What if…

BP 2

For my first weekly assignment, I decided to select one from fanfic assignments. This assignment has a total of three stars, The Way It Should’ve Been. The directions were to write the way it should have been in one of my favorite movies. I was to take my idea and roll with it.

We all know and love the film Black Panther! It is one of the best Marvel Cosmic films ever made. A quick recap, in the film T’Challa (Chadwick Boseman) is crowned king of Wakanda as well as the Black Panther, following his father’s death. He was quickly challenged by Killmonger (Michael B. Jordan) who plans to abandon the country’s current policies and begin a global revolution. In the film, once Wakanda’s king T’Chaka (John Kani) kills Killmonger’s father when he was little. What if that did NOT occur? T’Challa and N’Jadaka (Killmonger) would have grown up together and would have become a family that was strong and trustworthy. They perhaps would have ruled Wakanda together. Killomonger would have never existed because he had grown with his family and became a whole different person. T’Challa would have never needed to defeat him. It was a great movie, nevertheless. Every hero needs to have a villain to defeat!

BP 3

‘Erased’ and The Ending that Needs to be Erased

by Thomas Pulsifer

When I saw the prompt for this assignment, I was relieved; Finally, an excuse to rant about this anime. Be warned: There will be spoilers ahead. For those who have never seen it, ‘Erased‘ is an anime that follows Satoru Fujinuma, a young adult living in Japan that has the inexplicable ability to go back in time a few minutes to the moment someone is about to die in order to save their life. This power, known as “Revival,” is involuntary. Satoru can’t control when it happens, but each occurrence of a Revival is foreshadowed to Saworu by the presence of a blue butterfly. On one fateful day, after the death of his mother at the hands of an unknown murderer, Saworu is sent back. Only this time, he goes further back than usual. Much further. He finds himself back in elementary school in the 80’s, and it quickly becomes clear what he must do: Put a stop to the child murders that took place in his hometown all those years ago.


After some amazing episodes, Satoru manages to save and befriend those who would have been murdered otherwise. It’s then revealed that the killer is Saworu’s teacher, Gaku Yashiro. Enraged that Saworu is seemingly ahead of him at every turn, Gaku attempts to take Saworu’s life. Instead of dying, Saworu enters a coma that last for 18 years later. Now back at the exact age he was just before the massive Revival, Saworu has lost his memory, and Gaku, who’s still alive, is using this fact to his advantage by taking care of Saworu. Eventually, however, Saworu, with the help of his childhood friends, regains his memories, including the memory of who Gaku was. With this regained knowledge, Saworu sets up Gaku and gets him to admit to all his attempted murders.

However, this is where it gets truly bizarre. Saworu claims that Gaku purposefully didn’t finish him off because Gaku views Saworu as his fated counterpart, almost like a Batman/Joker situation. Needless to say, this is the most absurd and least satisfying ending possible. This story was very grounded up until this point, and suddenly introducing a comic book-type hero/villain dynamic right at the very end is awful. If I were to rewrite the ending of Erased, I would make it so that Gaku had run away long ago, continuing his murders elsewhere in the country. There could be a whole other season where Saworu tracks the murders of Gaku and continuously prevents them, actually putting his powers to use, unlike in the majority of the show. He would eventually learn to control his powers, which would allow him to finally put a stop to Gaku once and for all. I believe this ending would be much more satisfying than the original ending, as it would allow for more character development while exploring the premise much more thoroughly.

Granger and Weasley??

Ron and Hermoine — that’s a tough sell in my opinion. There was no chemistry, and the romance was nonexistent. The little childish arguments/squabbles were more akin to the disagreements between siblings not would be lovers.

Kid Kiss GIFs | Tenor

The gif represents the awkwardness and childishness that was present in the Harry Potter series between the two characters, Ron Weasley and Hermoine Granger.

DS106 The Way It Shoud’ve Been

In this blog, I write about how I would have liked the classic movie “Van Helsing” to end.

The Way Sons of Anarchy Should’ve Been

I actually chose a scene from a recent episode of Sons of Anarchy. I know that’s a TV show, but this scene has really effected me over the last few weeks. In the original scene (spoiler alert), my favorite character on the show, Opie is shockingly murdered in prison. I decided this scene was perfect to “enhance.”

The Way It Should’ve Been

So for our DS106 assignment 2, I went with a FanFic assignment entitled, “The Way It Should Have Been,” where we were supposed to take a scene from a movie or book that we like and change it. I actually chose a scene from a recent episode of Sons of Anarchy. I know that’s a TV show, but this scene has really effected me over the last few weeks. In the original scene (spoiler alert), my favorite character on the show, Opie is shockingly murdered in prison. I decided this scene was perfect to “enhance.” So without further adieu:

“No!” Opie declared as he head butted the guard, sealing his fate. With one act of defiance, Opie had nominated himself to go into the secluded cell to fight to the death against, God only knows how many gang bangers, hand selected by Pope for his revenge.

Opie was thrown into the cell all the while his three friends, Jax, Tigg and Chibbs looked on helpless, banging on the bullet proof glass that separated their friend from death, pleading with him.

“Keep it interesting, shithead!” ordered the guard.

The main guard tossed a lead pipe into the center of the room. This was Opie’s only hope, but once again, God only knew how many bloodthirsty thugs would be coming through the door on the opposite side of the room.

As his friends, his fellow club members, his brothers, looked on, “I got this,” was, once again, all Opie could mutter. Then a single spot light shown in the center of the room, shining down over Opie, and the door on the opposite wall opened and four large gangsters stalked through the door, surrounding Opie. Opie brushed his hair out of his face and clutched the pipe tightly, taking a swing at the thug number one, shattering his jaw.

A second tried to choke Opie from behind, but Opie flipped the banger over his shoulder and onto the first guy who was clutching at his face, blood pouring from his mouth. Like a bolt of lightning, Opie smashed the pipe over the second punk’s head, crushing his skull, rolling into the corner of the room where his friends could no longer see him through the window.

His back against the wall, Opie charged the two remaining guys hulking in the center of the room, back into Jax’s view, clotheslining one with pipe, shattering his larynx, leaving the guy hopeless on the floor, blood gurgling from his mouth. The man tried to release a scream, but there was just too much blood. He coughed and gagged and rolled away.

Three down and one to go, oddly enough, the biggest left for last. Opie dropped the pipe to the side of the cell and with his hands waved the guy over. This was personal, and so it would end, personally.

The two behemoths traded blow for blow, punch for punch. One of the gang banger’s teeth went flying and as cuts opened, the blood flowed from both men.  At the last second, Opie managed to hit a left hook above the banger’s left eye and the man staggered back. Opie used a right hook to the man’s gut to leave him breathless and as the man staggered once more, Opie quickly grabbed the pipe and, in an upward, diagonal thrust, across the face, ended the man’s life.

None of the members of SAMCRO looking on believed it would be possible.

Opie was left breathless, crouched in the middle of the cell, surveying the wreckage when the same door the thugs originally entered through, opened once more. This time, it was Pope and the head guard.

“You done pretty well for yourself, son,” said Pope. “I must admit, I’m quite impressed with you Sons of Anarchy. Perhaps we can work out a deal and end this misery between us.”

Just then the door that Opie was pushed through was opened and Jax and Opie were reunited face to face. Jax was as shocked as the guard and Pope.

“What’d you have in mind?” asked Jax.

The scene ends as Jax and Pope shake hands and Opie is reunited with his brothers.

