Assignment 5 – Design Assignments – Cartoon You

I chose this assignment because I like recreating cartoon personas of my self. My cartoon persona is called Cgirl. The pictures I included were created using Adobe Photoshop. Using photos of myself, I played with different filters/ textures and layering.

Cartoon Me

Cartoon Me

What I did for the Assignment Cartoon You, was I took a previous picture of myself and opened it in Photoshop. In Photoshop I used a filter called “Stamp”. This filter created a sketch of myself almost as if I drew it myself!


The “Cartoon You”  assignment was the most fun for me then the others in my perspective !! I had a very great experience trying to figure out how to turn myself into a cartoon character or animated version. So I basically just surfed the web and found websites that could turn my real life photo into a animation. So I used and from there I uploaded my photo, went to effects and used the effect called “sketch tool” which is located all the way on the bottom of the effects tab once you scroll down. Their are plenty of other effects you could use as well on your images which is so much fun! The sketching effect was my favorite of course!! Here is my original picture, and the animated version ^_^ !!!

Cartoon Me

Yup, for those of you who are familiar with what I look like, that’s me alright.

Quite a striking visage, don’t you think?

Thanks to the help of one my good, yet wishes to remain anonymous, friends I was able to get myself drawn in a very anime-like way. For this DS106 assignment, Cartoon You, one was tasked with transforming one’s self into a cartoon character through the use of drawing and photo manipulation to obtain the desired cartoon like effects.

I’m not sure if my photo is exactly like the typical American cartoon, instead, it has the more definite Japanese anime style to it. To complete this assignment, all I did was take a photo of the picture that was drawn, uploaded the picture and opened it in Photoshop, did some cropping, and applied various filters and changed the lighting of photo until I got what I liked.

We were also encouraged in the original post to write a comic-like story to go with our picture if we are able to think of one, but, sadly, I cannot think of anything dramatic enough to go with this picture (that doesn’t have to deal with a floating head).

So, let me know what you think of this cartoon me in the comments below. All your replies and comments are much appreciated. If you have any questions regarding photoshop, I can try to help you out with that as well.

Until next time!

DS106: Cartoon You

So for my second DS106 assignment I decided to do the design project named “Cartoon You.” The directions read;

  • Remake you (or someone you know and love) into a cartoon character. Draw you on a piece of paper, on a tablet, take a photo and use software to convert it to comic book style, or use online programs to create a cartoon version of your character. Extra bonus points if you can come up with an origin story or add comic book elements to your final image.

This assignment seemed very intriguing to me because I have done some computer illustrations of myself back in Highschool design classes that reminded me of cartoons. So i thought i’d do the same thing here.

The process;

The process was pretty straight forward. I opened up my 8000 song songbird music player. Opened up Adobe Illustrator CS5. And queued the music! After about 5 hours of work I finished my piece! It’s not amazing, but bear in mind I haven’t played around in Illustrator for at least a year now.

Carton version of myself

Cartoon version of myself

It said we got bonus points if we add comic book elements to your final image. I’ve never really read any comic books. So i added a rising sun, video camera and film to the photo. Hopefully that will suffice!

Shinya Out!

Cartoon Jim

Just a quick post today to introduce Cartoon Jim.

Found an image of Jim on the internets (wow are there a lot of Jim Groom images out there!) and then used the little tablet to draw him as a cartoon.


For those of you who are family member who are looking for photos of the kids, I’m sorry. I’ve got nothin’. I’m currently immersed in this crazy online class called DS106 and I’m not even getting credit for it.  However, I’ve convinced some important people that this could possibly be used as Professional Development.

I will attempt to put pictures of the kids here again very soon. Until then, you can look at Jim, the guy who leads us on this wacky adventure in digital storytelling.

Cartoon You

Remake you (or someone you know and love) into a cartoon character. Draw you on a piece of paper, on a tablet, take a photo and use software to convert it to comic book style, or use online programs to create a cartoon version of your character. Extra bonus points if you can come up with an origin story or add comic book elements to your final image.