Develop your own song utilizing the two songs from separate genres. This assignment will be complete using Audacity or a similar audio editing software. An example of a remix would be the utilization a classical song and a pop song in your remix.
Develop your own song utilizing the two songs from separate genres. This assignment will be complete using Audacity or a similar audio editing software. An example of a remix would be the utilization a classical song and a pop song in your remix.
I created this assignment, for the Mash Up section. I would say this assignment is worth 3-4 stars. Go through all your DS106 videos and create a blooper reel!
I went through the old unedited videos I had, and I had tons of mishaps and taken out parts. I put them all together and got this awesome final product…
This Assignment really ment a lot to me. It was a reminder of all the fun I had during DS106, and was very funny to watch. I love bloopers from films that I watch, so I figured why wouldn’t I have bloopers myself?!