Everyday Super Powers

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Superpower Mashup #mindreader #ds106

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For this assignment we were to mash up at least 2 photos showing a superpower that we wished we had. I chose the power to people’s minds. I found a picture of a superhero girl reading someone’s mind and mashed it with a photo of people sitting around talking. To do this, I used the app Photoshop mix and brought the photos together. I then cut the background and adjusted the photo to blend with the main photo. Using the app to mash the photos was a little difficult at first but as I played around with it and looked at the tutorials I began to understand how use some of the features. It’s still a work in progress.

If I could fly…

I would travel. I’d go everywhere I’ve ever wanted to go. I made several of this because I was so pleased with the idea. I would also be able to reach things on high shelves, and I would fly somewhere warm during the winter.

Peace Ouuuttt!!!

So this assignment was pretty fun as I was able to kind of create something that would go through my mind every single time I was stuck in Northern VA/ DC traffic while commuting.  I would ALWAYS fantasize about being able to just fly my car above all the stalled, SITTING traffic to be able avoid the horrific 2-3 hour commute -well, here I am!  For this assignment, I mashed two photos to show the superhero power I’d use during my everyday life.



I know everybody would love to have a superpower.  And if I had one it would be flying! Cause I would love to be able to travel for free honestly. I hate the cold, and I know it would be very cold up in the high sky, but I’ll be bundled up!!

For this assignment for 4 stars, I used photoshop on the UMW computers. I got two pictures off google and put them both on photoshop. I had to erase superman’s background to make it look like he’s flying above the Monroe building.


Superhero in real life?!?!

I picked the superhero in everyday life assignment from the assignment bank. It was worth 4 stars and seemed pretty easy.

I was right!!

I simply went online and found 2 pictures, a picture with a superhero flying, and traffic. I did this because if I could fly, I would use it to fly over 5 o’clock traffic.

I used a photo editor in order to create the picture. But, the one things was I couldn’t figure out how to get rid of the white around the super girl.

Check out my picture!

A Leopard on Campus!

I had to combine two or more images for this. I needed to show how my character (the Shadow Leopard) would use her power in everyday life. I chose a photo of mine of the UC and an icon of a leopard to have her walking around at night in the shadows. The fact that she is wondering campus should be worrying! Maybe Rama has visited us without our knowing!

I also happened to use the same icon that is in my character’s logo!

Can you spot her?

Superhero Mashup

For this assignment (4 stars), I decided to put my character, Kate, into a scene. I found a super hero character online and then used the “Photoshop Mix” website to cut her out. I thought that this character was a good representation of what Kate would like. I then found a picture of a raccoon stuck and scaling the side of the building. This was a previous story I worked on for Kate, so I decided to provide a visual image of it. I then placed ‘Kate’ in the image and positioned and adjusted her size to appear like she was flying to him. There was a woman in the background looking at the raccoon and I used Kate to cover her up. This image was definitely a representation of her everyday life, saving animals all over the world. I really like how the two pictures came together and I was able to use my character for this assignment.

Until next time,


My Failed attempt

There is an assignment on Ds106 where you have to create an image describing what kind of superpower  you would want if you could have one. If I was able to have a super power, I would want to have the power to make a force field around me whenever I needed to. I would be untouchable to all my enemies.

To do this assignment, you need two photos to join into one. I thought about how to do that. So I chose a picture of a bubble and placed myself in it. It didn’t come out the way I thought it would. It was a failed attempt. But I wanted to post it anyways to show that we don’t always get it right.

Superhuman In Everyday Life

This assignment was to put the superhero you would be in an everyday scenario and why you want to be them:

busy-street-nyc-2010 copy

IronWoman in a busy NYC street.

My choice of superhero would be Ironman/Tony Stark. Seen as I’m not male I’ve found a female version of his character.

Reasons I love Iron Man:

  • He’s super cool
  • He’s super rich
  • He saves the world
  • He’s extremely intelligent
  • He’s got some super cool tech stuff that is beyond your imagination.

So why I’d want to be Ironwoman in NYC…

I love NYC and being able to fly over it would be amazing just to see it from the sky and not even just from the sky all the time, I could weave in and out of blocks at a low-level and take in all the detail. The other thing with flying is that I could avoid all the rush hour traffic or just generally seen as new york tends to always be that way.

I could also afford a lovely apartment in NYC with all my wealth, I’d be very popular and well known by the locals and all the technology; I could be super lazy and get it to do everything for me.

How I created this:

  • Like my other Photoshop work its pretty simple.
  • Taking the character and using quick select to only select the character and not the backgrund and then using the mouse select to drag it over to the street image.
  • From here i used transform to resize and move the character into position on the street image.

Superhuman In Everyday Life

For this assignment, I took what’s it like for a superhuman football athlete to train.