The Way It Should Have Been: Blow

Hello people, I have decided to do my first FanFic assignment from Ds106 called “The way it should have been” and the instructions are clear and can be found here. This assignment seemed like something I could handle on this lonely Friday night with nothing to do but type. For this assignment I decided I would change George Jung‘s life a bit. For those of you who do not know who George Jung is you are either A to young, or B well… B… something (I don’t know)… Anyways George Jung was a major cocaine trafficker in the USA during 1970′s and 80′s, he went by the nickname of Boston George. Hollywood made a film called blow starring Johnny Depp as George and Penelope Cruz as George’s wife Mirtha. Basically the story is focused on George Jung’s life and how he goes from having nothing, to having something, back to having nothing again, and then finally PRISON for good. I will go ahead and write about what I think George Jung should have done. I will not change the bad things he had done but I will change the things that he will do before he went broke.


All has been going well with George’s civilian lifestyle for several years after meeting Pablo Escobar. Diego, George’s right hand man is pushing George to introduce him to his California connect Derek Foreal. George knows that all Diego wants to do is get ahold of his cocaine business and cut him out altogether. After months of avoiding Diego about the matter, George and Diego end up in a Motel room with a bunch of bunch of potential buyers. Diego is very persistent and is making the drug deal very intense with his cursing and arguing with George. The buyers are becoming inpatient and things get very hectic. George tells the buyers “everything is fine, don’t worry” Diego shouts “Your fucking bitch wife? You introduced your California Connect with your fucking bitch wife!!??” “Five years George!! Five YEARS!!!” At this point everything has gone bad and George must make a decision. George senses that the buyers are ready to draw weapons so before they do he quickly draws his weapon and shoots Diego in the head. He then quickly tells the buyers “I am sorry about my partner’s behavior, here is the dope and I am only charging you half if you still want it all” The buyers quickly agree and everyone leaves the motel quickly after the transaction.

George jumps in his convertible and drives 10 miles and stops at a pay phone. He calls the Columbian bosses and tells them “Diego was killed and there is nothing I could do.” The bosses are a little upset because Diego is a Columbian, but they know Diego is wild and being wild is not good for business. The phone call was quick and business will proceed without Diego. On George’s drive home he passes by the motel where Diego was shot and police are everywhere. George is a bit worried and thinks about leaving town for a few weeks until things die down. He returns home and tells his wife “pack your bags, we are going on a trip.”

After several weeks of stopping in various cities throughout South America, George opens an english magazine while waiting for his wife and his daughter to get ready for dinner. He finds himself stuck reading english idioms and catches the phrase “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket” this phrase immediately touches him because it sounds like something his father would have said to him. Instantly George has an epiphany and decides he will stop at his bank in South America and withdraw eighty five percent of his money. His wife does not like the idea of having all this money with them especially because of their location. He tells her “listen, we will be fine I promise. Just give me a few days and I will have it in a safe place” Mirtha responds “George! We are not talking about a few thousand dollars here!! We are talking about several fucking hundred fucking million fucking DOLLARS GEORGE!!!” George responds “Look Mirtha, I am just looking out for the best interest of our family, for you, Kristina and me”

Days after…

Mirtha informs George that she is leaving him, and she will give custody of Kristina to him if he gives her half of his money. She also tells him that if he does not give her half she will never let him see his daughter. George is heart broke over Mirtha’s decision but must agree because he loves Kristina more than himself. He agrees and tells her to never return or he will have her head. Mirtha kisses her daughter one last time and is never heard from again. George tells Kristina “everything will be fine and things happen for a reason, some people are in your life for life while others are only for a season.” Kristina hugs George and tells him “Promise me daddy… Promise me you will never leave me” George promises Kristina and he feels that he needs to really turn his life around.

Several months after Mirtha left George business was going smooth and George decided to throw his 38th birthday party at his home. He invited all of his partners and Derek Foreal. George decided that he had had enough of the illegal market and decided he would connect the Columbian bosses with Derek Foreal and get out of the business. He also decides that the party will be very low key and not flashy, no drugs permitted. He informs his partners that he is responsible for Kristina and Mirtha was gone for good so he needs to be there for his daughter 100 percent. They all take a toast and the party was fun.

