Day 70: 2011 Gasoline Consumption Infographic

Day 70′s assignment was: “Work only with numbers today. You could make an image using numbers, make something into number shapes, do something involving a calculator, or…?

Every time I get gas for my Honda Civic, I always write down how much money I spent, the # of gallons I got, price per gallons, and the mileage so that I can figure out my MPG. I tallied my results from 2011 and these are the results:

I could have continued this infographic with my average MPG, my high and my low MPG, etc. but I already spent a lot of time working just on this and have other projects to do.

Before I end this post I would like to highlight one amazing artist I discovered in the course of making this infographic: Chris Jordan.His work “Running the numbers: An American Self Portrait” embodies the kind of meaningful and awesome art I would like to make.


*This is my first infographic! It also fulfills ds106 design assignment 52! woo woo!

Infographic Life

_cokwr: First, begin by spending a set period of time documenting things about your life. How much coffee are you drinking each day? How many miles do you walk/ride/drive to work/school/bars? You can use to capture this data, or go old school with pen and paper. Now, take inspiration from infographics all over the web, including the Feltron Annual Report, and create something beautiful and interesting from all that data., _cpzh4: Design, _cre1l:, _chk2m: Tim Owens, _ciyn3: 52, _ckd7g: , _clrrx: , _cztg3: