For my first creative assignment, I chose one from the mashup category, specifically the vocal instrumental mashup submitted by Amber May and rated at 3.5 out of 5 stars of difficulty. I’ve always been a fan of mashups on YouTube, perhaps even more so now that I can appreciate the ways different songs can fit together from a music theory perspective.

I knew pretty soon that I wanted to pair a rap verse with different music under it so that I could avoid the step of trying to match melodies with chord progressions. I considered a variety of potential artists for the instrumental and quickly chose The Kinks. My favorite Kinks album would have to be The Kinks Are The Village Green Presevation Society (1968). I think Ray Davies’ harmonic sensibilities are their sharpest here, as well as great, energetic bass and drums from Pete Quaife and Mick Avory, respectively.

“Picture Book” stood out to me due to its off-tilt groove. The instrumental reminded me, in a strange way, of one of my favorite rappers: MF DOOM. DOOM is a unique lyricist because of how he will deliver his lines freely, often finishing sentences past the bar line (DOOM himself references this style in the opening line of the verse I used: “Trippin’ off the beat kinda/Drippin’ off the meat grinder”). I think the ultimate result works so well because The Kinks’ instrumental is similarly free in its rhythms, which allowed for DOOM’s lyrics to fit nicely with the ever-changing backdrop.

This was a fairly easy piece to put together, but I’d attribute that to me having music production experience and I think the 3.5 rating would certainly be fair for people with less background in the process. I was lucky enough to find an instrumental version of “Picture Book” and an acapella version of “Meat Grinder” online, which saved me the tedious and difficult task of removing vocals frrom a track or vice versa.

I used Logic Pro X to stitch the two tracks together. I slowed “Picture Book” down quite a bit. Originally, the track is around 120 bpm and it ended up being around 100. Meanwhile, “Meat Grinder” was around 93 bpm, so I had to speed it up a bit. Once I felt the speeds were similar enough, I lined the vocals up to the beat and listened to it a few times to see how/if the lyrics were clicking with the music. The first result is pretty close to the final product, but I did use the moments when DOOM takes a breath or pauses to cut the track and readjust the timings of certain section.

I also EQed both tracks, boosting and cutting where needed. I wanted to create distinct space for each component in the frequency range, allowing the lyrics to stand out. I also put a compressor on the vocals simply to give them more punch and make them a bit crisper.

Finally, I made some artwork for the track, which involved creating a digital cut-out of the MF DOOM mask in Photoshop and then placing it on the Kinks’ album cover.

All and all I had a lot of fun with this piece!

The “ABC” Savage Mashup

In this assignment, Vocal Instrumental Mashup, we were meant to take the music from one song a pair it with another song’s vocals. I had a lot of fun with this one, but I think that one of the hardest parts was trying to find songs that have about the same tempo so they can go together. For my mashup I used The Jackson 5’s “ABC” and Jay Park’s “Mommae”. I also used iMovie because I wanted to have the video showing to have Michael Jackson (and brothers) dancing with the music. I had a fun time making this assignment, and wouldn’t mind doing it again in the future sometime.

Any Womanizer Want It?

Vocal Instrumental Mashup-3.5 Stars

The prompt for this assignment is:

For this assignment, you’re going to take the instrumental of a song and mash it up with the VOCALS of another song! Here’s the main challenge with this; both songs have to have similar beats per minute (bpm) to work properly together.

The Work Itself

The Story Behind the Story

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to combine a pop song from the 2000s with a rock song from 1980? Now you can! I am sure its been on your mind for years and now that it has come to fruition, it couldn’t have sounded weirder. I definitely do not suggest ever combining these two completely different genres. Although they have about the same bpm, the songs couldn’t sound more different. I know a trend is starting where country and rap are being combined so I thought I would try a similar mashup but with different genres. Just like the combination of country and rap, pop and rock are not the best musical combination in the world.

Narrating the Process

I found an instrumental version of “Any Way You Want It” by Journey (138 bpm) and combined it with an acapella version of “Womanizer” by Britney Spears (139 bpm). I was able to figure out the bpms to the songs by using this website.

Next I used Audacity to put the two together. I ended up having to reduce the noise in the instrumental version of “Any Way You Want It” because it was just too loud over Brittany Spears.

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After that, I played with the volume levels and did the best I could to make the two songs work.


How many times can I insert Eminem into a song?

3 stars

At least four times, by my count.

For the Vocal Instrumental Mash Up assignment, I decided to mash up ‘All Apologies‘ by Nirvana with ‘Lose Yourself‘ by Eminem, and ‘Summertime Sadness‘ by Lana Del Ray. I pulled the instrumental of ‘All Apologies’ and layered ‘Summertime Sadness’ on top of it.

But it wasn’t completely done, and I felt like something was missing. Some of my absolute favorite mash ups are rap mash ups, and I wanted to find a way to incorporate rap into my mash up. Easier said than done.

After an obnoxiously long time searching, I had almost given up when I found a vocals only version of “Lose Yourself” by Eminem. While the actual rap part did not mesh up well at all, I decided to use the spoken word part at the beginning.

For my first mash up, I’m pretty proud of it! I’m especially proud of the fact that I got to incorporate three of my favorite songs. I’ve got to say though, this assignment should definitely be worth four stars, because it was extremely difficult to get the beats to mash up!

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To make this, I uploaded all the tracks into Garageband and cut them up and moved them around to try and make the song as cohesive as possible. I enjoyed it, and while I am by no means a DJ, I would like to dabble in mashup mixes in the future!

“Paralyze Me Out” (Vocal Instrumental Mashup ***)

I swear I’m gonna be swimming in copyright strikes by the end of this course. This is a mashup of the 2 songs “Paralyzer” by Finger Eleven and “Take Me Out” by Franz Ferdinand. This was made for the Vocal Instrumental Mashup assignment where the task was to take the vocals of 1 song and mash them up with the instrumental of another song. For this, I had the vocals of Paralyzer sync with the background music of Take Me Out.


First I downloaded the instrumental of Take Me Out then the vocals of Paralyzer. To make this, I used Garageband to edit the 2 tracks to match one another. The hard part was trying to match up the beats of both songs so they’d sound well together. The reason I specifically picked these songs was because not only did they sound similar, but they had similar beats per minute (bpm.) The bpm of Paralyzer is between 128 and 135 while Take me out was 123. Because of this small difference, I had to chop up the Paralyzer vocals to make them fit within the 2/2 time signature (meaning 2 beats in every measure.) You can sort of hear these gaps in the song.

Picture 5

In the picture, the bottom track has the music part, while the top track is the chopped up vocals.

These 2 songs work so well together that you cant really tell it’s a mashup!

Vocal Instrumental Mashup

For this assignment, you’re going to take the instrumental of a song and mash it up with the VOCALS of another song! Here’s the main challenge with this; both songs have to have similar beats per minute (bpm) to work properly together.

You can find songs with just instrumentals or just vocals on Youtube, then use Audacity or Garageband to match up the tracks. (Hint, if the bpm is a little bit off, you can always delete portions of the vocals and move them closer or farther from each other to keep things on beat.)