I didn’t have any good pictures of myself lying around, and didn’t want to do an obvious selfy, classy as they may be. So I dug around for a good picture from the greatest film of all time, American Beauty. There were many to choose from, but I finally settled on one of Janie and Angela smoking. It had a pseudo-edginess to it that I liked.
You can totally tell that they are scorning someone (in this case Ricky) and trying to be badasses at the same time. Because, you know, smoking always makes you a badass. Never mind the smell, the hacking cough, the emphysema and cancer. These are two cool chicks.
I then followed Melissa Evans’ tutorial on Warholifying your photos. It was tricky. I had to make a few changes to it – more out of annoyance with extra steps or steps that for whatever reason wouldn’t work for me. And in the Load Selection/painting/setting as a Screen somehow happened differently for the first set. I have no idea what happened, because I didn’t have to set the picture as a Screen but it still magically worked. And then I couldn’t reproduce whatever I had done for the other layers, and had to parse through her directions. Which were extremely clear, once I actually read them. And voilà! A Warhol version of Janie and Angela smoking!