Several weeks after the party George receives a phone call from his bank in South America. Bank teller “hello, Mr. Jung?” George “Yeah, that’s me” Bank teller “Mr. Jung, uhmm, I regret to inform you that your assets within our bank have been seized by the panamanian government as of today” George “Are you telling me that my fifteen million dollars is no longer available to me?” Bank teller “ Yes, Mr. Jung, you are very lucky that you withdrew most of your money before the government seized it” George while looking at Kristina “yeah I am lucky about a lot of things” George hangs up the phone.

George left the cocaine industry and cleaned up his act. He now owns the UFC and the Boston Redsox. He remarried but never had any more children. His daughter graduated Havard in 2006 and is now George’s lawyer. They live happily ever after….

Mirror, Mirror

So this is so, so cliche, I know, but I had to do it. It called to me.  I decided to do this ds106 assignment: The Way It Should Have Been. Basically, it’s a what-if exploration in some sort of book or movie or comic. It’s supposed to be a moment that would make it better, but I try not to think in terms of “better,” just in terms of “different.” After all, “better” is all about point of view, and what people think is good differs from person to person. Heck, it differs on my mood — what I like one day, I may loathe another.

No, I didn’t chose Star Trek, though I thought about it. I ended up with Harry Potter. I thought about a few things, actually — not the least of which was Slytherin!Harry. I also contemplated altering Book Six: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, in that scene where Harry casts the cutting curse at Draco in the bathroom.

In the end, I went back to the whole AlternateHouse! thing. But not Harry. I ended up with Slytherin!Ron.

Why, you may ask — and I’ll oblige, because it does sound a bit off, doesn’t it? Let’s think about this, though. (I’m not doing the sorting, so you don’t have the benefit of the hat, so I should probably explain now.) Ron Weasley, when he looks into the Mirror of Erised in Chapter 12, sees himself as the best, most successful member of his family. He’s Head Boy, and Quidditch Captain, and chances are he’s got the best grades, even better than Percy. He’s also cunning: he’s a chess player, and a good one. He knows that sometimes, you need to make sacrifices to get what you want, and that winning is pretty much the point.

And what are Slytherins know for? Cunning and ambition, and even at eleven, Ron has it in spades. Certainly, he’s brave, and foolhardy, and in many respects the typical Gryffindor. But what if, in that moment, he was thinking about being the best of them all instead of thinking about how much he needed to conform to the standards of his family? What if, instead of being worried to the point of there’s-nothing-but-this, he was frustrated or otherwise upset with the expectations of his family, knowing that whatever he did, he was “nothing special” in terms of everything that there is to be done, they’ve all done it?

Well, we’d have an entirely different story, wouldn’t we? He’d been telling Harry that Slytherins were evil, so their friendship would go flat, at least for a bit, until both realized they were being idiots. (Which, at eleven, it takes awhile.)

In any case.

Since I don’t actually want to rewrite the books from Ron’s perspective (because let’s face it, even if he and Harry do end up as best buds, there are bound to be discrepancies in the way things get done, because Ron will have developed self-preservation instincts — probably — simply because he’d have been living in a very unfriendly environment), I’m going to go from right after the sorting until right before the first class, which I’m making Potions because I don’t actually remember what it is, and I can’t find my book. I hope you don’t mind.

As always, before I post this, I would like to say just a few more things. I do not own the rights to these books, though I do own a copy of each. I do not own these characters, and nothing I do or say can or will, to the best of my knowledge, influence in any way, shape, or form Harry Potter. I am not making any money from writing using these characters.

So, here’s the story, now that you’ve read the process. Read, or don’t read, that’s up to you — though if you do, feel free to tell me what you think of Slytherin!Ron, because, frankly, it kind of amuses me.


