Vine It! ds106 Sunday

I have been watching vines for some time now, but I have never had the app. Some the vines can be drop dead hilarious, whilst others are far from anything clever. Making a vine is actually simple especially if you are from my generation you will be able to catch on quickly. When I saw this assignment I had to try it for myself. Why not become part of something you enjoy, right? The assignment calls to record your day through ds106. So, I decided to record my ds106 Sunday to walk you through my day from eating breakfast, to lunch, and completing some awesome ds106 assignments.

The first thing I did this morning as soon I as woke up was went to the kitchen made my coffee and started making some delicious ass french toast. Considering most of my day would consist of doing ds106 work I needed the extra calories. As I started to edit some of the video I was working on and as the day past I once again became hungry. So I made some spicy chicken with some Frank’s Red Hot Sauce, which turned into a delicious meal and continued working. Refueled and ready to go and after some major software malfunctions I am still kicking right through it. Without further adieu here is my first attempt at a vine, enjoy:

I think after doing this assignment I will be more prompted to participate in vining (if that’s a word). Six seconds is not a lot of time to be creative, but I think that is what is so challenging about Vine. Some people really push themselves to be creative in that short period and have a lot of success. Maybe me doing this assignment will prompt you to go check out the cool free app and see what other viners (don’t know if that’s a word either) are up to today!

Video Assignment #1: Vine it!


This was a tricky assignment. With only six seconds of video, it doesn’t leave a whole lot of time for creativity. But in my opinion, I managed ok! This Vine video is a very accurate depiction of my daily life. I have spent the majority of the past few years being a student and a waitress at Home Team Grill right next to UMW. Although serving has been a great experience (most of the time!), I am excited to move on to the next stage of my life!

I found Vine very easy and accessible to use. Once I had downloaded the app, it took me through a complete tutorial on how you properly use it! It was very manageable and I had a lot of fun experimenting with different combinations of clips. It was hard to chose the shot because I could only include a few, but I knew I had to have a cup of steaming coffee in there. Coffee has become my lifeblood since taking on summer classes and remaining a part time waitress at HTG.

This Vine video assignment also sparked an idea within me. I really want to put together a video of my fellow servers imitating their most annoying customer requests and complaints. I think it would be really funny for people to see the ridiculous things some people ask. It might even shock you!

Some Bikes, a Pool, Monopoly, and One Very Angry Cat

For my second video assignment I decided to create my very first Vine! Everyone is always taking about the app, so I decided to give it a try! This is a Vine of me babysitting. I have known these boys for about 8 years, and I love hanging out with them! I hope you like it!

All I had to do for this assignment was download the app onto my phone! It then gives a step by step demonstration of how to create a video (basically you just hold down the screen when there is something you want to shoot).

The one draw back of this Vine was the battle scars I got from the very last shot. They have kind of faded over night, but that cat was vicious.

My new friend! Thanks Westin Hotels.

For this two week segment you should complete two more ds106 video assignments, each should be posted to your blog, appropriately tagged and categorized. All videos should have an opening and closing title/credits sequence.

For the second assignment I was looking around the possible items and came across the one that requires you to use Vine. This really sparked my interest since Vine has made a huge splash in the video space with just 6 seconds of footage. People are no longer going to their desktops to create video they are doing it right on their phones. Now I have never done Vine and this was a good excuse to practice. I had no idea it was so hard! You can’t dub in the music so you have to do that at the same time. So I had to go through my shot sequence with thinking where I would put my laptop to play the music. Since I am in a hotel this week and they did a towel animal it was too cute not to use. I came up with a story that he is my new friend and he spends the day with me while I work. He loves popcorn so I give him some at the end to say thanks. I had to do this a few times because the towel animal would fall apart as I moved him, or the song wouldn’t go so well, or the shot was dumb when I played it back. You are able to touch the screen and release to move to the next scene but that is it. No editing after or anything so you have to start over. Not sure how these folks do it with so many vines online.

Here you go! My first Vine and the future of video creation on your phone. (Make sure you click the speaker icon in upper left to turn on sound)

Screen shot of the Vine App:

screen shot of Vine app recording

screen shot of Vine app recording

The source file for the song is

Also this does make me want to try another one at Christmas with my nieces and nephews. They are such hams!

Vine it!

I know you probably have a smart phone so take advantage of your apps! There’s a new(ish) app out there called Vine, it’s super cool and I love watching super cool Vines (not super crappy ones!) Show DS106 what you did today! Show us what you ate for lunch, show us what you did when you woke up, show us what you did while you were making another DS106 assignment (hey 2 birds one stone!) get creative! It’s only a 6 second video!