Flickr-sounds mashup

photo by Misplaced New Yorker.. :^).
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License

Drag Racing 3.wav

photo by Katzencie ?
Attribution License

AK-47 Firing

photo by Seattle Department of Transportation
Attribution-NonCommercial License


Hey everyone, I have no idea if this is embedded properly, but I tried my best to format it to be less ugly. I made a police chase story using the images/sounds. I thought it would fit well into the spy theme! If you want to make one, this is the link! (2 stars)

Defeating A Vampire!

Here’s my video. Try as I might, I was not able to get it to embed. So, just click on the link!

So, for this assignment, I had to make a slideshow using FlickrSounds. For a simple assignment, this was harder than it should have been!

I knew that I wanted to make a story with the words. in fact, on there is says for DS106 students for use 3 pictures and sounds to make a story. However, the assignment that I’ve linked to doesn’t say that, and I didn’t want to tell a story with only 3, so I didn’t!

The weekly assignments page says to include your character as much as possible. Last week, I did something with the strigoi, one of her favorite legends/folklore, and since that was a smaller assignment compared to her other favorite creatures, I decided to do it again. I went into the Strigoi Wikipedia page and found the page for Jure Grando, the first real person in historical records who is said to be a vampire.. Though technically not a strigoi, as he was Croatian, not Romanian, I didn’t notice this until just as I’m writing this. Maria likes folklore in general, so even if not a strigoi, she would like this legend.

Anyway, I used that page to find the course of events that I would be describing. I then went onto FlickrSounds. I searched for words connected to what I wanted. This took so long! The pictures wouldn’t be right (a lot of them were weird) and/or the music would be too long, etc.

Eventually, I gathered all of the slides that I needed. I then had to try and embed it here.

I could not do it. I don’t know why, but it wouldn’t embed when I just copy-pasted the iframe code. I tried to “add media” it, but Wordfence Firewall blocked it. I didn’t want to whitelist it, as I was worried that something else could try and use that to get in. Eventually, I discovered that I could just take the URL from the iframe code and paste it into this post. I wouldn’t embed, but at least it would link to the slideshow and the slideshow would work properly.

Overall, while I like the story I chose, this was frustrating. I am a bit of a perfectionist, so I didn’t like not being able to find the perfect pictures and sounds. I also didn’t like not being able to embed it!

This is the assignment that I made this for:


These are the credits for the pictures and videos. The underlined word is the title on the video-what I searched for. Underneath is the information that is on the video, but put here just to make sure!


photo by Crisologo

Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License

Door – Cupboard 04.wav



photo by Nicholas Lucien

Attribution License

37-Vampiro antes de gruñir.wav



photo by Josu Sein

Attribution-NonCommercial License




photo by Moscow Theological Academy

Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License

Lords Prayer.wav



photo by bobaliciouslondon

Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License




photo by Discover Waikumete Cemetery

Attribution-NonCommercial License

SHOVEL – Shovel digging into dry dirt (SFX)



photo by AZRainman

Attribution License

Demonic voice 2



photo by Mary Hutchison

Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License




photo by Nicholas Lucien

Attribution License

BC vampire to dust.wav



I used Flickrsounds to complete this assignment. I downloaded the pictures and the audio separately and then uploaded them in Windows Movie Maker. I copied the sounds over and over to fill up the time while the picture was being displayed.

Mash-up Assignments: FlickrSounds- 2 stars


Mashup a simple slide show of cc flickr images and freesound audio.

I used Flickrsounds to complete this assignment. I downloaded the pictures and the audio separately and then uploaded them in Windows Movie Maker. I copied the sounds over and over to fill up the time while the picture was being displayed. When choosing the pictures and sounds I just used the first 5 random words that popped into my head. Picture, dog, cat, ghost, phonecall.



Mashup Assignment FlickrSounds

DS106 students do not have much time left the clock is ticking…

This started as a riff on some cogdogfoo flickrSounds for #ds106 as a way of producing comic-strips of images and sounds. It gave me an opportunity to play with the flickr and free sound APIs.

It developed into a sort of slideshow of images and sound, a couple of examples.

To create a slideshow

  1. go to flickrSounds. Put in a word to search for
  2. When the image and sound load you can see alternatives by clicking he image or waveform
  3. When you have one you like click Add to Preview
  4. Repeat with more words
  5. When you have finished click Save as AV slides
  6. This will show you your slideshow and give you a bit of html to put into your blog (you need to be on text/html rather than Visual in the blog editor.

I do not think you can use iFrames in a blog but it should work fine on a self hosted wordpress blogs.

I’ve found that sound phrases, eg, tick tock or ‘drip drip drip’ are easier to get a reasonable result from than a quote.

I use one for my 404 here.

If I was counting I’d get stars for this and for creating a tutorial;-)


Mashup a simple slide show of cc flickr images and freesound audio


This is a pretty veta webpage at the moment, it produces either a strip of images/audio or a slideshow.