Mirror, Mirror

Ron Weasley sat frozen upon the stool, the hat still covering his eyes. He couldn’t move, refused to move — the hat must have been joking, or he’d misheard, or something, anything, but it couldn’t have possibly meant what he thought it had said.

Except he was being ushered from the stool, towards the table that was very much not where he, or anyone else judging by the silence, thought he’d be going. He sat away from the other first years — Draco Malfoy was giving him particularly poisonous looks, and the other Slytherins were nearly as hateful. The sorting continued, but Ron didn’t pay any attention to it. He looked towards his brothers, but they looked just as shocked, just as horrified.

Ron dropped his gaze to the table. He didn’t want to look up again. How could this have happened? What kind of Weasley was he, to end up in this house for dark wizards?

He paled. What was his mother going to think?

Dinner appeared, but even that couldn’t cheer Ron up. The Slytherins whispered to themselves, looking sidelong at their out of place new housemate. Ron didn’t know what to say to them, either, so he picked at his potatoes and chicken (he had to put something on his plate, after all, and he wasn’t stupid — he needed to eat something if he was going to have to stave off some sort of attack).

At some point, the Headmaster led them all in song. Ron roused himself enough to sort of mumble along, but with his eyes on the table, he couldn’t see the words. He glanced up, once, but when he saw his brothers and Harry Potter (And now how were they going to be friends? Oh, Harry must hate him now — stupid sorting hat. Stupid Slytherins.) looking at him, still horror struck, he quickly redirected his gaze to the empty table.

The Prefects led them into the dungeons soon after. Ron trailed along after the rest, careful not to get too close. All of them were throwing distrustful looks at him, and he guessed he could understand why, but that didn’t mean he had to like it. Still, it wasn’t like he trusted them, so whatever.

Luckily, they were all sent to bed right after. Even better, the first years were in double rooms, unless there were an odd number, and with seven boys, Ron got his own room. No one wanted to share with him, and he was glad of that, at least. If nothing else, he wouldn’t have to worry about his roommates. After all, they were probably a dark wizard, a Death Eater-to-be,  just like all Slyther– but no. That couldn’t be right. Ron was a Slytherin now, too. Unless… was he evil and he just didn’t know until now?

Is that what the hat had seen inside his head? He was evil, or he was going to be, or there was something wrong with him that no one had noticed before?

He got ready for bed, but he spent a long time staring at the ceiling.

Ron woke early. He quickly got ready for the day, and wandered out to the common room. He hoped that someone would be willing to tell him how to get to the Great Hall for breakfast. A few upper year students walked through, but when he moved to follow, or to ask for help, they just glared disdainfully at him until he sat back down.

Eventually, the other first years gathered, and a Prefect led them up the stairs.

The others had clearly decided to ignore his existence. None of his year mates would look at him, and though he asked one of the girls (Millicent? Mandy? M-something, anyway.) to pass the salt for his eggs, no one acknowledged him. Only the Prefect who handed him his scheduled bothered to say anything at all to him, and that was “Here.”

Quickly, he read over it. Ron closed his eyes in resignation. Most of his classes were with Gryffindor. Way to rub it in, he thought. It was like he wasn’t already aware that he was a failure.

Mail came. He froze in fear, hoping he wasn’t going to get a Howler. Luckily, or not, he received nothing. He hoped his parents weren’t too angry.

But who was he kidding? He was a Weasley. Weasleys had always been in Gryffindor. Always. Yes, there must be something wrong with him.

He looked at his schedule again. Potions first, with Gryffindors. Ron grimaced — his brothers had always told him that that teacher favored the Slytherins. Pausing, he reconsidered. It certainly couldn’t hurt him, now, if it were true.

He rose with the other students. It was time for class.

