10 Tips from Amy

Warning: this is a joke LOL.

This assignment seemed easy at first, until I started realizing I have no tips to give anyone lol. So I kind of just thought of random things.

I again used iMovie, and a free music website to download music for it. And just sort of used the standard features that are in iMovie to edit everything. I wouldn’t be offended if someone said a 5 year old could’ve made this, but honestly iMovie is so hard to work and my computer hates it.

This assignment was 2 and a half stars

How to be a Healthier you

In this assignment, I believe it stated to give tips on anything you want to. So, I decided I would take the tips that my mom has taught me while I was growing up. To this day, I still follow these tips that she has taught me. I mean these tips may not be for everyone, but if you would like to hear them, please take a peak at my video and let me know if there are any tips that you practice or anything!

10 tips

10 tips…so many different options to do. What do you have 10 tips on? You could inform me on tips when going to the movie theatre, tips to get through quarentine, tips to get through school, ds106….hehe. Anything you want! What are you an expert in?