogs are traveling through a huge winter storm. And my favorite quote from the movie was “my tails froze, and my nose is froze, and my ears are froze, and my toes are froze”.

I hope ya’ll enjoy it!

Thanks for reading my blog.

Danielle Erika

One Story/ Four Icons

This design assignment was one of my favorites since it had to do with film! The objective was to pick a movie and break it down into four elements and to have others guess what movie the icons represented.  I love classic movies and was excited to take one of my favorites apart and present it in a simple and clean way.

The first thing I did was logged onto The Noun Project, a free icon sharing website.  This site is filled with simple black and white icons that can be used for anything.  I searched for the items I wanted to use and downloaded them onto my computer.

Next, I opened up a Pages document onto my computer, and inserted the icons I downloaded.  They were quite big so I had to resize and position them in a way that looked and fit best.

After I had the icons in a good order, I then took a screenshot and cropped the rest of the screen out, leaving only the black icons against a white background. 

Can you guess what my favorite movie is?

four icons one story

Can you guess it?

1 Story / 4 Icons

Two movie genres in one!

This movie was a surprise hit for me as I really had no idea how they put these two movie genres together. The action was superb along with the acting and characters in the movie. The movie is based on a historical non-fiction character mixed in with some legendary fantasy elements that just seem to work well together. Even though you knew the movie was fiction, you came away with a small hint of doubt that the movie could have been true! I recommend it to everyone and have it in my iTunes library.

It took me a while to come up with a movie that was somewhat popular yet not too easy to guess. That left out Star Wars , Harry Potter and Marvel movies. I toyed with Gattica, Butter and Tombstone but ultimately went with this one. I went to the Noun Project and picked out my icons then did a screen shot of them. I used Pages to put the four icons on the same page and then used the picture frame option in Pages. I then did another screen shot and uploaded to my blog. Easy peasy!

One Story / Four Icons

I chose this assignment because I thought it would be fun. I couldn’t really think of a movie to choose since I haven’t watched one in a while. So I went with a classic. I tried not to make mine too hard.

House of Memories

A boy, a girl, a guitar, and the Day of the Dead. One of my favorite movies. Also an exercise in minimalism. I get bogged down in details when I talk about things.

Four Icons Make a Story

How was such a simple project so hard? Not hard to make, but hard to think of!! First, I wanted to do Mean Girls since it was just unofficially Mean Girls Day, but I just could not come up with 4 good symbols! So instead, I chose to do my favorite book, which also happens to be a movie! Two are symbols from the movie (that every English teacher probably made you analyze to death), one is the city, and one is where the climax of the book/movie happens.

Can you guess what book/movie this is? 

This was the One Story/Four Icons worth 3 stars.

Four Icons, One Rescue


I decided to incorporate my character into this assignment (3 stars). The unique thing with this story is that it also happened in real life a few months ago. I decided that my character Kate would not waste time waiting for the raccoon to scale the building. Kate would be able to use her flying superpower to fly up and safely carry the raccoon to safety. She would then feed him and make sure that he had no injuries and then let him go free in a park where he would never get into danger again.

I really liked the idea of incorporating a real life story into my characters job. This story was all over news and had everyone worried about the raccoon. First, I thought about the story and how I could incorporate my character. I then used Noun Project Search to find the icons. I had a hard time thinking of what to use for the rescue icon and then decided that a life buoy would be a good option because it is a universal rescue sign. I then added them to the blog and decided which icons go first. The website had so many options to pick from and I really like simplifying the story.


Until next time,




Mom on a Mac 2018-10-03 10:16:44

I chose to incorporate my character into the One Story/Four Icons assignment.    It was worth 3 stars. Although no one would be able to “guess” the movie or story, I thought it would be a fun way to tell a bit more about him. I summed him up with four images: a stroller, a boy, a bag, and a superhero. The stroller and the bag stand for his necessities that he takes everywhere with him. The boy is Bryan, and the superhero is Manny himself because of his powers.

I used to find my images. It was quick & easy to make an account and download what I needed. I then pasted them into word & played with them until they looked to scale & right. I exported it by screenshotting my final piece.

Movie to Images

Can you guess what movie these icons represent?

I chose these because I think they represent the most iconic (haha) scenes in the film!