The Wayfarer Redemption Series: The way it would of been if Caelum was not a deceitful son

To start out this ds106 assignment, I recommend anyone that likes epic fantasy novels or historical fantasy novels and haven’t read her books yet, should go read the late Sara Douglass books. They are very very good stories and really get you to love or hate her characters with the emotion she writes her books. She died Sept 2011 from ovarian cancer, just after her last book came out which I just read, and it’s almost reading a self written obituary, even if it isn’t about her life, it is a story told from a woman dieing, the book is The Devil’s Diadem. Now before I get into the assignment, be warned of some spoilers XD!!!

What if Caelum was not a deceitful son:

Being born first to Axis and Azhure, Caelum was named the Starson and gave the reigns of power due to the families love for him. When the third child Dragonstar was born it was found out that Dragonstar was more powerful to Caelum. Caelum acknowledging this superiority from his younger brother gave up his title as StarSon and let Dragonstar become the ruler and leader of the world after Axis and Azhure went to join the gods in their wanderings and search for knowledge. Axis grows up to love DragonStar and gives him the proper care he wishes he had. Due to this RiverStar, DragonStar’s twin sister, remains alive and keeps having a secert relationship with Caelum. When the Timekeeper Demon’s travel and begin ravaging the world around DragonStar. Due to the destruction of the Star Dance by the Timekeeper Demon’s all the god’s and enchanter’s even DragonStar, the most powerful Enchanter, lose their power and are lost without it and do not know how to combat this new threat. DragonStar not being prepared and having his companion’s to fight the demon’s due to not having the path of the detested traitor son. The Timekeeper’s destroy the world as they had done to previous worlds, and the other world protectors would have to train doubly hard DragonStar to fight the demon’s but it is to late for him to learn these lesson’s and the world is destroyed around them and the demons continue ravaging the world as all the inhabitant’s are turned into mindless warrior’s for the Demon’s, allowing them to resurrect their leader, and destroy the Star Dance from all being due to the demon’s utter hatred of the Star Dance. This lead’s to God not be reborn at the end to save all those not ravaged by the demon’s.


The Wayfarer Redemption Series: The way it would of been if Caelum was not a deceitful son

To start out this ds106 assignment, I recommend anyone that likes epic fantasy novels or historical fantasy novels and haven’t read her books yet, should go read the late Sara Douglass books. They are very very good stories and really get you to love or hate her characters with the emotion she writes her books. She died Sept 2011 from ovarian cancer, just after her last book came out which I just read, and it’s almost reading a self written obituary, even if it isn’t about her life, it is a story told from a woman dieing, the book is The Devil’s Diadem. Now before I get into the assignment, be warned of some spoilers XD!!!

What if Caelum was not a deceitful son:

Being born first to Axis and Azhure, Caelum was named the Starson and gave the reigns of power due to the families love for him. When the third child Dragonstar was born it was found out that Dragonstar was more powerful to Caelum. Caelum acknowledging this superiority from his younger brother gave up his title as StarSon and let Dragonstar become the ruler and leader of the world after Axis and Azhure went to join the gods in their wanderings and search for knowledge. Axis grows up to love DragonStar and gives him the proper care he wishes he had. Due to this RiverStar, DragonStar’s twin sister, remains alive and keeps having a secert relationship with Caelum. When the Timekeeper Demon’s travel and begin ravaging the world around DragonStar. Due to the destruction of the Star Dance by the Timekeeper Demon’s all the god’s and enchanter’s even DragonStar, the most powerful Enchanter, lose their power and are lost without it and do not know how to combat this new threat. DragonStar not being prepared and having his companion’s to fight the demon’s due to not having the path of the detested traitor son. The Timekeeper’s destroy the world as they had done to previous worlds, and the other world protectors would have to train doubly hard DragonStar to fight the demon’s but it is to late for him to learn these lesson’s and the world is destroyed around them and the demons continue ravaging the world as all the inhabitant’s are turned into mindless warrior’s for the Demon’s, allowing them to resurrect their leader, and destroy the Star Dance from all being due to the demon’s utter hatred of the Star Dance. This lead’s to God not be reborn at the end to save all those not ravaged by the demon’s.