For our movie mashup assignment, I decided to splice JAWS and Finding Nemo. Thanks for the idea, Mom! Looks like some other people have already done this idea, though. I didn’t copy, I swear D:

So, in NEMO, a guy and his son get into a fight, and the kid gets angry and turns into a giant homicidal shark. The father then has to search for his son to calm him down and bring him home.

And that description sucked.


Game Change and Clueless Mashup!

Lord of 300 Rings

For this I chose to combine two of my favorite scenes from both movies, I used the sound of the last scene from the movie “300″ and the visual from Lord of The Rings Return of the King. Both of these scenes are similar because they are Pre battle inspirational speeches so that why I think it works. I used real player to get the two separate clips into VideoPad then I muted the audio for the LOTR clip and added the 300 clip to the audio only level. I then clipped it to mesh better with the visual clip. I think this is a fun assignment it really lets you choose what ever you want I had a couple different ideas but most of them had already been used so it seems that I have a similar mind to past ds106ers.

Link to Assignment

Flubetheus: Rise of the Flub

When I went to the movies a while ago to see the Hunger Games (awesome btw) I saw the trailer for Prometheus for the hundredth time. It was during this particular viewing that I noticed a little green thing in the corner of one of the shots and remarked to one of my friends how it looked like flubber. This set off the spark for my movie mashup assignment.

I took most of the trailer for prometheus and inserted clips from Flubber whenever they had shots of aliens or chaos. It was simple conceptually but much harder to do once I got the project into iMovie. I wanted to keep the cuts in sync with the dramatic soundtrack and that was hard since I had edited stuff at the end first. I ended up having to detach the audio fro prometheus and shorten it a little bit just to have everything match up. Thus, the flubber music at the end.

Movie Trailer Mashup

Movie Trailer Mashup is a video assignment that involves incorporating clips from a different movie into the trailer of another movie to change the meaning or tone of the original. After some long thought I decided to do a sports themed movie. I always enjoyed watching to football film The Replacements and decided to look up the movie trailer. When I was watching it I began to think of how I could replace some of the football scenes in the trailer with something funnier. Then I remembered another football movie I used to watch as a kid, The Little Giants. So sure enough, I cut scenes from the movie about pee-wee football, and inserted them into a trailer about professional football. It actually ended up working out nicely because their uniforms are actually similar. So it kind of looks like scenes from The Replacements, just on a smaller scale:

Click here to view the embedded video.

To make this movie I used Windows Movie Maker 2.6. This is quickly becoming my favorite movie editor, as it makes cutting film clips extremely easy. The hardest part about this assignment was how to incorporate the action from The Little Giants to reflect the narrative of the movie trailer.

Movie Trailer Mashup

4 Star Assignment


This one was a ton of work. Feng warned me but I didnt believe her at first and after working on this for over an hour I believe her!! Basically for this video I got the soundtrack from LOTR and a ton of youtube videos of scenes from the movie. I then edited the videos extensively to feature some important moments throughout the trilogy to change the meaning of the movie. Instead of a quest to destroy evil LOTR is reduced to a love story between Sam and Frodo


Frodo and Sam were close in the LOTR but sometimes the way the acted together was a bit too close. I know the relationship and bond they had was strictly platonic but many  times during the film I wondered to myself if they were about to kiss.. I played upon this theme in my mashup where I edited the clips of Frodo and Sam being together.

Note: It is not like I am against homosexuals or anything of that sort. I am just playing upon the difference between what the director intended and how the filming came out. In the books and movie I believe their relationship is purely friendship but as I stated before at some points these characters were too close or something about the body language was off. These sort of mishaps are funny and I am playing upon those themes.

True Professional Grit.

Woo FINALLY put together my Movie Trailer Mashup.  I literally have been thinking all week about which movies I wanted to do; I looked at a couple trailers on youtube but nothing seemed to fit together really well. Then I was working on my Archetype project, which I used a True Grit trailer for (if you’re really curious it’s here) and I was trying to think…hmm, what other movies have a young girl going to an older guy for help avenging her family…? Ah yes, The Professional!

So here are the trailers I used-

I really had a hard time starting the editing of this project. Actually, the whole project is pretty hard to be honest. I spent a lot of time playing over the trailers, trying to decide which would be easier to use audio and which to use video. I decided on using the video from True Grit and the audio from The Professional. I ended up doing a lot of cutting and pasting, and basically rearranged the order of both the audio and the video to make it sync up better. I am a little bit irritated that the separated clips lag a little bit, I am not really sure how to fix that…anybody know how to fix that / even know what I am talking about there?? iMovie, you’ve been good to me so far, why did you have to start messing with me now?

Anyway, here it is, True Professional Grit, starring John Wayne and Natalie Portman. Sounds like a winner to me!

Toy Story 3 Horror Recut Trailer

Toy Story 3 Horror Film (Trailer Mashup)

I created a trailer mashup where I took scenes from the original trailer for Toy Story 3 and changed it to seem like it’s a horror movie. Of course the creepy piano instrumental really helped to create that effect. Some other stuff I messed with was turning the saturation down to get rid of all the bright colors that were in the original footage. I also added some noise and film grain on top. One of the things that really helped making it more horror-like was slowing down the footage – which allowed it to go with the slow piano tune. Along with slowing it down, I also sped some parts up (seen in the beginning of the trailer). I tried to match the scenes with high and low points in the tune as well to make it seem synced with the music.

BTW, if you noticed the scene shown below was in the video, however it’s a scene from the old Toy Story, not Toy Story 3, but I just had to add it in since that spider-legs doll-head toy thing used to scare shit out of me, and I’m sure most would agree it was the creepiest toy in the seires!


Assignment Link:

Driving Groovy

Continuing on a theme of tough cop genre, I made a movie mashup of Steve McQueen’s Bullitt mellowed out with the mellow sounds of Simon and Garfunkel’s 59th Street Bridge Song:

Slow down, you move too fast.
You got to make the morning last.
Just kicking down the cobble stones.
Looking for fun and feelin’ groovy.

That was the sentiment I thought of contrasting to the speed of the chase scene as well as the mostly unspokem tension between McQueen’s Bullitt character and Robert Vaughn’s slimy Chalmers.

I used MPEG ScreenClip to pull the classic car chase segment plus a few of the interchanges Bullitt and Chalmers. With not any dialogue during the chase, you have to imagine them cheerfully singing or at least toe tapping.

This was edited in iMovie, of course the hardest part trying to match music to lip movement- I did a ton of splits to pull our bits of motion. It is still really challenging to match it up cleanly. Mostly I wanted to explore the juxtaposition of the music to the action.

Driving Groovy… la la la la la la la

Movie Trailer Mashup

For this Assignment i decided to use parts of the trailer from the movie orphan and change the audio with a song from the hit Broadway musical and movie Annie! I wanted the parts of the trailer to give Annie a darker image…Annie a smart bubbly red head vs the dark and scary Esther. I think it some parts i managed to get the audio to match up to the scene pretty well…i can honestly say i tried my hardest and that in the process i learned how to do a lot more with windows live movie maker on my own. *high-five* for me.