Childbook Mashup Assignment

For my Digital Media 1 class, we were required to replicate a children’s book and put a pop culture twist on it. I altered the assignment a little by putting an inside joke in it. My friend has a Toyota Supra, and I think it is one of the coolest cars around. So I decided to alter the famous Dr. Seuss book, “One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish,” but instead of fish, I chose Supras. Enjoy!!!Dr. Supra

The Grumpy Cat In The Hat

The Grumpy Cat In The Hat

Grumpy Cat invades your childhood! I re-did The Cat In The Hat’s book cover in Illustrator by placing the well known Grumpy Cat’s face on it, and changing the title.

The Chronicles of Oz

DS106 Assignment:

Mashup a children’s book based on another cultural artifact. For example, framing Dr. Who as a children’s book in the aesthetic of a Dr. Suess’s work. See example from College Humor here:

My Response: The Chronicles of Oz

Wardrobe Oz

Smokey the Bears

Mashedup Children’s Book

“Mashup a children’s book based on another cultural artifact.”

I decided to mash the Bearenstain Bears with Smokey the Bear in a children’s book cover:

I made this remix by finding a picture of the Bearenstain Bears on google (which I referanced above) uploading it in Picasa, editing it with the Picnik software in Picasa to create the flames and fire hose and then adding the text with the Picasa editor.

When I saw this assignment in the assignment bank I liked the examples on the college humor websiteĀ but had trouble thinking of a childrens book and cultural artifact to mash up myself.. so I googled children’s books and tried to think of well known figures I could relate them to. This is what I came up with! It turned out better then I expected it to, my computer is not the most cooperative drawing with paint.

I think this would actually become a good children’s book if someone wanted to write it. The Bearenstain (Smokey) Bears could be like the town firefighters teaching people about fire prevention!

Where are the wild things?

In this assignment we were required to remix a children’s book, using another cultural artifact. The book I choose was Maurice Sendak’s Where the Wild Things Are, and I used the culture of partying to illustrate a double meaning to the word wild.

In creating this piece I took the original book cover and created multiple layer above it adding props such as hats, cups, and fire. Then using the curves tool, adjusted the lighting so that it looked somewhat natural.

Bill & Steveā€™s Bogus Journey (Childbook mashup)


Design a Mashed Up Children’s Book in the style of thisĀ College Humor example.Ā For your final piece, create a JPG image no less than 500 pixels in any dimension. Post to your blog, and submit the URL to this assignment. Be sure to use theĀ DS106 assignment tagsĀ so it will show up on their website.


Jeffā€™s Childbook Mashup Assignment

I had a lot of fun creating this book. I’m already wanting to make another!

Mashedup Childrenā€™s Book ā€“ BS

For this assignment, we were to mash up a children’s book cover with another cultural artifact. I chose to use “Curious George” since I remember reading them when I was a kid, and the internet in general. Just like George, all of us are curious to find new information. The internet allows us to do that. I think this image I made represents that concept well.

Make sure to leave a comment of what you think and a link if you did one as well. I’d love to see them.

Childrenā€™s Book ~Cyberinfrastructure~

Assignment: For my second DS106 assignment I was required to choose a section that I never done it before?Therefore I choose the “mashup assignment” because I found the perfect assignment to use?It is called Mashup Children’s BookĀ 


Mashup a children’s book based on another cultural artifact. For example, framing Dr. Who as a children’s book in the aesthetic of a Dr. Suess’s work. See example from College Humor here:

I decided to do this assignment as in the SOS section is mainly about our society’s future with technology?I did not wanted to change the topic so I decided to do something related with this section?And my target here are children?This is another reason why I choose the mashup of children’s book?I wanted to give the readers the idea of this assignment for me?


Google ImageĀ 


Cut and put together two pictures

Add the comic effect to the picture


I am going to write about the relation between the picture I made mashing up these two pictures and the article called Personal InfrastructureĀ 


I tried to depict the future of kids as have the control over technology?By control I mean that people will know what is the technology about?They will make use of it as effectively as possible Ā and will become an expert on it?However to be able to do that oneself need to work on it building its own cyberinfrastructure?The article written by Garden Campbell tell us this?Building a personal cyberinfrastructure is not easy?Campbell claimed that revolution in teaching and learning is happening and will continue to happened?For my understanding?more class online will be a great example for this and this revolution cannot be happened if each person does not build its own cyberinfrastructure?To do something you have to be able to understand it well-deeply and thoughtfully?Campbell requires students to have a technical skills and engage in works that contains social networking?knowledge management and more?What I think is important in this?is that understanding technology and dominate it is far from what I thought it will be?My purpose of using the Internet was to listening music?watch videos?social networking and those kinds of entertainments?However?I realized that I do not even know the half of what is technology all about?To be able to understanding I have to actually?get involve in it and experience it?What can you depict from the future above? It can be many interpretations?As I mentioned it depicts the future of kids nowadays?Also it shows how in the future people will get more into the technology and eventually will try to dominate it?Another interpretation that I have not mention it yet?its that it can depict the future of a professional with technology?To be more clear?no matter what profession you are engage in?technology will be always there?Just like I learned about the DS106 there is more to learn and more things to discover?Most of us have access to this technology but our understanding is limited?