Generously Signing

Signing Words- 4 Stars

Assignment Prompt:

This assignment requires you to take a video of yourself or someone else and finger spell a word or a phrase in Sign Language alphabet and let others guess what you have spelled. Make sure you do a word that is bigger then 5 letters so you can learn some of the letters.

So I think sign language is very cool and have always wanted to learn it. I thought this might be a great way to start the process!

The Work Itself

The Story Behind the Story

I know quite a few friends that are learning sign language and I always think it’s so cool when I watch them communicate together. In fact, two of them want to become teachers for deaf children and are currently teacher assignments at a school for the deaf. Sign language is quite fascinating when you really think about. When you typically think of a language, you think of words, not movement of our hands. I am sure before sign language was invented, it must have been quite difficult for deaf people to communicate. However, with so many advances in technology, deafness could be a potential issue of the past. The technology will become more and more affordable so more people may choose to opt for hearing. Signing is a beautiful language and I wish I knew it myself.

I chose the word “magnanimous” to spell out in sign because 1) it’s a long word, 2) it is fun to spell out and 3) I like the meaning of it. The definition of  magnanimous is “very generous or forgiving, especially toward a rival or someone less powerful than oneself.” It is always important to generous as well as forgiving. So please keep that in mind when you watch my video. Please forgive my awful signing skills.

Narrating the Process

In order to make this video I first had to pick a word. I wanted to pick something a little more complicated, but a word that most people have probably heard before. So I chose the word “magnanimous,”  which I am sure you knew when you watched my signing video. Then I wanted to find a website that had individual pictures of each signing letter. Well I found a website and copied and pasted the letters I needed in the order that I needed them into a Word Document, as you can see below. I wanted this so I could have a visual on the screen as I signed, just in case I forgot which letter was which. Screenshot (43)

Next I made the video using my webcam on the computer. Once I was happy with a recording, I proceeded to upload it to Windows Movie Maker in order to make some edits. I added music using Free Music Archive and I added a caption in order to explain my completely insane looking eyes in the video. You can see all this in the screenshots below.

Screenshot (45) Screenshot (46)

After all of the editing was done, I just needed to save it as a .mp4 file then upload it to YouTube.

Signing Words


Another video that I decided to create for this week is Signing Words which is worth 3.5 stars.  I choose this assignment because I think that it is important for us to understand at least the basic of sign communication and to raise awareness about the difficulties that deaf and mute people go through life. While I was doing this assignment I got a sign alphabet in one of my windows for reference and I did trials before recording. However, it came up choppy because I am not use to do it. I do not know how people can carry on a whole conversation just using signs. In one of high school classes there was a deaf girl, she could not hear , she did talk but it was difficult to understand her at the beginning but I got used to listening to her and to talk slow so she could read my lips. I wish I was mature enough at that time to take a little bit of my time to try to learn how to use language sign with her.

I used YouTube video recorder and I choose one of their music track to add music to the video. The music makes me remember to the cartoon music when a character was doing something that he could not do right or something goofy. I choose it because I was sloppy in the sign language but I do not mean to offend anyone. I just felt clumsy trying to said Hi ds106 my name is Melissa!…

Video Assignments: Signing Words

“This assignment requires you to take a video of yourself or someone else and finger spell a word or a phrase in Sign Language alphabet and let others guess what you have spelled. Make sure you do a word that is bigger then 5 letters so you can learn some of the letters.” I am currently taking Sign Language so this assignment instantly caught my eye! In this video, I am signing “My name is ______.” I finger spell my first name. I’ll go a little slow so beginners can follow. I love ASL and I also had fun making this video. I also used Windows Movie Maker. It took a long time (about an hour) trying to figure out how to save my project in a .mp4 format. It was frustrating but it’s finally uploaded to my blog.

ASL Alphabet “Can you guess what I love?” – DS106 Video

For the “Signing Words” assignment, I was asked to create a video signing a word or phrase to see if you can guess what it is I am saying using the American Sign Language Alphabet. My video is below:

Can you guess it? Use the sign language alphabet to help!

I decided to do this video assignment mainly because I’ve always wanted to learn sign language. I know the alphabet pretty well but I’d love to be able to communicate in full sentences using ASL one day. Another reason is because of the youtube video of a woman using ASL to translate Eminem’s song “Lose Yourself”.

I used iMovie to shoot this video and used a few tricks like green screen, transitions, and title pages to help me along. I also downloaded royalty free music from a website called Incompetech to add to the video. Enjoy!

Tagged: #cudenver15, #ds106, #VideoAssignments, #VideoAssignments1737

Signing Words

This assignment requires you to take a video of yourself or someone else and finger spell a word or a phrase in Sign Language alphabet and let others guess what you have spelled. Make sure you do a word that is bigger then 5 letters so you can learn some of the letters.

Created Assignment: Signing Words

This assignment requires you to take a video of yourself or someone else and finger spell a word or a phrase using American Sign Language (ASL). First, you need to learn how to finger spell the word in sign language.

Click on the picture if you want to learn more.


Additionally, if you really are interested in learning ASL, here is a free website where you can learn how to sign.

Here is a video  of me signing my name.


This assignment was inspired by my girlfriend because I know that she wants to learn sign language and learn more about the Deaf community. She also shared this link with me, which includes ASL music videos.

Also, this video is my girlfriend’s favorite because this is the first ASL music video she ever saw in high school and she loved it.